![The Adventures of Ibn Battuta A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century, With a New Preface.png The Adventures of Ibn Battuta A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century, With a New Preface.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1599461661-170964938-g_n.png)
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta : A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century, With a New Preface
羅斯·鄧恩(Ross Dunn)在這裡講述了這位偉大旅行者的非凡事業,在伊斯蘭社會的文化和社會背景下對其進行了闡釋,並為讀者提供了一部非凡的傳記以及對中世紀人類交流的半球維度的研究。
Ross Dunn here recounts the great traveler's remarkable career, interpreting it within the cultural and social context of Islamic society and giving the reader both a biography of an extraordinary personality and a study of the hemispheric dimensions of human interchange in medieval times.
Performance is inextricable from all aspects of the poems, from image to structure to background story. Background stories previously neglected, even in some of the most familiar passages (such as Phoenix’s speech in Iliad 9) are brought to the surface, and passages readers tend to rush through (such as Odysseus’s encounter with Eumaeus) are shown to have some of the richest dramatic potential. Attending to performance enlivens isolated features in a given passage by showing how they work together.
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![The Nation in the Village The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland, 1848–1914.png The Nation in the Village The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland, 1848–1914.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1593589706-1501133149-g_n.png)
The Nation in the Village : The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland, 1848-1914
農民如何將自己視為一個國家的成員?廣泛接受的論點是,民族情感起源於知識分子或城市中產階級,然後“澆灌”給工人階級和農民。 Keely Stauter-Halsted認為,這樣的模型忽視了農民社會的獨立貢獻。從1848年農奴的解放到第一次世界大戰前夕,她探索了奧地利加利西亞波蘭農民的複雜案例。
在解放後的幾年中,講波蘭語的農民比他們的波蘭領主或加利西亞首都克拉科夫的中產階級更容易認同奧地利皇帝和天主教。然而到本世紀末,講波蘭語的農民將為“波蘭萬歲”歡呼,並慶祝為捍衛波蘭獨立而進行的農民起義百年紀念活動。 Stauter-Halsted說,這種轉變的原因是農民菁英與上層社會改革者之間的共生。
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![Fast Cars, Clean Bodies Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture (October Books).png Fast Cars, Clean Bodies Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture (October Books).png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1535355154-1530898631_n.png)
Fast Cars, Clean Bodies : Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture
從Dien Bien Phu到20世紀60年代中期的關鍵十年,當時法國從一個農業,孤立和帝國導向的社會迅速轉變為非殖民化、美國化和完全工業化的社會。在對令人吃驚的文化轉型分析中,Kristin Ross發現了各種商品和文物 - 汽車、洗衣機、女性雜誌、電影、流行小說,甚至結構主義 - 以及形成中所包含當時期的矛盾。
她展示了當時的現實主義小說和電影,以及當時開始概念化“日常生活”的社會理論家如Barthes,Lefebvre和Morin的作品,揭示了事件的破壞和社會代價。 她認為,今天法國流行的種族主義邏輯主要集中在移民工人的身份上,這本身就是法國在20世紀50年代和60年代擁抱資本主義現代化意識形態的結果。
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![Hitler%5Cs Millennial Reich Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation.png Hitler%5Cs Millennial Reich Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1534406478-787669369_n.png)
Hitler's Millennial Reich : Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation
第一次世界大戰後,德國公民不僅尋求拯救Weimar Germany的政治、經濟、社會和文化動盪,而且還尋求精神救贖。隨著秩序,繁榮和社區的承諾,Adolph Hitler代表那些皈依納粹主義的人實現了極度的精神需要,因此不僅成為了Fuhrer,而且彌賽亞爭辯David Redles,他認為千禧年的情緒是崛起的關鍵。納粹主義與許多制度因素使納粹主義非人格化的作品相反,Redles提供了對千禧年運動的影響和潛力的全新觀點。
主要和次要的納粹黨派人物的著作,其中有一種驚人的宗教信仰和救贖信仰,揭示了德國人如何接受Hitler提供的千禧年帝國的概念。Redles闡述了Hitler's關於即將與所謂的Jewish Bolsheviks進行“最後一戰”的世界末日預言,被認為是一場“毀滅之戰”,轉變為一種同樣具有末世性的“最終解決方案”
After World War I, German citizens sought not merely relief from the political, economic, social, and cultural upheaval which wracked Weimar Germany, but also mental salvation. With promises of order, prosperity, and community, Adolph Hitler fulfilled a profoundly spiritual need on behalf of those who converted to Nazism, and thus became not only Fuhrer, but Messiah contends David Redles, who believes that millenarian sentiment was central to the rise of Nazism. As opposed to many works which depersonalize Nazism by focusing on institutional factors, Redles offers a fresh view of the impact and potential for millenarian movements.
