目前分類:中研文哲所選書 (14)

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Social Movements and Latin American Philosophy From Ciudad Juárez to Ayotzinapa.png

Social Movements and Latin American Philosophy : From Ciudad Juarez to Ayotzinapa


社會運動與拉丁美洲哲學:從華雷斯城到阿約濟納帕,從拉丁美洲哲學的角度對阿約濟納帕社會運動進行了歷史和理論分析,以加深對極端暴力背景下社會運動面臨的挑戰理解。路易斯•魯本•迪亞茲•塞佩達(Luis Ruben Diaz Cepeda)分析了完整的動員周期,涉及華雷斯城,正義與尊嚴和平運動以及阿約齊納帕社會運動。

在提出和解決這些問題時,迪亞茲•塞佩達(Diaz Cepeda)主張輕柔的表達方式以及對社會運動組織的長期需求。拉丁美洲研究,哲學、歷史和社會學的學者會發現這本書特別有用。

Social Movements and Latin American Philosophy: From Ciudad Juarez to Ayotzinapa provides a historical and theoretical analysis of the Ayotzinapa social movement from the perspective of Latin American philosophy to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges that social movements face in the context of extreme violence. Luis Ruben Diaz Cepeda analyzes the complete cycle of mobilization appertaining to Ciudad Juarez, the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, and the Ayotzinapa social movement. Guided by the theories of Enrique Dussel, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Ernesto Laclau, and Santiago Castro-Gomez, Diaz Cepeda addresses questions of how a social movement is born, how the distinct social movement organizations should articulate to form a movement of movements, what (if at all) the limits and extent of these organizations should be.


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Comparative Metaethics Neglected Perspectives on the Foundations of Morality.png

Comparative Metaethics : Neglected Perspectives on the Foundations of Morality


這本原始論文集從歐洲主流傳統之外探索元倫理學觀點。關於道德終極本質的重要討論,可以發現的範圍遠遠超出古希臘和現代歐洲。該卷展示比較形而上學的可能性有多豐富,這些比較為當代分析形而上學帶來了挑戰和新觀點。代表五大洲的思想家討論從古埃及、中國古代和墨西哥(Aztec)文化到最近的思想家,例如Augusto Salazar Bondy,Bimal Krishna Matilal,NishidaKitarō和Susan Sontag。討論的哲學主題包括宗教語言、道德發現、道德分歧與評價事實的本質、形而上的和諧與道德知識、自然主義、道德觀念和準現實主義。該卷使得對超倫理學或比較哲學者感興趣。

This collection of original essays explores metaethical views from outside the mainstream European tradition. The guiding motivation is that important discussions about the ultimate nature of morality can be found far beyond ancient Greece and modern Europe. The volume’s aim is to show how rich the possibilities are for comparative metaethics, and how much these comparisons offer challenges and new perspectives to contemporary analytic metaethics. Representing five continents, the thinkers discussed range from ancient Egyptian, ancient Chinese, and the Mexican (Aztec) cultures to more recent thinkers like Augusto Salazar Bondy, Bimal Krishna Matilal, Nishida Kitarō, and Susan Sontag. The philosophical topics discussed include religious language, moral discovery, moral disagreement, essences’ relation to evaluative facts, metaphysical harmony and moral knowledge, naturalism, moral perception, and quasi-realism. This volume will be of interest to anyone interested in metaethics or comparative philosophy.

Colin Marshall (Editor) 


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The Disorder of Things Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science.jpg

The Disorder of Things : Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science


幾千年來,哲學家和科學家的偉大夢想是使我們對事物的順序有一個完整的了解。在科學統一的思想中,已經發現了本世紀這種夢想強有力的表達。約翰·杜普雷(John Dupre)通過這份宣言,通過展示其基本假設與科學本身主要結論不一致的方式,系統地攻擊了科學統一的理想。取而代之的是,作者給了我們形而上學與科學告訴我們有關的世界信息相一致。這本引人入勝的著作優雅而引人注目,對所有哲學家和科學者來說都是重要的閱讀讀物。

The great dream of philosophers and scientists for millennia has been to give us a complete account of the order of things. A powerful articulation of such a dream in this century has been found in the idea of a unity of science. With this manifesto, John Dupre systematically attacks the ideal of scientific unity by showing how its underlying assumptions are at odds with the central conclusions of science itself. In its stead, the author gives us a metaphysics much more in keeping with what science tells us about the world. Elegantly written and compellingly argued, this provocative book will be important reading for all philosophers and scholars of science.

