目前分類:政治社會學 (31)

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Stating the Sacred Religion, China, and the Formation of the Nation-State.png

Stating the Sacred : Religion, China, and the Formation of the Nation-State


中國憲法明確將其主權領域稱為“神聖領土”。為什麼一個俗稱的世俗國家提出這樣的主張,這對宗教與民族國家之間的關係有何啟示? 《聚焦神聖》主要論述中國問題,為民族國家的形成提供了一種新穎的方法,認為其最關鍵的要素是國家如何實現民族的神聖化。




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The Political Economy of Resource Regulation An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015.png

The Political Economy of Resource Regulation : An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015



Industrialist John Paul Getty famously quipped, “The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights.” Throughout history, natural resources have been sources of wealth and power and catalysts for war and peace. The case studies gathered in this innovative volume examine how the intersection of ideas, interest groups, international institutions, and political systems gave birth to distinctive regulatory regimes at various times and places in the modern world. Spanning seven continents and focusing on both advanced and developing economies, it offers unique insights into why some resource-rich countries have flourished while others have been mired in poverty and corruption.

Andreas R.D. Sanders (Editor) 


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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration (The Politically Incorrect Guides).png

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration



在《政治上不正確的移民指南》中,作者約翰·茲米拉克(John Zmirak)和阿爾·佩羅塔(Al Perrotta)揭穿了左派在這個複雜政策問題上最具欺騙性的神話,並揭示了對我們國家未來的巨大影響。



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Gift Exchange The Transnational History of a Political Idea.png

Gift Exchange : The Transnational History of a Political Idea


自從馬塞爾·莫斯(Marcel Mauss)在1925年發表他的基礎論文《禮物》以來,許多人類學和國際關係專家就已經在禮物、債務、貸款,特許權或賠償的交換中看到了國際團結和國際法的淵源。儘管如此,莫斯的思考還是與兩次世界大戰期間歐洲和法國殖民擴張的背景息息相關。在非殖民化時代之後,他們的規範性受到了深刻的質疑。


Since Marcel Mauss published his foundational essay The Gift in 1925, many anthropologists and specialists of international relations have seen in the exchange of gifts, debts, loans, concessions or reparations the sources of international solidarity and international law. Still, Mauss's reflections were deeply tied to the context of interwar Europe and the French colonial expansion. Their normative dimension has been profoundly questioned after the age of decolonization.

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The Time Of Our Lives


Brokaw匯集了美國人的鼓舞人心的故事,他們正在創造自己的家族歷史和個人故事,讓我們參與有關我們國家的談話。分享我們如何振興美國夢的承諾想法。邀請我們促進家庭,社區和公民參與的重生,就像幫助贏得第二次世界大戰,建立戰後繁榮,並迎來民權時代。Brokaw追溯現代生活中令人激動的,令人不安的變化 , 在價值觀、教育、公共服務、住房、互聯網等方面,自他養老的節儉時代以來幾十年,這些社會已經改變。在提供來自社區變革推動者的美國人的想法時,Brokaw給了我們一種充滿希望的營養願景。

Rooted in the values, lessons, and verities of generations past and of his South Dakota upbringing, Brokaw weaves together inspiring stories of Americans who are making a difference and personal stories from his own family history, to engage us in a conversation about our country and to share ideas for how we can revitalize the promise of the American Dream. Inviting us to foster a rebirth of family, community, and civic engagement as profound as the one that helped win World War II, built our postwar prosperity, and ushered in the Civil Rights era, Brokaw traces the exciting, unnerving changes in modern life—in values, education, public service, housing, the Internet, and more—that have transformed our society in the decades since the age of thrift in which he was raised. In offering ideas from Americans who are change agents in their communities, Brokaw gives us a nourishing vision of hopefulness in an age of diminished expectations.

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Critique of Forms of Life


Rahel Jaeggi認為,批評不僅有效,而且有用。道德判斷不是錯誤;錯誤在於我們如何評判。

判斷的一種方式是外在的,基於來自關於上帝或人性的觀念的普遍標準。另一個是內部的,依賴於特定社會特有的標準。這兩種方法都有嚴重的缺陷和批評。在生命形式的批判中,Jaeggi提供了第三種方式,她稱之為“內在的”批判。受黑格爾社會哲學的啟發,並與約翰·杜威,邁克爾·沃爾澤和阿拉斯戴爾·麥金太爾等英美理論家合作,內在的批判始於認識到生活方式具有內在的規範性,它們也有一個共同的目標:解決基本的社會問題和推進社會產品,其中大多數是跨文化共同的。 Jaeggi認為,我們可以通過評估社會如何適應危機來判斷社會道德主張的有效性 - 它是否能夠克服內部產生的矛盾並繼續實現其目的。



