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Law and the Unconscious : A Legendre Reader


《法律與無意識》是法國法律哲學家皮埃爾·勒讓傑(Pierre Legendre)首次以英語發表的著作。皮埃爾·勒讓格(Pierre Legendre)受過律師、歷史學家和心理分析員的培訓,一直以來都通過心理分析的教學和方法來面對法律。當前的論文集包含引人入勝的主題,包括對眼淚、舞蹈和法律的教義調節、絕對的渴望、文本的戰爭以及圖像的力量。

Law and the Unconscious is the first work of the French legal philosopher Pierre Legendre to appear in English. Trained as a lawyer, a historian and a psychoanalyst, the work of Pierre Legendre has consistently confronted law with the teaching and methods of psychoanalysis. The present collection of essays addresses a fascinating and diverse set of themes including the doctrinal regulation of tears, dance and law, the desire for the absolute, the war of texts, and the power of images.

Pierre Legendre  (Auther) 


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Wrestling with Behavioral Genetics : Science, Ethics, and Public Conversation


遺傳研究的實際意義可以為孩子的精神分裂症或自閉症以及將來可能治療遺傳性疾病帶來緩解父母的自責。其他發現 - 或對它們的有害解釋 - 可能造成巨大傷害,例如,通過在遺傳、種族和教育程度之間建立有缺陷的聯繫。

一群跨學科的貢獻者 - 人類遺傳學家,人文主義者,社會科學家,律師和記者 - 聚集在一起,討論行為遺傳學研究的倫理和社會影響。這些文章為讀者提供了必要的工具來批判性地分析行為遺傳學家的發現,探索對這些發現的倫理和社會影響的競爭性解釋,並參與有關他們富有成效的公共對話。

Hardly a month goes by without a media report proclaiming that researchers have discovered the gene for some complex human behavior or trait-intelligence, dyslexia, shyness, homosexuality. The practical implications of genetic research can bring great good-relieving parents of self-blame for a child's schizophrenia or autism and possibly treating genetic diseases in the future. Other findings-or pernicious interpretations of them-can cause great harm, for example, by establishing flawed connections between genetics, race, and educational attainment.

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Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages






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Young People's Views on Sex Education : Education, Attitudes and Behaviour



Based on observation of sex education programmes and in-depth interviews with young people, the authors aim to understand more about adolescent's attitudes to sexuality and their sexual behaviour in order to develop policies which will meet their needs more appropriately and effectively. Issues covered in this interesting and accessible book include the ways adolescent informal culture affects sex education programmes and practice; the impact of gender inequality on sex education and safer sex behaviours; legislation and policy frameworks which effect sex education policies; the way young people see legislation and evaluate sex education programmes; and the impact health professionals can have in school sex education. The authors contend that the insights into the values and views that young people bring to bear on the sex education they receive should have an important role to play in the development of policy and practice of those involved in sex education work.

    Dr Lynda Measor  (Autor)  


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Homegirls : Language and Cultural Practice Among Latina Youth Gangs


文化人類學家和語言學家諾曼·門多薩 - 丹頓在這本關於北方和蘇南(南北)青年團體的新書中看到了年輕的拉丁人的日常生活以及他們對言語,身體實踐和符號交換的創新應用,這標誌著他們的幫派和意識形態。

她引人入勝的民族志和社會語言學研究揭示了加州拉丁裔幫派女孩的語言行為和其他像徵性習俗的聯繫,以及她們與更大的民族主義、種族/民族意識和性別認同的社會過程。對北加州和蘇爾女孩幫派 - 加利福尼亞州最大的拉丁裔幫派引人入勝的敘述追踪言論,身體實踐和象徵交流的元素如何用於表示社會歸屬,並聚集在一起形成青年幫派樣式探討語言與身體;幫派成員的紋身、化妝和服裝最引人注目的方面與其他關注暴力、鬥爭和毒品的研究不同。門多薩 - 丹頓研究了青年幫派常被忽視的文化和語言方面~

In this ground-breaking new book on the Nortena and Surena (North/South) youth gang dynamic, cultural anthropologist and linguist Norma Mendoza-Denton looks at the daily lives of young Latinas and their innovative use of speech, bodily practices, and symbolic exchanges that signal their gang affiliations and ideologies. Her engrossing ethnographic and sociolinguistic study reveals the connection of language behavior and other symbolic practices among Latina gang girls in California, and their connections to larger social processes of nationalism, racial/ethnic consciousness, and gender identity. An engrossing account of the Norte and Sur girl gangs - the largest Latino gangs in California Traces how elements of speech, bodily practices, and symbolic exchanges are used to signal social affiliation and come together to form youth gang styles Explores the relationship between language and the body: one of the most striking aspects of the tattoos, make-up, and clothing of the gang members Unlike other studies which focus on violence, fighting and drugs Mendoza-Denton delves into the commonly-overlooked cultural and linguistic aspects of youth gangs.


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Epistrophies : Jazz and the Literary Imagination


Brent Hayes Edwards寫道,媒體聆聽是獨特的非裔美國人藝術創作和表演創新的源泉。他通過爵士樂文獻中的案例研究來探索這個肥沃的界面,這兩個樂曲都是通過音樂,以及爵士音樂家自己寫的驚人的大量作品。

Hearing across media is the source of innovation in a uniquely African American sphere of art-making and performance, Brent Hayes Edwards writes. He explores this fertile interface through case studies in jazz literature both writings informed by music and the surprisingly large body of writing by jazz musicians themselves.

  Brent Hayes Edwards  (Autor)


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Art Therapy (Psychotherapy Handbook Series)



Presents new ideas in the theory and practice of art therapy, incorporating them into more established art therapy and pointing to future developments. The book concludes with an examination of the training of art therapists and a look at the future direction of research in the field.

