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Rebel Power : Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win


從阿爾及利亞到愛爾蘭再到美國,世界上許多州都是強大的民族運動實現獨立的結果。許多其他民族運動,包括巴斯克人、庫爾德人和巴勒斯坦人,都未能成功地實現建國。在《叛軍力量》中,彼得·克勞斯(Peter Krause)提供了強有力的新理論來解釋這種差異,著眼於民族主義團體之間的內部力量平衡,這些民族主義者相互合作以建立一個新國家,同時競爭領導一個新國家。最有權勢的集團會在統治自己的狀態下推動建立國家,而較弱勢的集團不太可能獲得任職的地位還可能會成為破壞者,他們會冒險的利用不斷升級的暴力來阻止勝利,同時提高他們在運動體系中的地位。因此,與一個內部競爭的,支離破碎的運動相比,具有一個統治集團的霸權運動更有可能取得國家地位,這是因為它們更加追求勝利,並且較少使用適得其反的暴力。


Many of the world's states―from Algeria to Ireland to the United States―are the result of robust national movements that achieved independence. Many other national movements have failed in their attempts to achieve statehood, including the Basques, the Kurds, and the Palestinians. In Rebel Power, Peter Krause offers a powerful new theory to explain this variation focusing on the internal balance of power among nationalist groups, who cooperate with each other to establish a new state while simultaneously competing to lead it. The most powerful groups push to achieve states while they are in position to rule them, whereas weaker groups unlikely to gain the spoils of office are likely to become spoilers, employing risky, escalatory violence to forestall victory while they improve their position in the movement hierarchy. Hegemonic movements with one dominant group are therefore more likely to achieve statehood than internally competitive, fragmented movements due to their greater pursuit of victory and lesser use of counterproductive violence.

Krause conducted years of fieldwork in government and nationalist group archives in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, as well as more than 150 interviews with participants in the Palestinian, Zionist, Algerian, and Irish national movements. This research generated comparative longitudinal analyses of these four national movements involving 40 groups in 44 campaigns over a combined 140 years of struggle. Krause identifies new turning points in the history of these movements and provides fresh explanations for their use of violent and nonviolent strategies, as well as their numerous successes and failures. Rebel Power is essential reading for understanding not only the history of national movements but also the causes and consequences of contentious collective action today, from the Arab Spring to the civil wars and insurgencies in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond.


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Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization : Civilization: the Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings Volume 1






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Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory


Paul Blackledge批判性地探索了恩格斯對整個現代社會和政治理論特別是對馬克思主義的貢獻。透過仔細研究恩格斯在1840年代鍛造馬克思主義中的作用,以及他對下一個半世紀這種世界觀的進一步深化和擴展所作的貢獻,布萊克利奇對他的思想進行了密切的爭論和平衡。這本書挑戰了馬克思主義學者長期以來將恩格斯詆毀馬克思最大錯誤的嘗試,並得出結論認為恩格斯是一位深刻的思想家,其思想一直延續至今。

In this comprehensive overview of Friedrich Engels's writings, Paul Blackledge critically explores Engels's contributions to modern social and political theory generally and Marxism specifically. Through a careful examination both of Engels's role in the forging of Marxism in the 1840s, and his contributions to the further deepening and expansion of this worldview over the next half century, Blackledge offers a closely argued and balanced assessment of his thought. This book challenges the long-standing attempt among academic Marxologists to denigrate Engels as Marx's greatest mistake, and concludes that Engels was a profound thinker whose ideas continue to resonate to this day.

Paul Blackledge (Author) 

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Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory


Paul Blackledge批判性地探索了恩格斯對整個現代社會和政治理論特別是對馬克思主義的貢獻。透過仔細研究恩格斯在1840年代鍛造馬克思主義中的作用,以及他對下一個半世紀這種世界觀的進一步深化和擴展所作的貢獻,布萊克利奇對他的思想進行了密切的爭論和平衡。這本書挑戰了馬克思主義學者長期以來將恩格斯詆毀馬克思最大錯誤的嘗試,並得出結論認為恩格斯是一位深刻的思想家,其思想一直延續至今。

In this comprehensive overview of Friedrich Engels's writings, Paul Blackledge critically explores Engels's contributions to modern social and political theory generally and Marxism specifically. Through a careful examination both of Engels's role in the forging of Marxism in the 1840s, and his contributions to the further deepening and expansion of this worldview over the next half century, Blackledge offers a closely argued and balanced assessment of his thought. This book challenges the long-standing attempt among academic Marxologists to denigrate Engels as Marx's greatest mistake, and concludes that Engels was a profound thinker whose ideas continue to resonate to this day.