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![The Two Unions Ireland, Scotland, And The Survival Of The United Kingdom, 1707-2007.png The Two Unions Ireland, Scotland, And The Survival Of The United Kingdom, 1707-2007.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1528258086-2118680937_n.png)
The Two Unions : Ireland, Scotland, and the Survival of the United Kingdom, 1707-2007
他詳細研究了蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭兩個相互聯繫的工會運動。Alvin Jackson不僅闡述了過去300年來英國的歷史和各種健康狀況,還闡述了其現狀和前景。
Much has been written about the decline of the United Kingdom. The Two Unions looks instead at the lengthy survival of the Union, examining the institutions, structures, and individuals that have contributed to its longevity. In order to understand its survival, the author, one of the foremost historians of modern Ireland and of the British-Irish relationship, sustains a comparison between the Irish and Scots Unions, their respective origins and subsequent development.
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![Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World.png Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1527495517-935748644.png)
Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World
這個俗人是否參加了加洛林文藝復興?如果是這樣,那些精英階層又是如何呢?通過他們,大眾平民受到影響?這篇引人入勝,範圍廣泛的書籍通過對中世紀歐洲早期文學和藝術活動的積極參與進行研究,探討了這些問題。主要的歷史學家探索由世俗作家編寫的各種拉丁文和本土文本,並使用豐富的案例研究來闡明關鍵問題,例如普通讀寫能力的程度,學習大眾平民能夠蓬勃發展的背景,卡洛林文藝復興的變革性影響,以及海峽兩岸的“外行”和“文職”價值觀之間的相互作用。這本書表明,無論是女性還是男性,學者們對於早期中世紀文化的作者和讀者都比以前認為的更多,它將成為卡洛林學者和盎格魯 - 撒克遜歷史學者的基本讀物。
Did the laity have a part in the Carolingian Renaissance? If so, how were lay elites, and through them the laity at large affected? This fascinating and wide-ranging volume examines these questions through a study of lay involvement in literary and artistic activity in early medieval Europe. Leading historians explore a diverse range of Latin and vernacular texts written by secular authors and use richly drawn case studies to illuminate such key issues as the extent of lay literacy, the contexts in which learned laity could flourish, the transformative impact of the Carolingian Renaissance, and the interaction of 'lay' and 'clerical' values on both sides of the Channel. This volume demonstrates that the learned laity, both women as well as men, contributed much more as writers and patrons to early medieval culture than was previously thought and it will be essential reading for scholars of Carolingian and Anglo-Saxon history.
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![The Extreme Right in Europe (The Making of the Contemporary World).png The Extreme Right in Europe (The Making of the Contemporary World).png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1524454962-3082225284_n.png)
The Extreme Right in Europe
The Extreme Right in Western Europe is a concise introduction to one of the most persistent facets of late twentieth-century history, politics and society. The legacy of the Nazi era and the increasingly unacceptable face of extremism all militated against the success of far right-wing parties after World War Two. Nevertheless, contemporary problems and the solutions offered to ever more difficult questions such as immigration, unemployment, and law and order have enabled extremist, nationalist and populist movements to emerge.
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![Post-Victorian Britain 1902-1951.png Post-Victorian Britain 1902-1951.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1524044855-994310437.png)
Post-Victorian Britain 1902-1951
This comprehensive survey of English history during the first half of the twentieth century has three main themes: the political and social consequences of the replacement of the Liberal Party by the Labour Party; the continuous development of the welfare state; and the changes in England's imperial and international position caused by the ambitions of Germany and Japan and by the emergence of the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R as world powers. The leading personalities of the period are brilliantly portrayed and the issues challengingly presently.