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Giorgio Agamben Beyond the Threshold of Deconstruction (Commonalities).png

Giorgio Agamben : Beyond the Threshold of Deconstruction


本書首先考察了Agamben的關鍵概念 - 嬰儿期,聲音,潛力 - 從20世紀60年代到大約1990年的發展,並展示了這些概念如何一致地利用和回應德里達的具體文本和概念。



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What Animals Teach Us about Politics


在“什麼動物教我們關於政治”中,布萊恩·馬蘇米接受了“動物”的問題。通過將人類視為動物,他發展了一種動物政治概念。他不是動物的人類政治,而是整體的動物政治,擺脫了對“原始”自然狀態的內涵以及對本能滲透現代思想的伴隨預設。 Massumi將進化生物學,動物行為和哲學概念(如游戲,同情和創造力)中的主導潮流邊緣化的概念整合到自然概念中。當他這樣做時,他的探究必然會擴大,不僅包括動物行為,還包括動物思想及其與人類動物聲稱壟斷的能力的距離或接近程度:語言和反身意識。對於Massumi來說,人類和動物存在於連續體中。理解連續統一體,同時考慮差異,需要一種新的“相互包容”邏輯。 Massumi在思想家的工作中找到了這種邏輯的概念資源,包括Gregory Bateson,Henri Bergson,Gilbert Simondon和Raymond Ruyer。這本簡明的書介紹了德勒茲研究,後人類學和動物研究,以及影響理論、美學、具體認知、政治理論,過程哲學,遊戲理論和阿爾弗雷德北思想等廣泛研究領域。

In What Animals Teach Us about Politics, Brian Massumi takes up the question of "the animal." By treating the human as animal, he develops a concept of an animal politics. His is not a human politics of the animal, but an integrally animal politics, freed from connotations of the "primitive" state of nature and the accompanying presuppositions about instinct permeating modern thought. Massumi integrates notions marginalized by the dominant currents in evolutionary biology, animal behavior, and philosophy—notions such as play, sympathy, and creativity—into the concept of nature. As he does so, his inquiry necessarily expands, encompassing not only animal behavior but also animal thought and its distance from, or proximity to, those capacities over which human animals claim a monopoly: language and reflexive consciousness. For Massumi, humans and animals exist on a continuum. Understanding that continuum, while accounting for difference, requires a new logic of "mutual inclusion." Massumi finds the conceptual resources for this logic in the work of thinkers including Gregory Bateson, Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon, and Raymond Ruyer. This concise book intervenes in Deleuze studies, posthumanism, and animal studies, as well as areas of study as wide-ranging as affect theory, aesthetics, embodied cognition, political theory, process philosophy, the theory of play, and the thought of Alfred North Whitehead.

Brian Massumi(Autor) 


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Decolonizing Nature Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology.png

Decolonizing Nature - Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology


雖然生態學在藝術史中幾乎沒有得到系統性的關注,但其可見性和重要性隨著氣候變化和環境破壞的威脅而增長。透過讓藝術家廣泛的審美和政治參與與全球的環境條件和過程相結合,並在全球南方和北方的非殖民化自然中尋找前沿的理論,政治和文化發展,為藝術史的交叉領域提供了重要的原創性貢獻。 生態學、視覺文化、地理和環境政治。藝術史學家TJ Demos,回歸後殖民時代的作者:當代藝術中的殖民主義精神(2013),考慮藝術家和活動家的創造性建議,將生態可持續性,氣候正義和激進民主的生活方式融合在一起何時迫切需要這樣的創意提案。

While ecology has received little systematic attention within art history, its visibility and significance has grown in relation to the threats of climate change and environmental destruction. By engaging artists widespread aesthetic and political engagement with environmental conditions and processes around the globe and looking at cutting-edge theoretical, political, and cultural developments in the Global South and North Decolonizing Nature offers a significant, original contribution to the intersecting fields of art history, ecology, visual culture, geography, and environmental politics. Art historian T. J. Demos, author of Return to the Postcolony: Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art (2013), considers the creative proposals of artists and activists for ways of life that bring together ecological sustainability, climate justice, and radical democracy, at a time when such creative proposals are urgently needed.

 T. J. Demos(Autor) 


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Cheated Not Poisoned Food Regulation in the United Kingdom 1875-1938.png

Cheated Not Poisoned? : Food Regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938



Newly available in paperback, this book provides the first comprehensive evaluation of Britain's food laws from the 1860s to the 1930s and the first analysis of the Victorian anti-adulteration legislation for over 25 years. The book brings important historical perspectives to the pressing contemporary debate about food safety and the most appropriate forms of regulation by indicating that government policy has historically been shaped by competing business and consumer-protectionist pressures. The book will interest teachers, students and general readers concerned with British history and economic and social history, and appeal to specialists in the fields of business history, regulation and food, medicine and nutrition.

