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Revolutionary Time On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray.png

Revolutionary Time : On Time and Difference in Kristeva and Irigaray


這本書是第一本研究Julia Kristeva和Luce Irigaray工作中時間與性別差異間關係的書。由於婦女與物種的繁殖、體現和生存有關,它們被限制在自然界周期性時間中。另一方面,人們被視為線性時間的承載者,並且具有變化和進步的能力。FannySöderbäck認為,這兩個時間模型都無法改變,因為它們重複或壓抑了過去。在這裡建立的時間模型-革命性時間-旨在回歸和振興過去,從而使充滿活力的現在和充滿變化的未來成為可能。索德貝克與Kristeva和Irigaray就時間和時差問題進行了前所未有的對話,並一路吸引了西蒙娜·德·波伏娃,雅克·德里達,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德,朱迪思·巴特勒,漢娜·阿倫特和柏拉圖等思想家。

This book is the first to examine the relationship between time and sexual difference in the work of Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray. Because of their association with reproduction, embodiment, and the survival of the species, women have been confined to the cyclical time of nature--a temporal model that is said to merely repeat itself. Men, on the other hand, have been seen as bearers of linear time and as capable of change and progress. Fanny Söderbäck argues that both these temporal models make change impossible because they either repeat or repress the past. The model of time developed here--revolutionary time--aims at returning to and revitalizing the past so as to make possible a dynamic-embodied present and a future pregnant with change. Söderbäck stages an unprecedented conversation between Kristeva and Irigaray on issues of both time and difference, and engages thinkers such as Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Derrida, Sigmund Freud, Judith Butler, Hannah Arendt, and Plato along the way.

Fanny Soderback (Author) 


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The Acts of Our Being A Reflection on Agency and Responsibility.png

The Acts of Our Being : A Reflection on Agency and Responsibility



knowledge the aurthor calls our primary cognitive engagement, or knowledge in the mode of rational-empirtial presence. While we can he linguistically creative in this mode, Linguistic creativiry is properly a function of the in tensification of our direct rational awareness of what we are attending to. In the third sage. a series of rational acts in that same cognitive mode, and designed to be linguistically creative in just that sense, is reflexively directed upon prima facie mational action itself, and that action is shown to fulfill the nine conditions. The justification of the fulfillment is appropriate to the foundational mode of knowledge developed in the second stage. The same technique is then applied to the ontology of the tational agent who is a "primary being" as the source of untically responsible acts. Finally, an extensive criticism of the physicalist menifest image doctrine and the physicalist identity theory is offered.

Edward Pols(Autor) 


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Ammonius and the Seabattle Texts, Commentary, and Essays (Peripatoi, Bd. 18) (English, German and Ancient Greek Edition).png

Ammonius and the Seabattle : Texts, Commentary and Essays : 18


自從亞里士多德關於海戰的著名爭論以來,哲學家之間的討論一直是密集而有爭議的,關於未來的陳述真實性是否會導致決定論。 關於亞里士多德自己解決問題的方法,以及古典和中世紀評論家對亞里士多德的看法,都存在爭議。 塞爾的書試圖為新柏拉圖主義者Ammonius(公元5世紀至6世紀)回答這個問題。 透過這樣做,他也開闢了對新柏拉圖思想的新見解。

Ever since Aristotle's famous argument about the sea-battle tomorrow, there has been intensive and controversial discussion among philosophers whether the truth of statements about the future leads to determinism. Ther e is controversy about Aristotle's own solution to the problem, as well as the views of classical and medieval commentators on Aristotle. Seel's book attempts to answer this question for the Neoplatonist Ammonius (5th-6th century AD). In so doing, he also opens up new insights into Neoplatonic thought.

 Christine Elizabeth Yoder (Autor) 


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Order Out of Chaos Man%5Cs New Dialogue with Nature (Radical Thinkers).png

Order Out of Chaos : Man's New Dialogue with Nature


秩序混亂是對現代科學知識不和諧的批判。在這本具有里程碑意義的書中,諾貝爾獎獲得者伊利亞·普里高津(Ilya Prigogine)和著名哲學家伊莎貝爾·斯坦格斯(Isabelle Stengers)對熱力學的哲學含義進行了令人興奮和易懂的描述。 Prigogine和Stengers將時間和機會的矛盾哲學帶入一個新穎而雄心勃勃的綜合體中。

Order Out of Chaos is a sweeping critique of the discordant landscape of modern scientific knowledge. In this landmark book, Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine and acclaimed philosopher Isabelle Stengers offer an exciting and accessible account of the philosophical implications of thermodynamics. Prigogine and Stengers bring contradictory philosophies of time and chance into a novel and ambitious synthesis.

