Racial Castration : Managing Masculinity in Asian America
種族閹割是第一本匯集亞裔美國研究和精神分析理論領域的書,它探討了性別在種族形成中的作用以及種族在性別認同中的地位。 David L. Eng審視圖像 - 文學,視覺和電影 - 它們將過去以及當代對亞裔美國男性的看法視為閹割,同性戀或同性戀。
Eng將弗洛伊德,拉康和法農的主題討論與Frank Chin,Maxine Hong Kingston,Lonny Kaneko,David Henry Hwang,Louie Chu,David Wong Louie,Ang Lee和R. Zamora Linmark的作品的重要讀物並列。在將這些文學和文化作品與精神分析理論和對亞裔美國人具有特殊意義的歷史事件聯繫起來的過程中,Eng對夢想作品和攝影,鏡子階段和原始場景以及拜物教和歇斯底里進行了持續的分析。
Racial Castration, the first book to bring together the fields of Asian American studies and psychoanalytic theory, explores the role of sexuality in racial formation and the place of race in sexual identity. David L. Eng examines images-literary, visual, and filmic-that configure past as well as contemporary perceptions of Asian American men as emasculated, homosexualized, or queer.
Eng juxtaposes theortical discussions of Freud, Lacan, and Fanon with critical readings of works by Frank Chin, Maxine Hong Kingston, Lonny Kaneko, David Henry Hwang, Louie Chu, David Wong Louie, Ang Lee, and R. Zamora Linmark. While situating these literary and cultural productions in relation to both psychoanalytic theory and historical events of particular significance for Asian Americans, Eng presents a sustained analysis of dreamwork and photography, the mirror stage and the primal scene, and fetishism and hysteria.
In the process, he offers startlingly new interpretations of Asian American masculinity in its connections to immigration exclusion, the building of the transcontinental railroad, the wartime internment of Japanese Americans, multiculturalism, and the model minority myth. After demonstrating the many ways in which Asian American males are haunted and constrained by enduring domestic norms of sexuality and race, Eng analyzes the relationship between Asian American male subjectivity and the larger transnational Asian diaspora. Challenging more conventional understandings of diaspora as organized by race, he instead reconceptualizes it in terms of sexuality and queerness.
Publisher:Duke University Press Books
ISBN: 978-0822326366
原價 US 23.95 台幣價 NT$860