The Nature of Prejudice : Society, discrimination and moral exclusion
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The Social Cure : Identity, Health and Well-Being
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The Heartbeat of Creativity: The inspiring life journey of a creativity consultant diagnosed with Parkinson’s
創造力和帕金森病通常不會佔據相同的空間,但他們在瑪格麗特布萊克威爾的生活中,50歲時被診斷患有帕金森病,接受過DBS腦部手術。她在英國達特丁藝術學院和埃克塞特大學完成了她的研究(M Phil)的創造性,然後前往美國追求她的精神發展,這本書分為兩部分。第一部分為瑪格麗特·布萊克威爾的生活故事打開了大門,在那裡我們找到了她對創造力充滿熱情的起源,並追溯了她作為創意顧問的技能和經驗的發展。當她被診斷患有帕金森症時,她的生活發生了意想不到的轉變,在本書的這一部分中,她分享了她如何堅定地應對這種使人衰弱的疾病的挑戰,並且沒有創造性的治愈方法。
Creativity and Parkinson’s Disease don’t usually occupy the same space, but they have in the life of Margaret Blackwell, a creativity consultant who in 1996 at the age of 50 was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. She completed her research (M Phil) into the nature of creativity at Dartington College of Arts and Exeter University in the UK before heading to the US to pursue her spiritual development, and to become an adjunct professor and successful creativity consultant. Margaret Blackwell is now 71 and lives in London. She has had DBS brain surgery. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 opens the door to Margaret Blackwell’s life story where we find the origins of her passionate interest in creativity and traces the development of her skills and experience as a creativity consultant. Her life took a very unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, and in this part of the book she shares how she has steadfastly met the challenges of this debilitating disease with no known cure in creative ways. Part 2 describes a new way of understanding what creativity is, and has grown out of the investigation described in Part 1. It can be used as a guidebook on how to live a creative life with examples offered to give confidence and help develop new skills. Case studies of successful collective creativity are also included to give a glimpse of the emerging possibility of how complex issues can be creatively resolved, and how people can work together in positive ways. Each part of the book is made up of a series of short ‘bytes’ or stories. This book is the result of a steadfast, loving and creative collaboration between two women over ten years.
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Trumpism: A Cultural Psycho Genesis
在本文中,作者米歇爾·瓦倫丁教授通過推理,為那些對政治鬥爭,自由和改革感興趣的人探索了一條新的道路。這三種文本,它們共同為美國生活的變化景觀提供了新的符號學,精神分析學和批判性視角。 -Kevin Boileau,博士
In this text, the author, Professor Michel Valentin, by way of prolegomena, explores a new road for those interested in political struggle, freedom, and reform. This is the first of three texts, a trifecta of sorts, that together offer new semiological, psychoanalytic, and critical perspective on the changing landscape of American life. -Kevin Boileau, PhD
Michel Valentin PhD(Autor)
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The Social Psychology of Gender : How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations
性別關係充滿了矛盾和復雜性。本書探討了所有性別問題,為日常性別經歷提供了全新的視角;明確和隱含的態度構成了對性別差異的信念基礎;以及對我們的思想,感受和行為的影響。許多現實世界的例子說明了男女獨特的相互依存關係 - 以及普遍的權力失衡 - 如何塑造浪漫關係和工作場所中的互動。
Gender relations are rife with contradictions and complexities. Exploring the full range of gender issues, this book offers a fresh perspective on everyday experiences of gender; the explicit and implicit attitudes that underlie beliefs about gender differences; and the consequences for our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Many real-world examples illustrate how the unique interdependence of men and women-coupled with pervasive power imbalances-shapes interactions in romantic relationships and the workplace.
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Ecrits : A Selection
傑出的和創新的,Jacques Lacan的作品對當代話語產生了巨大的影響。Jacques Lacan處在當代關於異性、主體性、性別差異、驅動力、法律和享受的話語中。然而,他看似難以逾越的寫作風格讓很多讀者不敢冒然超越第一頁。
他最著名的作品中選定作品的新譯本提供了他對精神分析理論和技術最重要貢獻中的九項。從“鏡子階段”到“弗洛伊德無意識中主體的顛覆和慾望的辯證法”,包括“言語與語言在心理分析中的作用與領域”以及其他關於精神分析理論與實踐各方面的論文,這一選擇涵蓋了Jacques Lacan近三十年來獨特的智力生涯。
Brilliant and innovative, Jacques Lacan's work has had a tremendous influence on contemporary discourse. Lacan lies at the epicenter of contemporary discourses about otherness, subjectivity, sexual difference, the drives, the law and enjoyment. Yet his seemingly impenetrable writing style has kept many a reader from venturing beyond page one.
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Anger : The Seven Deadly Sins
激昂的話語,酷酷的惡意,致命的仇恨,激怒的腎上腺素憤怒顯然是七宗罪中最具破壞性的罪行。它可以毀掉家庭,破壞人的健康,破壞心靈安寧,並在最壞的情況下導致謀殺,種族滅絕和戰爭。在憤怒中,羅伯特A.F. Thurman是暢銷書作家,也是美國佛教和東方哲學領域的權威人士之一,對這種最致命的罪惡提供了一個有啟發性的視角。瑟曼指出,在西方,憤怒被看作是生活中不可避免的一部分,是一種必須承擔而不是被克服的邪惡。
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Mapping The Mind
今天,大腦掃描就像X射線顯示我們的骨骼一樣清晰地顯示我們的想法、情緒和記憶。我們實際上可以觀察一個人的大腦註冊一個笑話或者經歷一段痛苦的記憶。麗塔卡特最新的成像技術和傑出的科學家專業知識,探索人類大腦的地理。她的寫作很清晰,方便、機智,書中的150個插圖 - 大部分都是彩色的 - 為我們頭腦中攜帶奇妙的,椰子大小的,起皺的灰色物體提供了一個圖解指南。
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Trauma, Culture, and Metaphor : Pathways of Transformation and Integration
在創傷,文化和隱喻中,約翰·威爾遜(John Wilson)和雅各布·林迪(Jacob Lindy)在一個被全球化和相互聯繫主宰的時代,探索了個人和集體創傷的語言。
這本重要的書在西方文化中常用的與創傷有關的術語詞源與其他文化,如布隆迪 - 盧旺達伊哈姆布卡語的詞源之間架起一座橋樑。它還為臨床醫生提供了一個框架,使用跨文化詞彙(通常以隱喻的形式)與創傷倖存者一起工作,以充分解決經歷的創傷並開始重新連接和自我再創造的工作。
In Trauma, Culture, and Metaphor, John Wilson and Jacob Lindy explore the language of both individual and collective trauma in an era dominated by globalization and interconnectedness. Through lucid, careful discussion, this important book builds a bridge between the etymology of trauma-related terms commonly used in Western cultures and those of other cultures, such as the Burundi-Rwandan ihahamuka. It also provides the clinician with a framework for working with trauma survivors using a cross-cultural vocabulary-one often based in metaphor-to fully address the experienced trauma and to begin work on reconnection and self-reinvention.
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在本書中,國家認可的跨學科領導者研究社會情感教育與學校成功之間的關係 - 特別關注提高學生學習的干預措施。本書提供了科學證據和實例,指出了SEL計劃的諸多好處。
In this book, nationally recognized interdisciplinary leaders examine the relationships between social-emotional education and school success - specifically focusing on interventions that enhance student learning. Offering scientific evidence and practical examples, this volume points out the many benefits of SEL programs.
Joseph E. Zins (Editor) (Autor)
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