目前分類:中研社會所選書 (19)

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The Overworked Consumer Self-Checkouts, Supermarkets, and the Do-It-Yourself Economy.png

The Overworked Consumer : Self-Checkouts, Supermarkets, and the Do-It-Yourself Economy






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Becoming Activists in Global China Social Movements in the Chinese Diaspora.png

Becoming Activists in Global China : Social Movements in the Chinese Diaspora




Becoming Activists in Global China is the first purely sociological study of the religious movement Falun Gong and its resistance to the Chinese state. The literature on Chinese protest has intensively studied the 1989 democracy movement while largely ignoring opposition by Falun Gong, even though the latter has been more enduring. This comparative study explains why the Falun Gong protest took off in diaspora and the democracy movement did not. Using multiple methods, Becoming Activists in Global China explains how Falun Gong's roots in proselytizing and its ethic of volunteerism provided the launch pad for its political mobilization. Simultaneously, diaspora democracy activists adopted practices that effectively discouraged grassroots participation. The study also shows how the policy goal of eliminating Falun Gong helped shape today's security-focused Chinese state. Explaining Falun Gong's two decades of protest illuminates a suppressed piece of Chinese contemporary history and advances our knowledge of how religious and political movements intersect.


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The Civil Sphere in East Asia




Leading sociologists who live and work in East Asia examine their region's most dangerous and explosive social problems, and some of their most stunning success stories, from the viewpoint of Civil Sphere Theory. This new and increasingly influential sociological understanding of democracy aims to describe and explain the moral codes and institutional foundations of democratic solidarity, as it manifests itself within a distinct social sphere. Part of a multi-volume project, this collection includes cases from Japan, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, bringing together efforts by sociologists based in East Asian academic institutions.


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What is Work? : Gender at the Crossroads of Home, Family, and Business from the Early Modern Era to the Present




Every society throughout history has defined what counts as work and what doesn't. And more often than not, those lines of demarcation are inextricable from considerations of gender. What Is Work? offers a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding labor within the highly gendered realm of household economies.


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Gods, Ghosts, and Gangsters Ritual Violence, Martial Arts, and Masculinity on the Margins of Chinese Society.png

Gods, Ghosts, and Gangsters : Ritual Violence, Martial Arts, and Masculinity on the Margins of Chinese Society


惡魔戰士木偶、揮舞劍的道士,靈魂媒介用釘子和刀片撕裂他們的身體 - 這些都是中國宗教中最具戲劇性的形象。通常與瘟神的挽救和對流行的軍事神靈的崇拜有關,這種儀式實踐與中國傳統武術有明顯但未經檢驗的親緣關係。中國宗教中武術肖像和儀式漫長而持久的歷史表明,這遠比歷史巧合更深層。

Avron Boretz認為,武術姿勢和動作深深根植於儀式劇目中,部分原因在於它們體現了暴力、攻擊性和身體素質的男性特質,是中國父系和父權制的隱含核心。與此同時,對於演員和觀眾來說,武術的姿態喚起了江湖的神話,這是一個陰暗的,經常暴力的流浪者,不法分子,以及武術和魔法藝術大師。通過武術運動的直接身體練習和江湖敘事的創造性渲染,武術儀式從業者能夠識別和表現自己,無論多麼短暫和不完整,作為有實力的男人,否則被限制在這種深層次下限的獎勵父權制社會。

基於近二十年來在中國和台灣的實地考察,神、鬼和歹徒提供了一個關於中國宗教和社會中暴力儀式和儀式暴力的全面原始的描述。特寫、敏感的描繪和儀式演員本身的聲音 - 主要是工人階級的男人,其中許多是宣誓的兄弟會和團伙的成員 - 令人信服地將軍事儀式實踐與中國社會邊緣男人的生活和願望聯繫起來。這項工作對中國的儀式和宗教研究,中國黑社會的歷史和社會學,武術的歷史和人類學以及男性氣質的人類學都有重要貢獻。


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Smokestacks in the Hills Rural-Industrial Workers in West Virginia (Working Class in American History).png

Smokestacks in the Hills: Rural-Industrial Workers in West Virginia (Working Class in American History)  


