Deep Gossip
Henry Abelove,文學評論家、精明的歷史學家,以及酷兒研究的先驅,提供關於政治、文化和性的聯繫跨學科觀點。 Deep Gossip解決了弗洛伊德對美國精神分析學家對同性戀看法的故意誤讀;在英格蘭十八世紀重新考慮性行為;評估Thoreau's Walden湖的當代意義,特別是同性戀政治;並追溯了對以往女同性戀和同性戀歷史方法奇怪批評的出現。 Abelove揭示了美國研究作為學術學科的起源,並評估了文學的影響 - 特別是James Baldwin,Elizabeth Bishop,保Paul Bowles和Ned Rorem等作家在20世紀70年代,同性戀解放運動中發現的同性戀情色。
Henry Abelove, literary critic, astute historian, and pioneer in queer studies, offers interdisciplinary views on the connections between politics, culture, and sexuality. Deep Gossip addresses the willful misreading of Freud's views on homosexuality among American psychoanalysts; reconsiders sexual practice during England's eighteenth century; assesses the contemporary relevance of Thoreau's Walden, particularly to queer politics; and traces the emergence of a queer critique of previous approaches to lesbian and gay history. Abelove uncovers the origins of American studies as a scholarly discipline and evaluates the impact of literature - specifically the same-sex eroticism found in works by such writers as James Baldwin, Elizabeth Bishop, Paul Bowles, and Ned Rorem - on the gay liberation movement of the 1970s.
Henry Abelove (Autor)
Publisher:Stanford University Press
ISBN: 978-0816638260
原價 US 25.95 台幣價 NT$930