Where the Meanings Are : Feminism and Cultural Spaces
女權主義理論和種族關係論文集於1990年首次出版,被《聲音文學增刊》(Voice Literary Supplement)評為1988年最暢銷的25本書之一。標題涵蓋了黑人文學等主題;重建文化、改變藝術、文學和科學以納入婦女和性別主題、家庭的性質以及婦女在社會中的角色變化。因此,凱瑟琳·斯廷普森(Catharine Stimpson)採用跨學科方法,以鼓勵人們更好地理解女性之間的差異,從而從整體上理解社會構成的差異。
First published in 1990, this collection of essays in literary criticism, feminist theory and race relations was named one of the top twenty-five books of 1988 by the Voice Literary Supplement. The title covers such subjects as black literature; the reconstruction of culture, changing arts, letters and sciences to include the topics of women and gender; and, the nature of family and the changing roles of women within society. As such, Catharine Stimpson employs a transdisciplinary approach, to encourage greater understanding of the differences among women, and thus socially-constructed differences in general.