Islamic Family Law in A Changing World A Global Resource Book.png

Islamic Family Law in A Changing World: A Global Resource Book  


在“變化中的世界中的伊斯蘭家庭法”中,Abdullahi A. An-Na'im探討了伊斯蘭法家庭法的做法。安娜姆表明,伊斯蘭教法原則的實際應用經常被解釋的神學分歧,一個國家的特定習慣做法,以及國家政策和法律所改變。

In Islamic Family Law in a Changing World, Abdullahi A. An-Na'im explores the practice of the Shari'a, commonly known as Islamic Family Law. An-Na'im shows that the practical application of Shari'a principles is often modified by theological differences of interpretation, a country's particular customary practices, and state policy and law.

  Abdullahi A. An-Na'im (Autor)


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