目前分類:哲學各大學教授選書 (35)

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Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature Hua Xing Tan.png

Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature: Hua Xing Tan






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How Things Are Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science 29.png

How Things Are: Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science (Philosophical Studies Series)



令人驚訝的是,亞里士多德所說的“謂語”不僅包括語言的一部分,還包括身體中的白色和人類的語言知識等非語言學的東西。 (類別I / ii)同樣令人驚訝的是,亞里士多德用“同名”和“同義詞”這些術語來描述所談論的事情,而不是用來談論他們的話。從Organon,形而上學和其他地方的證據來看,亞里士多德都意識到並能夠標記使用和提到的詞之間的區別;所以我們必須得出結論,在這個分類中,他並不是十分在意。



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The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science (Oxford Handbooks).png

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science (Oxford Handbooks)  


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Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Wittgenstein and On Certainty.png

Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Wittgenstein and On Certainty (Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks)


路德維希·維特根斯坦可以說是二十世紀最重要的哲學家。在“確定論”中,他討論了認識論中的核心問題,包括知識的性質和懷疑主義。 “維特根斯坦和肯定性的羅特萊奇哲學指南”介紹和評估如下:


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Science as Cultural Practice Vol. I Cultures and Politics of Research from the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes 24.png

Science as Cultural Practice : Vol. I: Cultures and Politics of Research from the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes : 24




This volume represents a collection of studies in cultural history and theory of science from the early modern era to the present. The essays are linked by the conviction that one of the most significant developments in recent scientific historiography consists in its insistence that the relations between science, culture and history be understood and examined reciprocally. Not only does scientific practice take place under conditions shaped by social and cultural forces; it also generates and necessitates its own specific patterns of cultural, social and political activity. Sciences which have evolved into significant social systems produce their own cultures and politics. Through discussion of the common origin of scientific knowledge and the cultures and politics of research, this volume hopes to make a contribution toward a better understanding of the roles of scientific research from its inception in the 17th century up to the dramatic upheavals in the 20th century. With articles by Lorraine Daston, Sven Dierig, Moritz Epple, Evelyn Fox Keller, Mary Jo Nye , Dominique Pestre, Hans-Jorg Rheinberger, Simon Schaffer, Friedrich Steinle, Catherine Wilson, Norton M. Wise and Claus Zittel. Der Band in englischer Sprache versammelt Studien zur Kulturgeschichte und Theorie der Wissenschaften von der Fruhen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Vereinigt sind die Beitrage durch die UEberzeugung, dass eine der folgenreichsten Interventionen der jungeren Wissenschaftsgeschichte darin liegt, dass die Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft auf reziproke Weise verstanden und untersucht werden mussen. Wissenschaftliche Praxis findet nicht nur stets unter sozial und kulturell gepragten Bedingungen statt, sie erzeugt und erfordert auch eigene, spezifische Muster kulturellen, sozialen und politischen Handelns. Die Wissenschaften, die zu sozialen Systemen bedeutender Grosse angewachsen sind, schaffen ihre eigenen Kulturen und Politiken. Durch die Diskussion der gemeinsamen Entstehung wissenschaftlichen Wissens und der Kulturen und Politiken der Forschung leistet der Band einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verstandnis der Rollen wissenschaftlicher Forschung von ihrer Formierung im 17. Jahrhundert bis zu den dramatischen Umbruchen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit Beitragen von Lorraine Daston, Sven Dierig, Moritz Epple, Evelyn Fox Keller, Mary Jo Nye , Dominique Pestre, Hans-Jorg Rheinberger, Simon Schaffer, Friedrich Steinle, Catherine Wilson, Norton M. Wise und Claus Zittel.

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Plato and Europe.png

Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present)  


與胡塞爾和海德格爾一起學習的捷克哲學家簡·帕託卡(Jan Patocka,1907-1977年)被廣泛認為是戰後東歐最具影響力的思想家。二戰後拒絕加入共產黨,除了1968年布拉格春季自由化之後的短暫時間外,他一輩子都被禁止出版學術出版物。加入瓦茨拉夫·哈維爾和吉日·哈傑克擔任發言人圖77人權宣言1977年,Patocka被當局騷擾,被捕,最後在長時間的審訊中死於心髒病。


