World History
從文明的曙光到非洲和中東國家建設的現代困境,《世界歷史》著迷於將人類過去與未來聯繫在一起的共同挑戰和經驗。威廉·杜克(William J.Duiker)和傑克遜(Jackson J.)Spielvogel的暢銷書使用豐富多彩的視覺效果,地圖和生動的第一手歷史記錄,為您提供有關人類體驗的深刻見解。
From the dawn of civilization to the modern dilemmas of nation building in Africa and the Middle East, WORLD HISTORY takes a fascinating look at the common challenges and experiences that unite the human past and inform the future. Authors William J. Duiker and Jackson J.
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Western Civilization : A Brief History, International Edition
通過簡短,最暢銷的WESTERN CIVILIZATION 8E國際版了解過去,將當今世界置於現實中,該在課程中已幫助成千上萬的學生。傑克•斯皮爾沃格爾(Jack Spielvogel)引人入勝的寫作風格將歷史的政治、經濟、社會、宗教、知識,文化和軍事方面編織成一個令人難忘的故事,具有啟發性。您還將接觸到主要的源文檔-實際的歷史文檔,它們是您在本章中閱讀的歷史分析的基礎。
Put the world today into context by learning about the past through the brief, best-selling WESTERN CIVILIZATION, 8E, International Edition that has helped thousands of students succeed in the course. Jack Spielvogel's engaging style of writing weaves the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural, and military aspects of history into a gripping story that is as memorable as it is instructive. You will also be exposed to primary source documents-actual historical documents that are the foundation for the historical analysis you read in the chapter.
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Revolution of the Mind : Higher Learning among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929
利用西方學者以前從未接觸過的檔案資料,Michael David-Fox分析了1917年後Bolshevik Party在高等教育中的教育和研究計劃。他對革命後新經濟政策和文化政治時代的新思考解釋了新共產主義制度如何昇華與科學院和大學傳統高等教育相媲美。David-Fox認為,從1909年卡普里島知識分子創建第一所黨校開始,布爾什維克文化項目與黨派教育機構緊密相連。
Using archival materials never previously accessible to Western scholars, Michael David-Fox analyzes Bolshevik Party educational and research initiatives in higher learning after 1917. His fresh consideration of the era of the New Economic Policy and cultural politics after the Revolution explains how new communist institutions rose to parallel and rival conventional higher learning from the Academy of Sciences to the universities. Beginning with the creation of the first party school by intellectuals on the island of Capri in 1909, David-Fox argues, the Bolshevik cultural project was tightly linked to party educational institutions.
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Rethinking Colonialism : Comparative Archaeological Approaches
最重要的是,這些貢獻者認為它的影響 - 甚至是和哥倫布這樣的相同過程 - 正在進行。由於對古代和現代殖民主義對後裔社區持久後果的批判性研究,其中包括羅馬英國的散文,巴西的奴隸制和當代美洲印第安人。為了確定殖民主義的範圍及其特徵的可比性,這一集合挑戰該領域超越了常見的地理和歷史界限,並引起人們對展開殖民未來的關注。
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The Swerve : How the World Became Modern
Stephen Greenblatt是世界上最著名的學者之一,他創作了一部創新的歷史著作和一部驚人的故事,其中一本從千年摘下的手稿改變了人類思想的進程,使世界成為我們可能知道的。
這本古籍的複制和翻譯是這個時代最偉大的發現,為文藝復興提供了刺激、鼓舞人心的藝術家。如Botticelli和諸如Giordano Bruno等思想家;塑造了Galileo和Freud、Darwin和Einstein的想法;並對Montaigne、Shakespeare甚至Thomas Jefferson等作家產生了革命性的影響。 16頁全彩色插圖。
One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Stephen Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it.
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After the Past: Essays in Ancient History in Honour of H.W.Pleket (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (Mnemosyne Supplements; History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity)
為什麼它壓迫窮人?這些是重要的問題,但是古希臘人和羅馬人永遠不會想到他們。他們從來沒有質疑富人富裕的權利。他們不能通過特羅布里人島民之間儀式化友誼的經驗來提高他們對荷馬禮物的理解。這樣的問題和答案只能來自古代以後的人。本書尊重荷蘭著名的碑文和古代歷史學家H.W. Pleket。十篇實質性的論文反映了他從廣泛的範圍,從希臘初期到羅馬帝國,以及他對比較經濟和社會歷史的品味。
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