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Musicology The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides).png

Musicology: The Key Concepts



Now in an updated 2nd edition, Musicology: The Key Concepts is a handy A-Z reference guide to the terms and concepts associated with contemporary musicology. Drawing on critical theory with a focus on new musicology, this updated edition contains over 35 new entries including:AutobiographyMusic and ConflictDeconstructionPostcolonialismDisabilityMusic after 9/11MasculinityGay MusicologyAestheticsEthnicityInterpretationSubjectivityWith all entries updated, and suggestions for further reading throughout, this text is an essential resource for all students of music, musicology, and wider performance related humanities disciplines.

David Beard  (Auther) 


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PC Worlds Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the End of Hegemony.png

PC Worlds : Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the End of Hegemony



This provocative work offers an anthropological analysis of the phenomenon of political correctness, both as a general phenomenon of communication, in which associations in space and time take precedence over the content of what is communicated, and at specific critical historical conjunctures at which new elites attempt to redefine social reality. Focusing on the crises over the last thirty years of immigration and multiculturalist politics in Sweden, the book examines cases, some in which the author was himself involved, but also comparative material from other countries.

Jonathan Friedman  (Editor) 


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The Witch A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present.png

The Witch : A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present


為什麼全世界的社會都害怕巫術?這本書深入探討了它的背景、信仰和歐洲歷史的起源。現代早期的歐洲,女巫出了名,時常是痛苦的死亡,但她的起源在地理上更加多樣而且歷史悠久。在這本具有里程碑意義的書中,羅納德·赫頓(Ronald Hutton)追溯了從古代世界到早期現代木樁的巫術。這本書以最廣泛和最深入的視角設置了臭名昭著的歐洲巫婆審判,並追溯了巫術的主要史學發展。


Why have societies all across the world feared witchcraft? This book delves deeply into its context, beliefs, and origins in Europe's history The witch came to prominence-and often a painful death-in early modern Europe, yet her origins are much more geographically diverse and historically deep. In this landmark book, Ronald Hutton traces witchcraft from the ancient world to the early-modern stake. This book sets the notorious European witch trials in the widest and deepest possible perspective and traces the major historiographical developments of witchcraft.


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Race and Ethnicity : Culture, Identity and Representation


這本經過全面修訂和更新的教科書是“種族”和種族問題和理論的重要指南。它展示了這些概念在殖民統治期間是如何形成的,以及它們如何成為社會認同和分裂的核心 - 直到最近,無可爭議的 - 方面。本書為學生詳細了解殖民地和後殖民地的建構,變化和種族挑戰作為社會分裂和不平等的根源。




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Social and Cultural Anthropology The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides).png

Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts




Social and Cultural Anthropology: the Key Concepts is an easy to use A-Z guide to the central concepts that students are likely to encounter in this field. Now fully updated, this third edition includes entries on:Material CultureEnvironmentHuman RightsHybridityAlterityCosmopolitanismEthnographyApplied AnthropologyGenderCyberneticsWith full cross-referencing and revised further reading to point students towards the latest writings in Social and Cultural Anthropology, this is a superb reference resource for anyone studying or teaching in this area.


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Language and Power Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia (The Wilder House Series in Politics, History and Culture).png

Language and Power : Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia


在這本生動的書中,Benedict R. O'G Anderson探討了印度尼西亞歷史上兩個關鍵事實引起的文化和政治矛盾 - 雖然印度尼西亞民族很年輕,但印度尼西亞國家很古老,起源於十七世紀初。荷蘭人的征服;當代政治是用一種新的語言,印度尼西亞語,由人民(特別是爪哇人)進行的,他們的文化植根於中世紀。通過分析從古典詩歌到公共紀念碑和漫畫的一系列例子,Anderson加深了我們對現代與傳統權力概念、語言力量冥想和民族意識發展之間相互作用的理解。本卷匯集了Anderson的八個概念。在過去二十年中寫的最有影響力的文章。

大多數論文都涉及爪哇政治文化的各個方面 - 從十九世紀初開始,當時爪哇人還沒有通過20世紀早期的民族主義,到世界之後獨立時代的政治、殖民主義、社會或階級的話語。第二次世界大戰時,內部緊張局勢爆發成大規模屠殺。在第一組文章中,Anderson考慮了傳統爪哇社會如何設想權力,以及這些想像如何塑造了印度尼西亞的現代政治。其他文章關注的是現代印度尼西亞人所想像的平等主義,鐵藝民族語言與等級,專制的爪哇官方文化的強大影響之間的不一致的重要性。



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A Society without Fathers or Husbands The Na of China.png