Paul Blackledge (Author) 

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Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory


Paul Blackledge批判性地探索了恩格斯對整個現代社會和政治理論特別是對馬克思主義的貢獻。透過仔細研究恩格斯在1840年代鍛造馬克思主義中的作用,以及他對下一個半世紀這種世界觀的進一步深化和擴展所作的貢獻,布萊克利奇對他的思想進行了密切的爭論和平衡。這本書挑戰了馬克思主義學者長期以來將恩格斯詆毀馬克思最大錯誤的嘗試,並得出結論認為恩格斯是一位深刻的思想家,其思想一直延續至今。

In this comprehensive overview of Friedrich Engels's writings, Paul Blackledge critically explores Engels's contributions to modern social and political theory generally and Marxism specifically. Through a careful examination both of Engels's role in the forging of Marxism in the 1840s, and his contributions to the further deepening and expansion of this worldview over the next half century, Blackledge offers a closely argued and balanced assessment of his thought. This book challenges the long-standing attempt among academic Marxologists to denigrate Engels as Marx's greatest mistake, and concludes that Engels was a profound thinker whose ideas continue to resonate to this day.

Paul Blackledge (Author) 

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Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory


Paul Blackledge批判性地探索了恩格斯對整個現代社會和政治理論特別是對馬克思主義的貢獻。透過仔細研究恩格斯在1840年代鍛造馬克思主義中的作用,以及他對下一個半世紀這種世界觀的進一步深化和擴展所作的貢獻,布萊克利奇對他的思想進行了密切的爭論和平衡。這本書挑戰了馬克思主義學者長期以來將恩格斯詆毀馬克思最大錯誤的嘗試,並得出結論認為恩格斯是一位深刻的思想家,其思想一直延續至今。

In this comprehensive overview of Friedrich Engels's writings, Paul Blackledge critically explores Engels's contributions to modern social and political theory generally and Marxism specifically. Through a careful examination both of Engels's role in the forging of Marxism in the 1840s, and his contributions to the further deepening and expansion of this worldview over the next half century, Blackledge offers a closely argued and balanced assessment of his thought. This book challenges the long-standing attempt among academic Marxologists to denigrate Engels as Marx's greatest mistake, and concludes that Engels was a profound thinker whose ideas continue to resonate to this day.

Paul Blackledge (Author) 

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China and Southeast Asia in the Xi Jinping Era






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World Ordering : A Social Theory of Cognitive Evolution



Drawing on evolutionary epistemology, process ontology, and a social-cognition approach, this book suggests cognitive evolution, an evolutionary-constructivist social and normative theory of change and stability of international social orders. It argues that practices and their background knowledge survive preferentially, communities of practice serve as their vehicle, and social orders evolve. As an evolutionary theory of world ordering, which does not borrow from the natural sciences, it explains why certain configurations of practices organize and govern social orders epistemically and normatively, and why and how these configurations evolve from one social order to another. Suggesting a multiple and overlapping international social orders' approach, the book uses three running cases of contested orders - Europe's contemporary social order, the cyberspace order, and the corporate order - to illustrate the theory. Based on the concepts of common humanity and epistemological security, the author also submits a normative theory of better practices and of bounded progress.ime.

Emanuel Adler (Author) 


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The Costliest Pearl : China's Struggle for India's Ocean


鑑於石油,非洲礦產集裝箱運輸,印度洋對中國的戰略重要性不容小覷。自從鄭在十五世紀通過這些水域航行他們的艦隊 - 探索和繪製它們以擴展天體帝國的貿易以來,中國一直在這裡。

600年後,北京重新進入印度洋是其“一帶一路”大型項目的一部分,其中投資數万億美元用於海洋邊緣以及Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius等基礎設施項目,包括軍事基地在Djibouti。這引發了一場新的危險對抗。針對中國的遠程聯盟印度、美國、法國、澳大利亞以及可預見的日本,在亞太地區的主要競爭對手。

中國長期處於印度洋,大國政治進入這個敏感的海洋地區將會塑造其未來數十年。 Bertil Lintner發掘了這個引人注目的故事,介紹了主要參與者,研究了經濟和海軍的權力平衡,並審查激烈的競爭,以鼓勵小島嶼國家與新德里或北京保持一致。


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Rising to the Challenge : China's Grand Strategy and International Security



中國領導人為什麼要堅持這一宏偉戰略,其關鍵要素是什麼?有哪些替代品?目前的方法是否產生了中國預期的結果?這一宏偉戰略在未來幾年對國際和平與安全意味著什麼 - 而且最關鍵的是,一個日益突出的中國和一個佔統治地位的美國有哪些前景可以應對,管理其不可避免的分歧及挑戰?

