The World Turned : Essays on Gay History, Politics, and Culture
在The World Turned中,傑出的歷史學家和領先的同性戀權利活動家John D'Emilio在1990年的關鍵十年中展示了同性戀問題如何從邊緣轉移到民族意識的中心。在這一系列文章中,D'Emilio帶來了他的歷史學家關注美國社會,文化和政治的這些深刻變化。他探索了Bayard Rustin的職業生涯,他是一位民權領袖和和平主義者,幾乎在所有人之前都是公開的同性戀者。激進的同性戀解放的遺產;艾滋病活動家和作家Larry Kramer的影響力;基督教右翼男女同性戀者的替罪羊;同性戀基因的爭議以及關於人們是否是“天生的同性戀”辯論;而且注意力集中在酷兒家庭上。
Something happened in the 1990s, something dramatic and irreversible. A group of people long considered a moral menace and an issue previously deemed unmentionable in public discourse were transformed into a matter of human rights, discussed in every institution of American society. Marriage, the military, parenting, media and the arts, hate violence, electoral politics, public school curricula, human genetics, religion: Name the issue, and the the role of gays and lesbians was a subject of debate.
During the 1990s, the world seemed finally to turn and take notice of the gay people in its midst. In The World Turned, distinguished historian and leading gay-rights activist John D'Emilio shows how gay issues moved from the margins to the center of national consciousness during the critical decade of the 1990s.In this collection of essays, D'Emilio brings his historian's eye to bear on these profound changes in American society, culture, and politics. He explores the career of Bayard Rustin, a civil rights leader and pacifist who was openly gay a generation before almost everyone else; the legacy of radical gay and lesbian liberation; the influence of AIDS activist and writer Larry Kramer; the scapegoating of gays and lesbians by the Christian Right; the gay-gene controversy and the debate over whether people are "born gay"; and the explosion of attention focused on queer families.
He illuminates the historical roots of contemporary debates over identity politics and explains why the gay community has become, over the last decade, such a visible part of American life.
Publisher:Duke University Press Books
ISBN: 978-0822330233
原價 US 18.95 台幣價 NT$720