Revolutionary Time : On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray
這本書是第一本研究Julia Kristeva和Luce Irigaray工作中時間與性別差異間關係的書。由於婦女與物種的繁殖、體現和生存有關,它們被限制在自然界周期性時間中。另一方面,人們被視為線性時間的承載者,並且具有變化和進步的能力。FannySöderbäck認為,這兩個時間模型都無法改變,因為它們重複或壓抑了過去。在這裡建立的時間模型-革命性時間-旨在回歸和振興過去,從而使充滿活力的現在和充滿變化的未來成為可能。索德貝克與Kristeva和Irigaray就時間和時差問題進行了前所未有的對話,並一路吸引了西蒙娜·德·波伏娃,雅克·德里達,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德,朱迪思·巴特勒,漢娜·阿倫特和柏拉圖等思想家。
This book is the first to examine the relationship between time and sexual difference in the work of Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray. Because of their association with reproduction, embodiment, and the survival of the species, women have been confined to the cyclical time of nature--a temporal model that is said to merely repeat itself. Men, on the other hand, have been seen as bearers of linear time and as capable of change and progress. Fanny Söderbäck argues that both these temporal models make change impossible because they either repeat or repress the past. The model of time developed here--revolutionary time--aims at returning to and revitalizing the past so as to make possible a dynamic-embodied present and a future pregnant with change. Söderbäck stages an unprecedented conversation between Kristeva and Irigaray on issues of both time and difference, and engages thinkers such as Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Derrida, Sigmund Freud, Judith Butler, Hannah Arendt, and Plato along the way.
Fanny Soderback (Author)