Since its first publication in France in 1978, this book has sparked debate among physicists, philosophers, literary critics and historians.


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The Moral Psychology of Clement of Alexandria Mosaic Philosophy (Studies in Philosophy and Theology in Late Antiquity).png

The Moral Psychology of Clement of Alexandria : Mosaic Philosophy




In The Moral Psychology of Clement of Alexandria, Kathleen Gibbons proposes a new approach to Clement's moral philosophy and explores how his construction of Christianity's relationship with Jewishness informed, and was informed by, his philosophical project. As one of the earliest Christian philosophers, Clement's work has alternatively been treated as important for understanding the history of relations between Christianity and Judaism and between Christianity and pagan philosophy. This study argues that an adequate examination of his significance for the one requires an adequate examination of his significance for the other.


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Philosophical Anthropology Selected Chapters (Uni Slovakia).png

Philosophical Anthropology: Selected Chapters



This textbook discusses and systemises several selected topics of philosophical anthropology. The problem of man cannot be grasped through only one main principle or aspect (as the principle of his or her "humanity"). The chapters of this book rather outline several specific aspects which essentially characterize human beings (such as rationality, formation of culture, freedom, personality and interpersonality).

   Jana Trajtelová (Autor)


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The Disunity of Science Boundaries, Contexts, and Power.png

The Disunity of Science : Boundaries, Contexts, and Power




Is science unified or disunified? Over the last century, the question has raised the interest (and hackles) of scientists, philosophers, historians, and sociologists of science, for at stake is how science and society fit together. Recent years have seen a turn largely against the rhetoric of unity, ranging from the please of condensed matter physicists for disciplinary autonomy all the way to discussions in the humanities and social sciences that involve local history, feminism, multiculturalism, postmodernism, scientific relativism and realism, and social constructivism. Many of these varied aspects of the debate over the disunity of science are reflected in this volume, which brings together a number of scholars studying science who otherwise have had little to say to each other: feminist theorists, philosophers of science, sociologists of science.


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Hermeneutics and the Rhetorical Tradition Chapters in the Ancient Legacy and Its Humanist Reception (Yale Studies in Hermeneutics).png

Hermeneutics and the Rhetorical Tradition : Chapters in the Ancient Legacy and Its Humanist Reception


在這本雄辯的書中,Kathy Eden挑戰了關於詮釋學歷史的普遍概念。她認為詮釋學傳統不是純粹的現代德國專業,而是認為現代詮釋學的歷史基礎是古老的修辭傳統。伊甸園展示了早期的閱讀修辭模式,即Cicero及其追隨者所稱的解釋性文字,不僅為共和黨羅馬向改革歐洲提供了不斷傳承的解釋,而且還形成了諸如意義,語境和文學經濟等持久的詮釋學原理。

In this eloquent book, Kathy Eden challenges commonly accepted conceptions about the history of hermeneutics. Contending that the hermeneutical tradition is not a purely modern German specialty, she argues instead that the historical grounding of modern hermeneutics is in the ancient tradition of rhetoric. Eden demonstrates how the early rhetorical model of reading, called interpretatio scripti by Cicero and his followers, not only has informed a continuous tradition of interpretation from Republican Rome to Reformation Europe but also has forged such enduring hermeneutical principles as meaning, context, and literary economy.

