目前分類:美洲 (2)

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Sensual Relations Engaging the Senses in Culture and Social Theory.png

Sensual Relations : Engaging the Senses in Culture and Social Theory


戴維·豪斯(David Howes)膽大妄為,將主題從巴布亞新幾內亞的愛與美麗魔法,到弗洛伊德心理學,以及當代人種誌中擦除和恢復感官,再到馬克思的身體幽靈,編織在一起。透過對感官體驗與文化表現形式之間關係的折衷和深入的探索,並將感官作為社會理論的基本領域。

With audacious dexterity, David Howes weaves together topics ranging from love and beauty magic in Papua New Guinea to nasal repression in Freudian psychology and from the erasure and recovery of the senses in contemporary ethnography to the specter of the body in Marx. Through this eclectic and penetrating exploration of the relationship between sensory experience and cultural expression, Sensual Relations contests the conventional exclusion of sensuality from intellectual inquiry and reclaims sensation as a fundamental domain of social theory.

David Howes(Auther) 


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On Site, In Sound Performance Geographies in América Latina (Refiguring American Music).png

On Site, In Sound : Performance Geographies in America Latina


在現場,在聲音中Kirstie A. Dorr研究聲音的空間性以及聲音在感知和地理空間構造中的作用方式。 Dorr著眼於南美音樂文化的半球流通,展示了音速生產和空間形成是如何相互構成的,從而指出人們如何使用音樂和聲音來挑戰和改變地方的主要概念和配置。

無論是追踪秘魯民歌“El Condor Pasa”的演變如何重新界定了國家/國際與鄉村/城市之間的界限,還是如何在舊金山泛美拉丁美洲表演中心提供了挑戰高檔化的場所,Dorr重點介紹南美音樂家和活動家如何在整個半球創造了新的文化交流和地緣政治歸屬網絡。 Dorr在將地理與音樂聲音聯繫起來時表明,這個地方不僅僅是聲音產生和傳播的地點,它是社會行為者施加政治影響的一個構建和爭議的領域。

In On Site, In Sound Kirstie A. Dorr examines the spatiality of sound and the ways in which the sonic is bound up in perceptions and constructions of geographic space. Focusing on the hemispheric circulation of South American musical cultures, Dorr shows how sonic production and spatial formation are mutually constitutive, thereby pointing to how people can use music and sound to challenge and transform dominant conceptions and configurations of place.


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