The New Urban Sociology
新城市社會學被廣泛認為是一項開創性的文本,是對城市社會學廣泛而專業的介紹,對學生來說既相關又方便。作為該領域的思想領袖,本書圍繞一個綜合範本形式(社會空間視角)進行組織,該範式考慮了種族、階級、性別、生活方式、經濟、文化和政治等社會因素對大都市區發展的作用。 該書強調空間對社會生活和房地產對城市發展的重要性,通過新的理論方法整合了社會、生態和政治經濟學的觀點和研究。
本書以其獨特的視角,簡潔的城市生活史,對城市社會理論的清晰總結,以及對文化,對城市發展影響的關注,為學生提供了一個理解城市和城市生活有凝聚力的概念框架。在這個經過徹底修訂的第5版中,作者Mark Gottdiener,Ray Hutchison和Michael T. Ryan對創建的文化,高檔化和城市旅遊進行了擴展討論,並在整個文本中納入了該領域的最新工作。
Widely recognized as a groundbreaking text, The New Urban Sociology is a broad and expert introduction to urban sociology that is both relevant and accessible to the student. A thought leader in the field, the book is organized around an integrated paradigm (the sociospatial perspective) which considers the role played by social factors such as race, class, gender, lifestyle, economics, culture, and politics on the development of metropolitan areas. Emphasizing the importance of space to social life and real estate to urban development, the book integrates social, ecological and political economy perspectives and research through a fresh theoretical approach.
With its unique perspective, concise history of urban life, clear summary of urban social theory, and attention to the impact of culture on urban development, this book gives students a cohesive conceptual framework for understanding cities and urban life. In this thoroughly revised 5th edition, authors Mark Gottdiener, Ray Hutchison, and Michael T. Ryan offer expanded discussions of created cultures, gentrification, and urban tourism, and have incorporated the most recent work in the field throughout the text.
The New Urban Sociology is a necessity for all courses on the subject.
Ray Hutchison (Autor)
Publisher:Westview Press
ISBN: 978-0813349565
原價 US 49 台幣價 NT$1660