 Windy Waller(Autor)


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Women Writing War: Ireland 1880-1922


對1880 - 1922年愛爾蘭女作家的探索,揭示了他們在文化上的積極性,並且在動盪時期的政治和軍事鬥爭中投入了大量精力。從土地戰爭到布爾戰爭,從第一次世界大戰到復活節起義,獨立戰爭和內戰,本書中所考慮的迷人女性都在經歷著衝突的經驗表徵。探討衝突敘述被閱讀和解讀的方式是深刻的性別以及婦女和衝突之間的關係。

An exploration of Irish women writers from 1880-1922, revealing them to be culturally active and deeply invested in the political and military struggles of their turbulent times. From the Land Wars to the Boer Wars, from the First World War to the Easter Rising, the War of Independence and the Civil War, the fascinating women considered in this volume grapple with the experiential representation of conflicts. Explores the ways in which conflict narratives have been read - and interpreted - as deeply gendered and the relationship between women and conflict.

  Tina O'Toole(Autor)


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Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts 


從“大腦中的閱讀”(Reading in the Brain)這位著名的作者,可以看到可以追踪大腦深處意識的新科學

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Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue: Liberating Traditions 




In this collection of original essays, international scholars put Asian traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, into conversation with one or more contemporary feminist philosophies, founding a new mode of inquiry that attends to diverse voices and the complex global relationships that define our world. These cross-cultural meditations focus on the liberation of persons from suffering, oppression, illusion, harmful conventions and desires, and other impediments to full personhood by deploying a methodology that traverses multiple philosophical styles, historical texts, and frames of reference. Hailing from the discipline of philosophy in addition to Asian, gender, and religious studies, the contributors offer a fresh take on the classic concerns of free will, consciousness, knowledge, objectivity, sexual difference, embodiment, selfhood, the state, morality, and hermeneutics.

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Blade Runner (Philosophers on Film)  




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Principles of Seismology




This textbook for upper division undergraduates and graduate students provides the ideal introduction to seismology. A student-friendly text fully details the fundamental concepts and includes a step-by-step development of the relevant mathematics. Beginning with clear examples of introductory topics such as one-dimensional problems and liquid media, the book goes on to cover most of the fundamental concepts in seismology. The author describes the application of seismology to the knowledge of the structure of the earth's interior and the origin and nature of earthquakes. Coverage includes seismic wave propagation, normal mode theory, ray theory approximation, body and surface waves, source mechanisms and kinematic and dynamic models. The book also contains appendices on useful mathematical tools and includes extensive problems that help students to understand the basic concepts in this area.


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The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy


彼得·伯克(Peter Burke)在他最受歡迎的作品新修訂版中提出了意大利文藝復興時期的社會和文化史。他討論了十五和十六世紀期間意大利存在的社會和政治制度,他分析了這個非凡的藝術創造時期的思考和看待的方式。




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The Big Picture Level 1


屢獲殊榮的英文學習者原創小說。從入門到高級的七個級別,精心挑選的精心評選的讀者為每個學生的能力提供了令人興奮的閱讀。Photographer Ken Harada thinks so when he gets a fantastic photo of a famous sumo star who is visiting Tokyo. However, it becomes clear that somebody wants that photo badly and will do anything to get it. Life suddenly becomes very dangerous for Ken and when he develops the photo he realises why. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CD including complete text recordings from the book.

  Sue Leather  (Autor)


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Cambridge IELTS 3 Student's Book with Answers: Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL Examinations (2Audio CDs)



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Cambridge IELTS 5 Student's Book with Answers: Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL Examinations (2Audio CDs)



Cambridge IELTS 3 provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and practise examination techniques using authentic test material. This collection includes practice in the updated Speaking test (June 2001 syllabus), plus extra Reading and Writing modules for General Training candidates. The book includes an introduction to these different modules together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL. The comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts means that the material is ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own. A self-study pack (Student's Book with answers and Audio CD) is also available.

  University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate(Autor)


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Migrant Encounters: Intimate Labor, the State, and Mobility Across Asia






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Multitude : War and Democracy in the Age of Empire


邁克爾·哈特(Michael Hardt)和安東尼奧·內格里(Antonio Negri)在他們的國際暢銷書《帝國》中,提出了一個宏偉的統一願景,即一個世界,舊的帝國主義形式不再有效。但是,在“美國帝國”時代的帝國又如何呢?恐懼是否已成為我們的永久條件,民主是一個不可能的夢想?作者認為,這種悲觀主義是錯誤的。帝國通過將更多生活領域聯繫起來,實際上正在創造一種新型民主的可能性,允許不同的群體形成眾多群體,並有能力為當今世界秩序提供民主的替代選擇。有見識,Multitude鞏固了Hardt和Negri作為當今世界上最重要的兩個政治哲學家的地位

In their international bestseller Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri presented a grand unified vision of a world in which the old forms of imperialism are no longer effective. But what of Empire in an age of "American empire"? Has fear become our permanent condition and democracy an impossible dream? Such pessimism is profoundly mistaken, the authors argue. Empire, by interconnecting more areas of life, is actually creating the possibility for a new kind of democracy, allowing different groups to form a multitude, with the power to forge a democratic alternative to the present world order.Exhilarating in its optimism and depth of insight, Multitude consolidates Hardt and Negri's stature as two of the most important political philosophers at work in the world today.

 Michael Hardt (Author) 


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Latin Via Ovid

Latin Via Ovid: A First Course Second Edition

by Jacob E. Nyenhuis  Wayne State University Press; 2 edition (September 1, 1982)

  • ISBN-13: 978-0814317327




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