  Kathy Eden (Autor)


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Philosophy in world perspective comparative hermeneutic of the major theories.png

Philosophy in World Perspective : A Comparative Hermeneutic of the Major Theories


在這一系統哲學的原創作品中,David Dilworth將古代和現代的西方和東方哲學和宗教的主要文本置於一個比較框架中。他的研究揭示了幾個世紀以來與大陸分離的思想家之間的親密關係,並透過將偉大的哲學文本匯集到一個單一的範圍內,產生了許多見解。 “這是一本具有挑戰性且具有挑戰性的書:範圍和意義深遠,在其全球視野中,但不可避免的是亞里士多德的基礎。

人們希望它能讓更多的西方讀者熟悉中國哲學,同時激勵亞洲思想家提出關於哲學在各自傳統中關鍵問題的反建議,以及比較它們的最佳方法。“ - Carl Becker,亞洲研究期刊“為大規模的文本內和文本間的反思開啟了新的解釋性可能性。

In this original work of systematic philosophy, David Dilworth places the major texts of Western and Oriental philosophy and religion, both ancient and modern, into one comparative framework. His study reveals affinities between thinkers who lived centuries and continents apart and produces numerous insights by bringing great philosophical texts together into a single purview. "This is a provocative and challenging book: far-reaching in scope and implication, worldwide in its vision, yet inescapably Aristotelian in its grounding.


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Normative Ethics (Dimensions of Philosophy).png

Normative Ethics


“規範倫理學”對當前關於道德的哲學觀點進行了全面介紹,根據後果、傷害和同意等因素審視了行為的正確性或錯誤性。 Shelly Kagan提供了道德因素和理論基礎之間的區分,反映當代道德哲學家的實際工作實踐。本書的前半部分對基本規範因素進行了系統調查,重點關注於每個因素的確切內容爭議性問題,範圍和意義,以及與其他因素的關係。本書的後半部分考察了關於規範倫理基礎的競爭理論,這些理論試圖解釋為什麼基本規範因素具有他們所具有的道德意義。針對哲學的上層或研究生,本書應該也呼籲一般讀者尋找清晰的道德哲學基本原則概述。

Providing a thorough introduction to current philosophical views on morality, Normative Ethics examines an act's rightness or wrongness in light of such factors as consequences, harm, and consent. Shelly Kagan offers a division between moral factors and theoretical foundations that reflects the actual working practices of contemporary moral philosophers.The first half of the book presents a systematic survey of the basic normative factors, focusing on controversial questions concerning the precise content of each factor, its scope and significance, and its relationship to other factors. The second half of the book then examines the competing theories about the foundations of normative ethics, theories that attempt to explain why the basic normative factors have the moral significance that they do.Intended for upper-level or graduate students of philosophy, this book should also appeal to the general reader looking for a clearly written overview of the basic principles of moral philosophy.

  Shelly Kagan (Autor)


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Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine, and Bioethics.png

Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers : Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine, and Bioethics



慢治療和壞哲學家使用Ludwig Wittgenstein哲學的見解來重新思考生命倫理學。儘管Wittgenstein幾乎沒有就道德規範進行過正式的寫作,但事實上,道德問題貫穿於他的整個工作中。Carl Elliott在本書中聚集的學者特別關注Wittgenstein對道德問題的濃厚背景,他對理論的懷疑,以及他描述作為哲學真正目標的信念。



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The Greek Concept of Nature (SUNY Series In Ancient Greek Philosophy).png

The Greek Concept of Nature


phusis一詞被定義為簡單地說“自然”,但早期希臘哲學家的意思是什麼呢?在這本修訂的法語原版英文版(1992年出版)中,Gerard Naddaf探討了希臘phusis概念的歷史起源和演變。

他採用語言學的方法來分析這個詞的含義,認為它指的是從出生到成熟的整個過程,以及從始至終的宇宙起源和成長。這就是說,Naddaf審視了荷馬這一術語的單一出現,以及它在Hesiod的Theogony and Works and Days,Anaximander's Historia中的使用,以及來自前蘇格拉底哲學家的許多其他作品,如Xenophanes,Pythagoras和Parmenides以及希波克拉底醫學文本。第二部,將集中在詭辯。

The term phusis has been defined as meaning simply `nature', but what did early Greek philosophers mean by the term? In this book, which is a revised English edition of the French original (published in 1992), Gerard Naddaf explores the historical origins and evolution of the Greek concept of phusis . Taking a linguistic approach to analysing the meaning of the word he argues that it refers to the whole process of birth to maturity and also to the origins and growth of the universe from beginning to end. This said, Naddaf examines the single occurrence of the term in Homer, and its use in Hesiod's Theogony and Works and Days , Anaximander's Historia , and many other works from pre-Socratic philosophers such as Xenophanes, Pythagoras and Parmenides and Hippocratic medical texts. The second, and complementary volume, will focus on the sophists and sophistic movement.