John Dupré  (Author) 


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Arthur Schopenhauer. PHILOSOPHARI Zettelsammlung aus dem Nachlass.png

Arthur Schopenhauer. PHILOSOPHARI: Zettelsammlung aus dem Nachlass


亞瑟·叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer)於1788年出生在但澤(Danzig),於1813年在耶拿大學獲得博士學位,並於1819年發表了他的主要著作《意志與想像的世界》。


Der 1788 in Danzig geborene Arthur Schopenhauer doktorierte 1813 an der Universität Jena und veröffentlichte 1819 sein Hauptwerk "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung". Er lebte dann ab 1820 mit Unterbrechungen in Berlin, wo 1831 die Cholera ausbrach, was ihn bewog, diese Stadt zu verlassen. 1833 ließ er sich in Frankfurt am Main nieder, wo er bis zu seinem Tod 1860 als Privatgelehrter lebte und seine Werke verfasste.


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From Valuing to Value A Defense of Subjectivism.png

From Valuing to Value : A Defense of Subjectivism


關於福祉和行動理由的主觀描述具有非凡的血統。規範性從代理人關心的東西流出的想法 - 似乎讓許多最優秀的道德觀者感到憤怒或更糟,尤其是因為它似乎威脅到了道德的地位,相互不理解籠罩在討論之上。

由一位有影響力的前主觀主義評論家撰寫的“重視價值”,主要歸功於評論家所指出的問題特徵,同時認為這種批評可能會被削弱,整體觀點也會變得難以理解。在他的散文集中,David Sobel並沒有退縮,承認理性和道德的主觀觀點之間真正緊張,但認為這種緊張不會破壞主觀主義。在本書中,主觀主義的基本承諾被澄清並顯示出相當合理和充滿動力,而對主觀主義的最有影響力的批評直接被解決。

Subjective accounts of well-being and reasons for action have a remarkable pedigree. The idea that normativity flows from what an agent cares about-that something is valuable because it is valued-has appealed to a wide range of great thinkers. But at the same time this idea has seemed to many of the best minds in ethics to be outrageous or worse, not least because it seems to threaten the status of morality. Mutual incomprehension looms over the discussion.

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Zhu Xi and Meister Eckhart Two Intellectual Profiles.png

Zhu Xi and Meister Eckhart: Two Intellectual Profiles (Eckhart: Texts and Studies) 



This book attempts a comparative study between Zhu Xi (1130-1200), a Neo-Confucian master of the Song Dynasty in China, and Meister Eckhart (1260-1327), a scholastic and mystic in the medieval West. With a focus on the theme of human intellect as presented in the works of the two thinkers, this study also explores the massive hermeneutical framework in which that concept is unfolded in Zhu Xi and in Eckhart. Thus, the complexity of each thinker's understanding of the human intellect is demonstrated in its own context, and the common themes between them are discussed in their own terms. Based on a systematic study of the original texts, the comparison between Zhu Xi and Meister Eckhart goes much deeper than a general dialogue between East and West. The comparative model of this book, based strictly on textual study, aims to develop an in-depth communication between a scholastic Confucian mind and his equally sophisticated counterpart in Christendom, in the hope that the intellectual brilliance and spiritual splendour of one thinker will be illuminated by the light of the other. Probably only when one encounters a like-minded counterpart brought up in a totally different tradition will such a mutual illumination become meaningful.

