The Sleep of Reason : Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome
理性睡眠將國際哲學家、語言學家、文學評論家和歷史學家的組織匯集到一起,關注通常分開的兩個問題:在各種經典文本中如何理解色情體驗,以及關於性的倫理判斷和哲學論證是什麼?從同性戀的慾望到結婚的愛,從Plato和Aristotle到羅馬Stoic Musonius Rufus,這些貢獻者展示了古典性的複雜性和多樣性。他們還表明,希臘和羅馬的愛欲倫理分享了許多共同點:不僅關注自我,還關注互惠;不僅僅是為了滲透和展示他們的力量,而且還要溫柔善良,為自己所愛;而且女性甚至年輕男性不僅感受到了感激和接受,還感受到了歡樂和性慾。
Sex is beyond reason, and yet we constantly reason about it. So, too, did the peoples of ancient Greece and Rome. But until recently there has been little discussion of their views on erotic experience and sexual ethics.
The Sleep of Reason brings together an international group of philosophers, philologists, literary critics, and historians to consider two questions normally kept separate: how is erotic experience understood in classical texts of various kinds, and what ethical judgments and philosophical arguments are made about sex? From same-sex desire to conjugal love, and from Plato and Aristotle to the Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus, the contributors demonstrate the complexity and diversity of classical sexuality. They also show that the ethics of eros, in both Greece and Rome, shared a number of commonalities: a focus not only on selfmastery, but also on reciprocity; a concern among men not just for penetration and display of their power, but also for being gentle and kind, and for being loved for themselves; and that women and even younger men felt not only gratitude and acceptance, but also joy and sexual desire.
Martha C. Nussbaum (Autor)
Publisher:University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 978-0226609157
原價 US 38 台幣價 NT$1390