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The Mangle of Practice Time, Agency, and Science.png

The Mangle of Practice : Time, Agency and Science


本文提供了科學、數學和工程實踐的性質以及科學知識生產的理解。作者提出了一種處理科學變化不可預測性的方法,同時考慮到影響創造科學知識相互作用的社會、技術、概念和自然因素的數量。在他看來,機器、工具、事實、理論、概念和數學結構和人類正在不斷地相互轉換關係 - 以文化、時間和地點的突發事件形成的方式“一起”搗亂。

在較大的文化背景下,物質以及人力資源的地位,Pickering使用案例研究來展示這幅關於科學的開放性和多變性本質的圖像如何提高對過去和現在科學工作的理解。他研究了粒子物理學中泡室的構建、夸克的搜索、數學中的四元系統的構建以及工業中計算機控制機床的引入。他用這些例子來解決科學實踐的最基本要素 - 實驗裝置的發展,事實的產生,理論的發展以及機器和社會組織的相互關係。

This text offers an understanding of the nature of scientific, mathematical and engineering practice, and the production of scientific knowledge. The author presents an approach to the unpredictable nature of change in science, taking into account the number of factors - social, technological, conceptual and natural - that interact to affect the creation of scientific knowledge. In his view, machines, instruments, facts, theories, conceptual and mathematical structures, disciplined practices and human beings are in constantly shifting relationships with one another - "mangled" together in ways that are shaped by the contingencies of culture, time and place.


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Descartes's Dualism


現代哲學的公認創始人笛卡爾被認為具有心身二元論 - 認為心靈是一個虛體的實體。然而,這種觀點對笛卡爾來說並不完全是原創的,事實上在很大程度上它被亞里士多德的經典學者廣為接受,儘管他們對心靈,身體和他們之間的關係有著不同的概念。在她的第一本書中,Marleen Rozemond解釋笛卡爾的目的是提供一種能夠適應機械科學和取代經院哲學的形而上學。


Descartes, an acknowledged founder of modern philosophy, is identified with the mind-body dualism - the view that the mind is an incorporeal entity. However, this view was not entirely original with Descartes, and in fact to a significant extent it was widely accepted by the Aristotelian scholastics who preceeded him, although they entertained a different conception of the nature of mind, body and the relationship between them. In her first book, Marleen Rozemond explicates Descartes's aim to provide a metaphysics that would accomodate mechanistic science and supplant scholasticism.


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The Republic (Penguin Classics).png

The Republic


柏拉圖的“共和國”是有史以來最偉大的哲學和政治理論著作之一,它已經形成了幾千年的西方思想,今天仍然與古代希臘的第一次寫作相關。這本企鵝經典版由Desmond Lee翻譯,並由Melissa Lane作了新的介紹。柏拉圖共和國被公認為西方哲學的基石。


Desmond Lee的“共和國”譯本被認為是一部經典的作品。他的介紹討論了語境主題,如柏拉圖對雅典政治的幻滅和蘇格拉底的審判。梅利莎萊恩的新介紹討論了柏拉圖寫作共和國的目的,它的主要論點和它對古希臘政治的看法,以及它在很多年代和今天的意義。


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Plato the Republic (Cambridge Text in the History of Political Thought).png

Plato: 'The Republic'


2000年首次出版的西方政治思想偉大著作之一,其翻譯是基於這樣的一種假設,當柏拉圖為他的作品選擇對話形式時,他希望這些對話聽起來像對話 - 雖然是哲學上的對話。除了對柏拉圖文本的生動,莊重和準確的翻譯之外,學生和一般讀者還將在本書中找到許多幫助理解的內容、引言、評估共和國的文化背景,在政治哲學中的地位及其一般論據。


First published in 2000, this translation of one of the great works of Western political thought is based on the assumption that when Plato chose the dialogue form for his writing, he intended these dialogues to sound like conversations - although conversations of a philosophical sort. In addition to a vivid, dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text, the student and general reader will find many aids to comprehension in this volume: an introduction that assesses the cultural background to the Republic, its place within political philosophy, and its general argument; succinct notes in the body of the text; an analytical summary of the work's content; a full glossary of proper names; a chronology of important events; and a guide to further reading. The result is an accomplished and accessible edition of this seminal work, suitable for philosophers and classicists as well as historians of political thought at all levels.


