A Heritage of Kings : One Man's Monarchy in the Confucian world
在中國,我們的指導工作與Jonathan Spence教授關於康熙皇帝和Harold Kahn教授關於乾隆皇帝的工作一樣,皇帝被置於近乎神話的光環中。作為天子,中國皇帝是天堂和文明世界的調停者。君主制度的發展也是為了增強帝國權威的可怕性。官僚體系廣闊,宋朝(960一1279)由官吏選定的專業官僚,而不是貴族官僚組成。從明代(1368-1644)開始,王位獲得了幾乎不可挑戰的權力。在這種情況下,皇帝可以肆無忌憚地為聖人國王修辭,以支持帝國形象。
This book is a stuy of the Confucian kingship as it was understood and practiced by Yongjo, the twenty-firstt king of Yi Korea(1392-1910), who ruled from 1724 to 1776. The Confucian king-ship, guided and formed as it was by the ideal of the sage king, was and exceedingly demanding one. The rule was an ordinary mortal, not a divine being, yet his virue had to be such that his mandate was premised upon it. Not only was he expected to perfect himself;he was also burdened with effecting perfect order in his realm. This, or the lack thereof , was seen as the index of his virtue. The practice of sage kingship, however, wa another matter. Like other political ideologies, it was used in the context of institutional, political, and social realities. In China, where our minating works as those by Professor Jonathan Spence on the Emperor K'ang-hsi and Professor Harold Kahn on the Emperor Ch'ien-lung, the emperor was enshrined in a nearly mythic aura. As the Son of Heaven, the Chinese emperor was the mediator be=tween Heaven and the civilized world. The monarchical institution also developed in such a way as to enhance the awesomeness of imperial authority. The bureaucracy grew vast and, by the Sung dynasty(960-1279), it came to be staffed by professional, rather tha aristocratic, bureaucrats selected by the civil servie examination. From the Ming dynasty(1368-1644), the throne acquired a nearly unchallengeable power. In this context, the emperor could with impunity avial himself of the rhetoric of the sage king to buttress the imperial image.