Descartes's Dualism
現代哲學的公認創始人笛卡爾被認為具有心身二元論 - 認為心靈是一個虛體的實體。然而,這種觀點對笛卡爾來說並不完全是原創的,事實上在很大程度上它被亞里士多德的經典學者廣為接受,儘管他們對心靈,身體和他們之間的關係有著不同的概念。在她的第一本書中,Marleen Rozemond解釋笛卡爾的目的是提供一種能夠適應機械科學和取代經院哲學的形而上學。
Descartes, an acknowledged founder of modern philosophy, is identified with the mind-body dualism - the view that the mind is an incorporeal entity. However, this view was not entirely original with Descartes, and in fact to a significant extent it was widely accepted by the Aristotelian scholastics who preceeded him, although they entertained a different conception of the nature of mind, body and the relationship between them. In her first book, Marleen Rozemond explicates Descartes's aim to provide a metaphysics that would accomodate mechanistic science and supplant scholasticism.
Her approach includes discussion of central differences from, and similarities with the scholastics and how these discriminations affected Descartes's defence of body. Confronting the question of how, in this view, mind and body are united, she examines his defence of this union on the basis of sensation. In the course of her argument, she focuses on a few of the scholastics to whom Descartes referred in his own writings: Thomas Aquinas, Francisco Suarez, Eustachius of St.Paul, and the Jesuits of Coimbra.
Marleen Rozemond (Autor)
Publisher:Harvard University Press
ISBN: 978-0674198401
原價 US 49.5 台幣價 NT$:1733