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Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism (Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks).png

Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Mill on Utilitarianism




Mill was one of the most important British philosophers of the nineteenth century; his Utilitarianism is a pivotal work in ethical thought. This book, written specifically for students coming to Mill - and perhaps philosophy - for the first time, will be an ideal guide. Mill on Utilitarianism introduces and assesses:* Mill's life and the background of Utilitarianism* the ideas and text of Utilitarianism* the continuing importance of Mill's work to philosophyThis is the first book dedicated to Utilitarianism itself.


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Habermas: The Key Concepts


尤爾根哈貝馬斯(Jurgen Habermas,1929-)是獨立思考的 “現代性項目” 擁護者,是當代後現代時期最具影響力的思想家之一。哈貝馬斯:關鍵概念探討了哈貝馬斯的著作:資本主義遺傳學法則 - 保守主義的普遍語用學 - 一個易於使用的A-Z指南,涵蓋哲學、社會學、政治學、法律和文化理論。充分交叉參考並提供廣泛的進一步閱讀建議,這是上個世紀最重要的社會理論家之一的重要參考指南。

An independently minded champion of `the project of modernity' in a supposedly post-modern age, Jurgen Habermas (1929- ) is one of the most widely influential thinkers of our times. An easy-to-use A-Z guide to a body of work that spans philosophy, sociology, politics, law and cultural theory, Habermas: The Key Concepts explores Habermas' writings on:capitalismgeneticslawneo-conservatismuniversal pragmatics. Fully cross-referenced with extensive suggestions for further reading, this is an essential reference guide to one of the most important social theorists of the last century.

    Andrew Edgar  (Autor)  


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Ranciere's Sentiments


在Ranciere的作品中,參與各種日常生活和形式,風格和場景的練習--Panagia將Ranciere描繪成一個感性的思想家,其審美與政治無法區別。 Ranciere並沒有為政治判斷和行動提供處方,而是集中於情感和感知如何構成人與他們創造的世界之間的動態關係。

Panagia通過考察Ranciere的現代主義情感,他的激進調解理論,Gustave Flaubert對Ranciere的文學聲音的影響,以及Ranciere如何將看似不相容的物體和現象並列以創造感官迷失方向來追溯這種方法。 Panagia表示,Ranciere的工作的力量在於它能夠讓讀者對世界具有不連貫的敏感性,以及政治思想是什麼以及可以如何。

In Ranciere's Sentiments Davide Panagia explores Jacques Ranciere's aesthetics of politics as it informs his radical democratic theory of participation. Attending to diverse practices of everyday living and doing-of form, style, and scenography-in Ranciere's writings, Panagia characterizes Ranciere as a sentimental thinker for whom the aesthetic is indistinguishable from the political. Rather than providing prescriptions for political judgment and action, Ranciere focuses on how sensibilities and perceptions constitute dynamic relations between persons and the worlds they create.


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Twelve Characters A Transmission of Wang Fengyi%5Cs Teachings.png

Twelve Characters : A Transmission of Wang Fengyi's Teachings



王鳳儀的啟發部分在於他能夠通過五個階段的視角清楚地看到人際關係和人類情感的複雜性,以比以前在中醫學方面更完整和詳細的方式。利用這種理解,他開發了一種方法來了解疾病的深層根源,以及它們如何與心靈直接相關。這本書提供了他在治療情緒創傷和治療精神疾病,精神疾病和軀體疾病方面獲得的見解的總結;協調人際關係;並通過表達我們每一個天性,最終在服務於宇宙更大利益的生活中找到真正的意義。 Heiner Fruehauf博士要求我將劉力宏博士的建議翻譯為對王鳳儀教導的理想介紹和總結,並補充了“讓陽光四射”的劉師傅的個人簡歷王鳳儀的教誨在他的生活中的運用。

Twelve Characters is the second book I have translated on Wang Fengyi's teachings, after "Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth." It is a more systematic and comprehensive account of his teachings, containing the Chinese text side-by-side with my English translation. This beautiful book offers the reader a survey of the whole system of "Five Element emotional healing" from the ground up in a clear, easy-to-follow presentation that is concise and seemingly simple, yet so deep and powerful.


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