 Michael French(Autor) 


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The Size of Nations (The MIT Press).png

The Size of Nations


這本及時和具有挑釁性的書,作者使用經濟分析工具來檢驗政治邊界的形成和變化。他們認為,雖然這些問題一直是歷史分析的核心,但國際經濟學家傾向於將一個國家的規模視為“外生的”,或者不再比山脈的位置或河。 Alesina和Spolaore認為一個國家的邊界要與其他任何人造機構進行相同的分析。

在“國家規模”中,他們認為一個國家的最佳規模取決於規模收益與異質性之間的成本 - 收益權衡。在一個大國,人均成本可能很低,但是大量人口的異質偏好使得難以提供服務和製定政策。較小的國家可能會發現以民主方式更容易回應公民的偏好。

Alesina和Spolaore用簡單的分析模型證實了他們的分析,這些模型顯示了過去兩百年的全球化、國際衝突和民主化模式如何能夠解釋國家形成。他們的目標不僅是“規範性的”而且是“積極的” - 這不僅是為了在理論上計算一個國家的最佳規模,而且也是為了解釋現實中的國家規模現象。他們認為,現實世界條件的複雜性並不排除系統分析,這種分析,綜合經濟學、政治科學和歷史,可以幫助我們理解現實世界的事件。


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Colonial Legacies Economic and Social Development in East and Southeast Asia.png

Colonial Legacies : Economic and Social Development in East and Southeast Asia


眾所周知,台灣和韓國這兩個前日本殖民地在1960年後快速增長和工業化。前歐洲和美國殖民地(馬來西亞、新加坡、緬甸、越南、老撾、柬埔寨、印度尼西亞和菲律賓)的表現不那麼令人印象深刻。一些學者將這種差異歸因於日本殖民地更好的基礎設施和更多的受教育機會。安妮·布斯(Anne Booth)在二十世紀初至二十世紀六十年代東亞和東南亞經濟發展雄心勃勃的比較研究中,對這些論點進行了檢驗和批評。


Colonial Legacies清晰而易讀,為複雜的歷史現實提供平衡而優雅的細微探索。它將對東亞和東南亞現代經濟史的學術研究做出持久的貢獻,並對那些關注發展動態和殖​​民政權歷史的人特別感興趣。


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Linguistic Engineering Language and Politics in Mao%5Cs China.png

Linguistic Engineering : Language and Politics in Mao's China



在介紹性章節中,Ji博士通過研究語言與思想之間的關係來評估語言工程的潛力。在隨後的章節中,她追溯了中國語言工程的起源,描述了它在共產黨統治初期的發展,然後詳細探討了1966 - 1976年文化大革命期間前所未有的語言操縱。在此過程中,她分析了與土地改革、階級鬥爭、人際關係、大躍進、毛澤東崇拜、紅衛兵激進主義、革命暴力、公共批評會議、模範革命歌劇和外語相關的語言工程形式。她還在文化大革命的早期階段重新解釋了毛澤東的戰略,展示了他如何操縱解經原則和判斷背景來“框架”他所謂的對手。最後評估了語言工程的成敗,並說明了中國共產黨在毛澤東去世後如何放鬆對語言的控制。

When Mao and the Chinese Communist Party won power in 1949, they were determined to create new, revolutionary human beings. Their most precise instrument of ideological transformation was a massive program of linguistic engineering. They taught everyone a new political vocabulary, gave old words new meanings, converted traditional terms to revolutionary purposes, suppressed words that expressed "incorrect" thought, and required the whole population to recite slogans, stock phrases, and scripts that gave "correct" linguistic form to "correct" thought. They assumed that constant repetition would cause the revolutionary formulae to penetrate people's minds, engendering revolutionary beliefs and values.