China's increasing economic and military capabilities have attracted much attention in recent years. How should the world, especially the United States, respond to this emerging great power? A sensible response requires not only figuring out the speed and extent of China's rise, but also answering a question that has received much less attention: What is China's grand strategy?This book describes and explains the grand strategy China's leaders have adopted to pursue their country's interests in the international system of the 21st century. The author argues that their strategy is designed to foster favorable conditions for continuing China's modernization while also reducing the risk that others will decide a rising China is a threat that must be countered.


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Pacification : The American Struggle For Vietnam's Hearts And Minds


在越南戰爭期間,美國代表南越政府開始了一場不尋常的十字軍東征。它被稱為和平計劃,旨在擊敗共產主義叛亂分子,促進經濟發展和政治改革,幫助南越政府紮根並作為一個獨立的合法實體生存。在這本書中,Richard Hunt提供了第一部關於美國心靈與思想鬥爭的綜合歷史。軍事和政治方法的獨特融合,在瞄準南北越南之間鬥爭的本質。特效集中在美國的角色,在更大的國家建設政治背景下設置和平。


所有人面臨的最大挑戰是說服代理人 - 西貢政府 - 執行計劃並進行美國官員所設想的改革。本書最後仔細評估了安撫的成功和失敗。如果有更多的時間鞏固和平的成果,西貢政府是否會蓬勃發展?或者該政權是否存在根本性的缺陷,以至於它的內部矛盾預先決定了它的滅亡?這本開創性的書為這些以及有關我們越南經歷的其他重要問題提供了令人吃驚和挑釁性的答案。


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This work is a comprehensive analysis of the political and strategic relationship between Japan and China, each of which in important respects aspires to a global status commensurate with its economic and military might. These two great powers have to come to terms with a history of antagonism, each viewing the other as circumspectly as their small regional neighbors view them. Japan and Greater China reviews the domestic and international foundations of the foreign policies of the two countries, notably the politics of national identity. The strategic and economic underpinnings of the relationship are assessed not exclusively by reference to bilateral concerns but within the global and regional position and interests of the two powers.

  Greg Austin  (Autor)


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Three Way Street : Strategic Reciprocity in World Politics


儘管利益衝突,世界上最強大的國家如何合作?在三路街,Joshua S. Goldstein和John R. Freeman分析了美國,蘇聯和中國在過去四十年中所確定的複雜交叉點。

作者證明,國際關係理論的三大學派 - 所有博弈論,心理學和數量 - 經驗學方法 - 都提倡採用合作倡議和相互對應的策略,以引起其他國家的合作。批評者質疑這種方法是否可以模擬國家的實際行為模式,但Goldstein和Freeman提供了大量詳細的經驗證據,顯示了1948年至1989年三國間戰略互惠的存在和有效性。具體而言,他們確立了三者之間的關係近幾十年來,各國通過“前進一步,後退一步”的模式有所改善。他們創新且非常易於理解的主要理論視角綜合闡述了國際合作的性質和運作。

How can the world's most powerful nations cooperate despite their conflicting interests? In Three-Way Street, Joshua S. Goldstein and John R. Freeman analyze the complex intersection defined by relations among the United States, the Soviet Union, and China over the past forty years.


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Client State : Japan in America's Embrace


這個標題提供了對日本戰後向“遠東大不列顛”轉型的全面考察 - 受到美國議程的支持。日本是世界第二大經濟體,國內生產總值比英國和法國還要高,幾乎是中國的兩倍。

它也是美國最耐用,最慷慨和毫無疑問的盟友,把華盛頓的關係放在首要位置。在“客戶國”中,Gavan McCormack審視了日本目前的轉型,旨在滿足華盛頓日本成為“遠東大不列顛”的要求。探索戰後日本與美國的關係,他認為美國的壓力一直在穩步實施,以使日本符合新自由主義原則。

Bush政府堅持日本徹底的從屬地位已經達到了新的高度,這在美國而不是日本的國家利益中是一個重要的議程。包括全面的體制改革,徹底改革與美國的安全和防務關係,以及 - 令人震驚的是 - 積極追求日本獲得核武器。