長期以來被認為是城市現象,工業化也改變了美國的農村。盧·馬丁(Lou Martin)編織了鋼鐵工廠和陶瓷工廠遷往西弗吉尼亞州漢考克縣的過程,創造了一個農村和小城鎮的工人階級 - 這對社區和勞工意味著什麼。


Long considered an urban phenomenon, industrialization also transformed the American countryside. Lou Martin weaves the narrative of how the relocation of steel and pottery factories to Hancock County, West Virginia, created a rural and small-town working class--and what that meant for communities and for labor. As Martin shows, access to land in and around steel and pottery towns allowed residents to preserve rural habits and culture. Workers in these places valued place and local community. Because of their belief in localism, an individualistic ethic of "making do," and company loyalty, they often worked to place limits on union influence. At the same time, this localism allowed workers to adapt to the dictates of industrial capitalism and a continually changing world on their own terms--and retain rural ways to a degree unknown among their urbanized peers. Throughout, Martin ties these themes to illuminating discussions of capital mobility, the ways in which changing work experiences defined gender roles, and the persistent myth that modernizing forces bulldozed docile local cultures. Revealing and incisive, Smokestacks in the Hills reappraises an overlooked stratum of American labor history and contributes to the ongoing dialogue on shifts in national politics in the postwar era.

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Displaying Death and Animating Life Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science, and Everyday Life.png

Displaying Death and Animating Life: Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science, and Everyday Life (Animal Lives)  


人類與動物互動的方式幾乎是無法估量的。從心愛的家庭寵物到我們餐桌上的牛排,我們的壁櫥裡的毛皮,我們貨架上的Babar書籍,動物標本展品到當地的動物園,人類與我們的生態系統中的動物有著複雜,深刻和依賴的關係。在“展現死亡與動畫生活”一書中,簡·德斯蒙德(Jane C. Desmond)將這些人與動物的關係置於多學科的視角之下,重點關注不那麼明顯,揭示了真實動物在我們日常生活中的個性和主體性。

動物研究領域的先驅者德斯蒙德(Desmond)在一些案例研究中構建了這本書。她在大型博物館,動物標本館會議,寵物公墓,甚至訃告作家專業會議上進行現場研究。她在動物園,野生動物診所和寵物公墓專業人員的會議中進行幕後工作。我們和她一起旅行,遇見了倭黑猩猩藝術家Kanzi和其他許多動物藝術家 - 他們都在準備拍賣作品。新的“動物生活”系列的第一本書“顯示死亡和動畫生活”是一個具有里程碑意義的研究,跨越學科,跨越人文社會科學的各個分支,繪製出新的調查領域。

The number of ways in which humans interact with animals is almost incalculable. From beloved household pets to the steak on our dinner tables, the fur in our closets to the Babar books on our shelves, taxidermy exhibits to local zoos, humans have complex, deep, and dependent relationships with the animals in our ecosystems. In Displaying Death and Animating Life, Jane C. Desmond puts those human-animal relationships under a multidisciplinary lens, focusing on the less obvious, and revealing the individualities and subjectivities of the real animals in our everyday lives.

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The New States of Abortion Politics  


2014年最高法院對McCullen訴Coakley案作出裁決,打擊了一項管制反墮胎活動的馬薩諸塞州法律,標誌著最高法院重新參與墮胎政治。這個決定似乎是重振墮胎的舊街頭政治的手段。法院的判決也突顯了反墮胎活動家為改變墮胎政治而進行了數十年的努力所取得的成功。由領導學者喬舒亞·C·威爾遜(Joshua C. Wilson)撰寫的“墮胎政治新國家”講述了這一運動的故事

The 2014 Supreme Court ruling on McCullen v. Coakley striking down a Massachusetts law regulating anti-abortion activism marked the reengagement of the Supreme Court in abortion politics. A throwback to the days of clinic-front protests, the decision seemed a means to reinvigorate the old street politics of abortion. The Court's ruling also highlights the success of a decades' long effort by anti-abortion activists to transform the very politics of abortion. The New States of Abortion Politics, written by leading scholar Joshua C. Wilson, tells the story of this movement, from