L.C.B. Seaman (Autor)
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![Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914 (European Studies Series).png Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914 (European Studies Series).png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1513060415-134238638_n.png)
Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914 (European Studies Series)
世俗化可能意味著許多完全不同的東西 - 不信任,信仰私有化,弱化宗派認同,宗教中立國家的發展。這本書既揭示了世俗化的多面性,也揭示了它影響不同生活領域的巨大不平衡。法國是十九世紀晚期社會世俗化的典型例子。
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![Stalinism (Studies in European History).png Stalinism (Studies in European History).png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1513053996-2353741267_n.png)
Stalinism (Studies in European History)
Drawing on research based on access to the recently-opened Soviet archives, this new edition provides a valuable thematic account of the nature of Stalinism. The author surveys the arguments about the origins of the Stalinist phenomenon and discusses the way in which the different faces of Stalinism (economic, social, cultural and political) changed over time. Gill concludes that the dramatic fall of the USSR was connected to the nature of Stalinism.
Graeme Gill(Autor)
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![Catholic Emancipation A Shake to Men%5Cs Minds.png Catholic Emancipation A Shake to Men%5Cs Minds.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1510802417-460004293_n.png)
Catholic Emancipation: A Shake to Men's Mind
在十九世紀初,天主教徒仍然被法律排除在公共和政治生活之外,對他們的反感和不信任仍然受到很大的影響。本書考察了他們解放事件的順序。這顯示了丹尼爾·奧康奈爾(Daniel O'Connell)在1828年克萊爾郡(County Clare)選舉中的“光榮無血的勝利”如何促使惠靈頓公爵政府改變法律。
然後,惠靈頓和國王他們反對條例草案,理由是這樣做會違反他的加冕誓言,最後的戲劇性投降使得奧康奈爾能夠在1829年5月在康斯坦茨就職。溫迪欣德還認為,條例草案與當代政治舞台的其他方面 - 議會改革的壓力,上議院與下議院之間的關係變化,君主權力的下降以及愛爾蘭民族主義的興起,都有關係。她表明,解放既不像其他人所希望的那樣,也不像有些人所希望的那樣,為愛爾蘭帶來和平與繁榮,從而破壞英國憲法。
At the beginning of the 19th century catholics were still excluded by law from public and political life, and there was still much popular antipathy and mistrust of them. This book examines the sequence of events that brought about their emancipation. It shows how Daniel O'Connell's "glorious and bloodless victory" at the election in County Clare in 1828 pushed the Duke of Wellington's government towards a change in the law. It then examines the negotiations between Wellington and the King, who opposed the Bill on the grounds that to do so would violate his coronation oath, and the final dramatic surrender which allowed O'Connell to take his seat in the Commmons in May 1829. Wendy Hinde also considers the Bill's relation to other important aspects of the contemporary political scene - the pressure for parliamentary reform, the changing relationship between the Lords and the Commons, the declining power of the monarch, and the rise of Irish nationalism. She shows that emancipation neither undermined the British constitution, as some feared, nor brought peace and prosperity to Ireland, as others hoped.
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![European Nations Explaining Their Formation.png European Nations Explaining Their Formation.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1509606674-1773696262_n.png)
European Nations: Explaining Their Formation
在現代政治思想史上,民族主義,愛國主義沒有任何議題受到重視。大量的文學已經發生了變化。Miroslav Hroch並不是將另外一種民族主義理論加入到這種觀念之中,而是創造了一個非凡的綜合,將明顯的競爭性框架整合到一個連貫的系統中,通過十九世紀國家形成過程的各種途徑跟踪歐洲國家的歷史發展世紀。將國家形成的比較觀點與無價的理論見解相結合,歐洲國家對於任何想了解歐洲當前政治危機的歷史根源的人來說至關重要。
In the history of modern political thought, no topics have attracted as much attention as nationalism, nation-formation, and patriotism. A mass of literature has grown around these vexed issues, muddying the waters, and a level-headed clarification is long overdue. Rather than adding another theory of nationalism to this maelstrom of ideas, Miroslav Hroch has created a remarkable synthesis, integrating apparently competing frameworks into a coherent system that tracks the historical genesis of European nations through the sundry paths of the nation-forming processes of the nineteenth century. Combining a comparative perspective on nation-formation with invaluable theoretical insights, European Nations is essential for anyone who wants to understand the historical roots of Europe's current political crisis.
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![The Life of the Prince Consort.png The Life of the Prince Consort.png](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://pic.pimg.tw/kweilinbooks/1493262984-2014608004.png)
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