The Greek Concept of Nature (SUNY Series In Ancient Greek Philosophy).png

The Greek Concept of Nature


phusis一詞被定義為簡單地說“自然”,但早期希臘哲學家的意思是什麼呢?在這本修訂的法語原版英文版(1992年出版)中,Gerard Naddaf探討了希臘phusis概念的歷史起源和演變。

他採用語言學的方法來分析這個詞的含義,認為它指的是從出生到成熟的整個過程,以及從始至終的宇宙起源和成長。這就是說,Naddaf審視了荷馬這一術語的單一出現,以及它在Hesiod的Theogony and Works and Days,Anaximander's Historia中的使用,以及來自前蘇格拉底哲學家的許多其他作品,如Xenophanes,Pythagoras和Parmenides以及希波克拉底醫學文本。第二部,將集中在詭辯。

The term phusis has been defined as meaning simply `nature', but what did early Greek philosophers mean by the term? In this book, which is a revised English edition of the French original (published in 1992), Gerard Naddaf explores the historical origins and evolution of the Greek concept of phusis . Taking a linguistic approach to analysing the meaning of the word he argues that it refers to the whole process of birth to maturity and also to the origins and growth of the universe from beginning to end. This said, Naddaf examines the single occurrence of the term in Homer, and its use in Hesiod's Theogony and Works and Days , Anaximander's Historia , and many other works from pre-Socratic philosophers such as Xenophanes, Pythagoras and Parmenides and Hippocratic medical texts. The second, and complementary volume, will focus on the sophists and sophistic movement.

  Gerard Naddaf  (Autor)

Publisher:State University of New York Press 

ISBN:    978-0791463734 

原價   US 75 台幣價 NT$2625 

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