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Religion and State The Muslim Approach to Politics.png

Religion and State : The Muslim Approach to Politics


如果西方人知道一個單一的伊斯蘭教術語,那麼它很可能就是聖戰,阿拉伯語為“聖戰”。伊斯蘭教作為一種內在侵略和仇外宗教的形像在西方長期盛行,有時可能被時事證實。 L.Carl Brown以對伊斯蘭教早世紀至今的穆斯林世界中宗教和政治生活之間關係的迷人歷史概述,挑戰了這一傳統智慧。

在伊斯蘭教中,宗教與政治之間沒有分離。通過將這一說法置於廣泛的歷史背景下,本書揭示了現代伊斯蘭政治思想與現代伊斯蘭政治思想之間的連續性以及現代穆斯林經驗的獨特層面。Carl Brown表明,“他們正在混淆神學和歷史,他們混淆了這個問題,”他寫道。正如歷史記錄所顯示的,現代主流的穆斯林政治思想傾向於政治平靜主義。

Carl Brown堅持認為,我們可以透過接受其歷史多樣性的現實來更好地理解穆斯林當代政治,同時尋求穆斯林思想和行動中可能與眾不同的東西。為了闡明伊斯蘭教與政治相關的顯著特徵,Carl Brown將這個宗教與其兩個閃族姐妹猶太教和基督教進行比較,在宗教改革時期將伊斯蘭教與基督教之間進行了驚人的比較。憑藉豐富的證據,他重現了猶太教和基督教的豐富伊斯蘭多樣性傳統。


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The Political Classics Green to Dworkin.png




Providing a lively and informed introduction to the last hundred years of political thinking--from T.H. Green's lectures to Ronald Dworkin's Taking Rights Seriously--the third volume in the successful Political Classics series has been designed to enable all students of political ideas to gain a fuller appreciation of the great works which form the foundation of the subject. Besides giving a full analysis of the contents of each text, this book also highlights what makes the texts of central importance to an understanding of political philosophy. The twelve chapters concentrate on the ideas contained in the texts, rather than on the lives of their writers, and each chapter is supplemented with useful suggestions for further reading.

  Murray Forsyth (Editor)  (Autor)


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Matters of Opinion Talking About Public Issues (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics).png

Matters of Opinion : Talking About Public Issues


它們如何產生效果? Greg Myers在分析焦點小組的對話、電話和廣播公眾的採訪基礎上,認為我們必須回到這些遭遇中,提出諸如公眾認為他們被問到的問題,他們正在說話及他們在和誰說話?

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Carl Schmitt: Aufstieg und Fall



世界上最rezipierte德國思想家的基本傳記。一隻“白色的烏鴉” - 這就是Carl Schmitt喜歡看到自己的方式。從一個不起眼的背景下醞釀他輝煌的技巧,正如他在他的著作拆卸法的自由主義規則中憲法門面和探索專政的合法性。



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Secularism and Religion in Jewish-Israeli Politics Traditionists and Modernity (Israeli History, Politics and Society).png

Secularism and Religion in Jewish-Israeli Politics



作者重點關注了三分之一以上猶太人和以色列人的“傳統主義者”(masortim),研究了以色列的宗教,傳統和世俗主義問題,為世俗化論題的理論提供了新的途徑和現代性,並探索這種身份更廣泛的影響。亞德加的結論具有重要的社會,文化和政治意義,不僅是對猶太 - 以色列身份學術話語的新貢獻,而且也是聽取以色列政治中心問題傳統立場的平台。

本書詳細研究了一個重要的猶太 - 以色列身份建構,不僅與以色列的猶太身份研究有關,而且與宗教、傳統、現代性和世俗化等更廣泛的社會理論問題有關。這本書將對以色列社會的學生以及任何正在研究猶太人身份,以色列民族主義和種族,以色列宗教和政治問題以及以色列社會問題的任何人感興趣。


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Strangers in Our Midst : The Political Philosophy of Immigration



大衛·米勒(David Miller)捍衛民主國家控制邊界的權利,決定未來人口的規模,形態和文化構成。他把移民問題作為一個政治哲學問題重新提出來,他問道一個國家的民主如何能夠與國外的人民的權利相和諧。正義的移民政策必須將難民與經濟移民區分開來,並確定這兩類移民一旦獲得移民的權利。



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The Power of Position Beijing University, Intellectuals, and Chinese Political Culture, 1898-1929 (Berkeley Series in Interdisciplinary Studies of China).png

The Power of Position: Beijing University, Intellectuals, and Chinese Political Culture, 1898-1929 (Berkeley Series in Interdisciplinary Studies of China)


整個二十世紀,北大(北大)一直處於中國最大的政治和文化動亂的中心 - 從1919年的五四運動到六十年代的文化大革命,到1989年的天安門廣場的悲慘事件。北大的歷史重要性如何超越單純的高等學府 - 是本書的核心問題。在過去的幾十年裡,知識分子和政治文化的研究,“立場的力量”是關注中國歷史最悠久,最著名的國立大學---北大。

基於安德魯J.霍夫曼受到皮尤全球氣候變化研究蒂莫西·B·韋斯頓(Timothy B. Weston)把大學描繪成知識分子用來增加社會影響力的關鍵所在。韋斯頓分析了知識分子的政治和文化承諾與其具體生活方式之間的聯繫。



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