 S Zheng  (Autor) 


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Handbuch Rhetorik und Philosophie (Handbücher Rhetorik, Band 9).png

Handbuch Rhetorik und Philosophie (Handbücher Rhetorik, Band 9)



Das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Rhetorik wird in der Forschungsliteratur meist als eines der Entgegensetzung und des wechselseitigen Ausschlusses beschrieben. Dabei wird dem überzeitlichen Wahrheitsanspruch der Philosophie die kontextabhängige Wirkungsabsicht der Rhetorik gegenübergestellt. Während Philosophie auf sicheres Wissen und Erkenntnis ziele, gehe es der Rhetorik nicht um Wahrheit, sondern um die bloße Wahrscheinlichkeit und Meinung. Das kann allerdings nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass Philosophie und Rhetorik auf grundsätzliche Weise aufeinander verwiesen bleiben. Denn allein in der Notwendigkeit, ihren Wahrheitsanspruch öffentlich durchsetzen zu müssen und in der Frage nach der adäquaten Wahl der Ausdrucksmittel, muss sich Philosophie notwendig rhetorischer Verfahren bedienen. Entsprechend hinterfragt eine rhetorische informierte Philosophie das intellektualistische Ideal einer transparenten und selbstexplikativen philosophischen Sprache. Sie unterstreicht demgegenüber die Materialität, Literarizität, Performativität und Historizität philosophischen Sprechens. In diesem Sinne zielt das Handbuch Rhetorik und Philosophie auf ein Denken, das sich des paradoxen Verhältnisses von Philosophie und Rhetorik bewusst bleibt.

     Andreas Hetzel  (Editor)  (Autor)


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Wittgenstein To Follow a Rule (Routledge Library Editions Wittgenstein).png

Wittgenstein : To Follow a Rule




In this essay we shall take up certain questions raised by revolve around the notion of objectivity. As the contributions to this volume testify,thereis certainly a good deal of disgreement about how to capture the fundamental purposes and conclusions of the central sections of the text,139-242. Nevertheless,there does seem to be something approaching a majority view: a view which holds that 139-242 are best conceived as addressing questions of objectivity,and in a predominantly negative fashion.


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Subjectivity: Ancient and Modern


十六位主要學者研究了現代哲學中的主題,並顧慮到其在古代和中世紀思想中的歷史前因。然而,過去半個世紀的一些重要思想家 - 包括Leo Strauss,Eric Voegelin,John Finnis和Bernard Lonergan都認為這是一個主觀的起點,並聲稱在古代和中世紀的思想中找到一個相似的地位。


由R. J. Snell和Steven F. McGuire編輯的這一合集,對於史學家,政治哲學家,神學家和哲學家來說是特別有意義的。


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Timely Meditations: Martin Heidegger and Postmodern Politics (Princeton Legacy Library)


專注於自由觀念,萊斯利·保羅·蒂耶(Hailey Gloria Thiele)將海德格爾的哲學作品直接與後現代​​世界的政治交織在一起。既不排除海德格爾的政治罪惡,也不忽視他們的教訓。以海德格爾對自由的理解為出發點,及時冥想闡述了思想,言論和行為自由的哲學和政治本質和潛力。

Focusing on the concept of freedom, Leslie Paul Thiele makes Heidegger's philosophical works speak directly to politics in a postmodern world. Neither excusing Heidegger for his political sins nor ignoring their lesson, Thiele nonetheless refrains from polemic in order creatively to engage one of the greatest philosophers of our time. The product of this engagement is a vindication of a democratic and ecological politics firmly grounded in philosophic inquiry.

Using Heidegger's understanding of freedom as a point of departure, Timely Meditations lays out the philosophic and political nature and potential of freedom in thought, speech, and deed. This disclosive freedom is contrasted to both modern (positive and negative) and postmodern (Nietzschean and Foucaultian) variations. The result is an original and provocative study that challenges our present understanding of liberty while underlining dangerous collusion with the contemporary forces of technology.

Timely Meditations marks an increasingly rare achievement today. For unlike many theorists who attempt to steer a course into the world of postmodern politics, Thiele does so without forsaking philosophic foundations and without abandoning practical hopes and tasks for rhetorical diversions.


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Nature, Change, and Agency in Aristotle%5Cs Physics.png

Nature, change and agency in Aristotle's Physics: A philosophical study






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Heidegger and the Media (Theory and Media)




最重要的存在哲學家馬丁·海德格爾卻在溝通研究中被忽略了。 這本書通過他獨特的哲學,直接記錄了我們今天對媒介的理解,影響深刻。 海德格爾從“存在與時間”到後來散文的全部寫作都得到了推翻。


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Kants Theorie der Biologie: Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine historische Einordnung (Kantstudien-Ergänzungshefte, Band 190)






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Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA): Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe Januar bis Dezember 1854: 13 

by Manfred Neuhaus


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