The Czech philosopher Jan Patocka (1907-1977), who studied with Husserl and Heidegger, is widely recognized as the most influential thinker to come from postwar Eastern Europe. Refusing to join the Communist party after World War II, he was banned from academia and publication for the rest of his life, except for a brief time following the liberalizations of the Prague spring of 1968. Joining Vaclav Havel and Jiri Hajek as a spokesman for the Chart 77 human-rights declaration of 1977, Patocka was harassed by authorities, arrested, and finally died of a heart attack during prolonged interrogation. Plato and Europe, arguably Patocka's most important book, consists of a series of lectures delivered in the homes of friends after his last banishment from the academy just three years before his death. Here, he presents his most mature ideas about the history of Western philosophy, arguing that the idea of the care of the soul is fundamental to the philosophical tradition beginning with the Greeks. Explaining how the care of the soul is elaborated as the problem of how human beings may make their world one of truth and justice, Patocka develops this thesis through a treatment of Plato, Democritus, and Aristotle, showing how considerations about the soul are of central importance in their writings. He demonstrates in vivid fashion how this idea forms the spiritual heritage of Europe.

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Articulating the World Conceptual Understanding and the Scientific Image.png

Articulating the World: Conceptual Understanding and the Scientific Image  

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Metaphysics, 4th Edition 






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Logic and Philosophy a Modern Introduction.png

Logic and Philosophy a Modern Introduction 



This text is designed for those instructors who desire a comprehensive introduction to formal logic that is both rigorous and accessible to students encountering the subject for the first time. Numerous carefully crafted exercise sets accompanied by clear, crisp exposition give students a firm grasp of basic concepts and take the student from sentential logic through first-order predicate logic, the theory of descriptions, and identity. As the title suggests, this is a book devoted not merely to logic; students will encounter an abundance of philosophy as well.

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Philosophy of Mind A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy).png

Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)


第一次出版時,約翰·海爾(John Heil)的介紹很快成為一種被廣泛使用的指導,適用於哲學背景很少或根本沒有哲學思想中心問題的學生。 他提出了明確的論據和解釋,關注心理本體論及其在物質世界中的地位。這本書結合了問題的系統討論,以及思想統一形而上學的素描 - 引起了學術上的注意力,同時提供了非常適合介紹性課程的書。


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Developments in the Histories of Sexualities In Search of the Normal, 1600–1800 (Transits Literature, Thought %26; Culture, 1650–1850).png

Developments in the Histories of Sexualities: In Search of the Normal, 1600–1800 (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650–1850)



性的歷史發展分析了關於性行為的禁令和法令的狀態語言,以及標誌著性行為多樣性接受的草根語言。在這些論文中討論的事件中,有森林 - 皮埃爾的審判,“蘭戈倫女士”,以及新聞界對發現詹姆斯·艾倫(James Allen)是一個以男人和拉維尼亞·愛德華茲(Lavinia Edwards)是一名以女性妓女為生的男子......



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Free Will A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy).png

Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)




本書專為高級本科生而設計,旨在全面了解該領域的問題和辯論。這是由兩位辯論的主要參與者所撰寫,一個關於自由意志和決定論問題的兼職人士(Michael McKenna)和(Derk Pereboom),兩位作者獲得了令人欽佩的客觀性和清晰度,同時仍然照亮了該領域的複雜性和進步的關鍵。


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Schriften zur Literatur. ASW VIII (Alfred Schütz Werkausgabe).png

Schriften zur Literatur. ASW VIII (Alfred Schütz Werkausgabe)




"樂隊的文學“作品結合了文學理論和來自他的生活世界理論。該出版物包括先前未公開的手稿“威廉Meisters學徒”(1948年),“太威廉Meisters遊記”(1948年),“T S.文化的艾略特觀“(1952年)的德文譯本,以及已經公佈的早期作品的新版本”。歌德的學徒和旅遊年現象學和社會科學為導向的解釋提供進入文學作品的具體可能性。接觸的目的是由不同現實中存在的工作區,被帶入解釋中的“詩意事件的邏輯”的具體重建的關係。


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Schriften zur Musik. ASW VII (Alfred Schütz Werkausgabe).png

Schriften zur Musik. ASW VII (Alfred Schütz Werkausgabe)






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Rationality and Reflection How to Think About What to Think.png

Rationality and Reflection: How to Think About What to Think

理性和反思提出了理性理論 - 一個關於如何確定思考的理論 -這個理論被稱為“透視主義”,它提供了一個獨特的理性說明,它反映了基礎主義與內在主義以及內在主義與外在主義之間的平常差異。它也與證據制度有很大的區別,認為在合理性與證據概念有關的程度上,它既是證據,也是證據之一。

Jonathan L. Kvanvig presents a conception of rationality which answers to the need arising out of the egocentric predicament concerning what to do and what to believe.

Jonathan L. Kvanvig(Autor)


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