A Society without Fathers or Husbands : The Na of China


中國的Na,喜馬拉雅地區的農民,沒有婚姻制度。 Na兄弟姐妹一起生活,分擔家務,撫養女子。因為Na像所有文化一樣禁止亂倫,所以他們在女人的家裡練習一種有時偷偷摸摸,有時候顯眼的夜間遭遇的系統。這個女人的伴侶 - 她經常不止一個 - 對她或她的孩子沒有經濟責任,而“父親”,除非他們像孩子一樣,仍然無法辨認。這項清晰的人種學研究表明,沒有丈夫或父親,社會如何運作。它揭示了婚姻和血緣關係,以及婦女的地位,獲得身份的必要條件,以及共產主義國家對其認為落後的社會的影響。

The Na of China, farmers in the Himalayan region, live without the institution of marriage. Na brothers and sisters live together their entire lives, sharing household responsibilities and raising the women's children. Because the Na, like all cultures, prohibit incest, they practice a system of sometimes furtive, sometimes conspicuous nighttime encounters at the woman's home. The woman's partners―she frequently has more than one―bear no economic responsibility for her or her children, and "fathers," unless they resemble their children, remain unidentifiable. This lucid ethnographic study shows how a society can function without husbands or fathers. It sheds light on marriage and kinship, as well as on the position of women, the necessary conditions for the acquisition of identity, and the impact of a communist state on a society that it considers backward.

   Cai Hua (Autor)


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The Tourism Encounter Fashioning Latin American Nations and Histories.png

The Tourism Encounter : Fashioning Latin American Nations and Histories






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The Hunting Apes Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior.png

The Hunting Apes : Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior


什麼讓人類獨特?是什麼使我們成為今天居住在地球上最成功的動物物種?大多數科學家都認為,我們成功的關鍵在於我們大腦的異常龐大。我們的大腦為我們提供了卓越的思維能力,並帶來了人類的其他鮮明特徵,包括先進的溝通、工具使用和兩條腿走路。還是反過來呢?早期人類面臨的挑戰是否將物種推向溝通、工具使用和行走,並且這樣將演化引擎推向大腦?在這本挑釁性的書中,Craig Stanford為這個令人困惑的問題提出了一個有趣的突破性科學觀察。根據斯坦福的說法,人類獨特的是肉。或者,相反,渴望肉食、吃肉、狩獵肉、分享肉。

根據對黑猩猩和其他類人猿,我們現在已經滅絕的人類祖先以及現有狩獵和收集社團的行為的新見解,斯坦福大學展示了肉類在這些社會中發揮的顯著作用。也許是因為它提供了高度濃縮的蛋白質來源 - 對於大腦的發育和健康至關重要 - 肉類被包括人類在內的許多靈長類動物所渴望。這種渴望賦予了肉類真正的力量 - 使男性能夠圍繞狩獵形成狩獵派對和組織整個文化的力量。它賦予了男性在這些文化中操縱和控製女性的權力。Stanford大學認為,在過去的20萬年裡,成功狩獵和特別是共享肉類所需的技能和所需的技能促使人類大腦的規模激增。然後,他將注意力轉向靈肉和人類社會中肉類共享的方式,以爭辯說這一重要活動對今天仍然感受到的基本社會結構產生了深遠影響。

What makes humans unique? What makes us the most successful animal species inhabiting the Earth today? Most scientists agree that the key to our success is the unusually large size of our brains. Our large brains gave us our exceptional thinking capacity and led to humans' other distinctive characteristics, including advanced communication, tool use, and walking on two legs. Or was it the other way around? Did the challenges faced by early humans push the species toward communication, tool use, and walking and, in doing so, drive the evolutionary engine toward a large brain? In this provocative new book, Craig Stanford presents an intriguing alternative to this puzzling question--an alternative grounded in recent, groundbreaking scientific observation. According to Stanford, what made humans unique was meat. Or, rather, the desire for meat, the eating of meat, the hunting of meat, and the sharing of meat.


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Discovering the Olmecs An Unconventional History.png

Discovering the Olmecs: An Unconventional History (William and Bettye Nowlin Series in Art, History, and Cultur) 



在這本有吸引力的書中,Olmecs的領先專家從他自己的經驗和他的前輩,同事和學生的經驗中講述了這些故事。20世紀20年代的第一次現代探索開始,大衛·格羅夫(David Grove)回顧了幾代考古學家和當地居民在沒有任何書面記錄下如何發現奧爾默克地過去,並拼湊了這幅古代文明的肖像。這些故事充滿了偶然的發現和令人沮喪的失望,有幫助的合作和欺騙性的黑社會人士。



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