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Critical Practices in International Theory : Selected Essays


國際理論的批評實踐首次將首席紅外理論家詹姆斯·德里安的散文匯集在一起。這些論文涵蓋了Der Derian工作的核心問題,包括外交,異化,恐怖主義,情報,國家安全,新形式的戰爭,信息技術在國際關係中的作用,後結構主義理論以及軍事娛樂媒體矩陣。這本書包含了為這本書編寫的框架介紹,其中Der Derian為各種工作提供了歷史和理論背景。

在討論他自己的影響和對國際理論發展的反思時,他主張對世界政治中最迫切的問題採取批判性的多元主義方法。Der Derian列為國際關係中最具挑釁性和創新性的思想家之一,對於對國際關係的過去、現在和未來感興趣的學者和學生來說是必不可少的讀物。 James Der Derian是布朗大學沃森研究所國際研究教授,負責指導全球安全計劃和全球媒體項目。

Critical Practices in International Theory brings together for the first time the essays of the leading IR theorist, James Der Derian. The essays cover a variety of issues central to Der Derian's work including diplomacy, alienation, terrorism, intelligence, national security, new forms of warfare, the role of information technology in international relations, poststructuralist theory, and the military-entertainment-media matrix. The book includes a framing introduction written for this volume in which Der Derian provides historical and theoretical context for a diverse body of work.


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Globalization and State Power: Who Wins When America Rules?


我們的暢銷書比較政治作家喬爾·克里格(Joel Krieger)的“政治上的重大問題”系列中的這一新內容,是涵蓋日益流行的全球化問題的任何課程的重要補充。在這個領域是獨一無二的,這是唯一一本研究全球化和國家權力之間關係的書 - 全球化如何塑造國家的角色,行為和職能 - 以及國家如何能夠或不能塑造全球政治秩序。

This new offering in our “Great Questions in Politics” series by best selling comparative politics author, Joel Krieger, is a great complement in any course that covers the increasingly popular issue of globalization. Unique to its field, this is the only book that examines the relationship between globalization and state power - how globalization shapes the role, behavior, and functions of states–and how states, in turn, can–or cannot–shape the global political order.

 Joel Krieger(Autor)


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Strategic Thinking: An Introduction and Farewell (Iiss Studies in International Security) 


溯戰略思想從中歐起源到冷戰滅亡的演變,認為戰略在核時代具有的獨特性和自主性。溫莎關心的是我們對戰爭和戰略理解的變化 - 他認為,技術革新本身的影響要小於技術,社會和政治變革的綜合影響。這個過程在核時代達到高潮,戰略思想變成“自我指涉和自我合法化”,戰略考慮成為“國家和集團政治的決定性力量”。這本書論述了溫莎在整個學術生涯中的許多主題,他在這些主題的反思中滲透了蘇聯的戰略思想,軍備控制,聯盟的作用,游擊現像以及核威懾的合理性和道德規範。最後一章探討了冷戰結束對未來戰略研究的意義。

Here, Philip Windsor explores the emergence, meaning, and significance of the Cold War mentality. Tracing the evolution of strategic thinking from its origins in medieval Europe to the demise of the Cold War, he considers the peculiar character and autonomy that strategy acquired in the nuclear age. Windsor is concerned with changes in our understanding of war and strategy - changes, he argues, that resulted less from technological innovation per se than from the combined effects of technological, social, and political transformations. This process culminated in the nuclear age, when strategic thinking became "self-referring and self-legitimating" and strategic considerations emerged as "the decisive force in the conduct of the politics of states and blocs". The book addresses many of the themes that preoccupied Windsor throughout his academic career and on which his reflections threw such penetrating light: Soviet strategic thought, arms control, the role of alliances, the guerilla phenomenon, and the rationality and ethics of nuclear deterrence. The final chapter explores the implications of the end of the Cold War for the future of strategic studies.

  Philip Windsor (Autor)


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Unilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy: International Perspectives (Center on International Cooperation Studies in Multilateralism)



From the war on terrorism to global warming, from national missile defense to unilateral sanctions, the US has been taken to task for coming on too strong - or for doing too little. This volume explores international reactions to US conduct in world affairs. Authors from around the world address the tensions between unilateralism and multilateralism in US foreign policy. Their careful analysis suggests that the US inclination to go it alone may undermine not only long-term international support for US leadership, but also the sustainability of valuable international institutions.

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