  Joshua C. Wilson (Autor)


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Working Law Courts, Corporations and Symbolic Civil Rights (Chicago Series in Law and Society).png

Working Law: Courts, Corporations, and Symbolic Civil Rights (Chicago Series in Law and Society)  



勞倫·B·埃德爾曼(Lauren B. Edelman)認為,反歧視政策取得有限成功的一個原因是,管理公司的法律是寬泛而模糊的,因此管理者在塑造日常實踐中的意義方面發揮了關鍵作用。通常,政策和程序產生的結果主要是像徵性的,不能消除長期存在的歧視模式。更麻煩的是,公司內部發生的這些法律的意義往往最終回到法律領域,對原告,被告甚至法官的律師都沒有顯著的影響。如果法院希望有反歧視政策和人事手冊來推斷公平的做法和多元化培訓計劃的存在,而不檢查這些政策是否有效地打擊歧視和實現種族和性別多樣性,那麼他們就會掀起一種與眾不同的寬容做法法律理想。

Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, virtually all companies have antidiscrimination policies in place. Although these policies represent some progress, women and minorities remain underrepresented within the workplace as a whole and even more so when you look at high-level positions. They also tend to be less well paid. How is it that discrimination remains so prevalent in the American workplace despite the widespread adoption of policies designed to prevent it?

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Make It a Green Peace! The Rise of Countercultural Environmentalism.png

Make It a Green Peace!: The Rise of Countercultural Environmentalism


20世紀60年代後期綠色和平組織從一個鬆散的反核和反捕鯨活動家群體出現,從根本上改變了環境主義的本質 - 其目的,哲學和戰術 - 在世界各地。而且,迄今為止,還沒有綠色和平起源的全面客觀的歷史。


澤爾科將綠色和平組織的複雜的知識和文化根源追溯到20世紀50年代和60年代的各種抗議活動中,強調了奎克主義的影響力 - 以其親身見證的做法 - 美洲原住民的靈性和甘地的非暴力抵抗。


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Despite the Best Intentions How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools.png

Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools (Transgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities)






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(已售,如有需求請重新下訂)Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History





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The Crusades: A Reader, Second Edition (Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures)






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Stop and Frisk: The Use and Abuse of a Controversial Policing Tactic






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Middle East Studies for the New Millennium: Infrastructures of Knowledge (Social Science Research Council)






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Meth Wars: Police, Media, Power (Alternative Criminology)






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Justice Between the Young and the Old


在資源有限的世界中,年輕人和老年人之間的競爭會提出一些困難的正義問題。在擁有公共養老金和醫療保健系統或人口老齡化的國家,人們常常擔心,不同世代的成員不會總是受到公平對待。丹尼斯·麥克凱利(Dennis McKerlie)的專著著眼於年齡組之間的正義,其最終目標是有效解決這些問題的新正義理論。在公共政策和醫學倫理學領域,這是一個重要而及時的話題,但令人驚訝的是,這一問題很少受到道德哲學家的關注。麥克克萊利(McKerlie)對年齡段之間的公平性提出了全面的看法,將平等的平等價值觀或弱勢群體的優先考慮運用於生活的時間部分,而不僅僅是為了完成生活。

In a world of limited resources, competition between the young and old prompt difficult questions of justice. In countries with public pension and health care systems, or with aging populations, there is often a concern that members of different generations are not always treated fairly. Dennis McKerlie's monograph examines justice between age-groups with the ultimate goal of a new theory of justice that effectively grapples with those questions. In the realm of public policy and medical ethics this is an important and timely topic, but surprisingly one that has received relatively little attention from moral philosophers. McKerlie develops a comprehensive view of fairness between age groups that applies the egalitarian values of equality, or priority for the badly off, to temporal parts of lives -- not just to complete lives.

Dennis McKerlie (Author) 


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Illiberal Democracy in Indonesia : The Ideology of the Family State






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Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System 

科學告訴我們,新的危險的行星演化階段已經開始 - 人類世紀、暖化、極端天氣、海洋上升和大規模物種滅絕的時刻已來臨。



by Ian Angus


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