Critique of Forms of Life
Rahel Jaeggi認為,批評不僅有效,而且有用。道德判斷不是錯誤;錯誤在於我們如何評判。
判斷的一種方式是外在的,基於來自關於上帝或人性的觀念的普遍標準。另一個是內部的,依賴於特定社會特有的標準。這兩種方法都有嚴重的缺陷和批評。在生命形式的批判中,Jaeggi提供了第三種方式,她稱之為“內在的”批判。受黑格爾社會哲學的啟發,並與約翰·杜威,邁克爾·沃爾澤和阿拉斯戴爾·麥金太爾等英美理論家合作,內在的批判始於認識到生活方式具有內在的規範性,它們也有一個共同的目標:解決基本的社會問題和推進社會產品,其中大多數是跨文化共同的。 Jaeggi認為,我們可以通過評估社會如何適應危機來判斷社會道德主張的有效性 - 它是否能夠克服內部產生的矛盾並繼續實現其目的。
For many liberals, the question “Do others live rightly?” feels inappropriate. Liberalism seems to demand a follow-up question: “Who am I to judge?” Peaceful coexistence, in this view, is predicated on restraint from morally evaluating our peers. But Rahel Jaeggi sees the situation differently. Criticizing is not only valid but also useful, she argues. Moral judgment is no error; the error lies in how we go about judging.
One way to judge is external, based on universal standards derived from ideas about God or human nature. The other is internal, relying on standards peculiar to a given society. Both approaches have serious flaws and detractors. In Critique of Forms of Life, Jaeggi offers a third way, which she calls “immanent” critique. Inspired by Hegelian social philosophy and engaged with Anglo-American theorists such as John Dewey, Michael Walzer, and Alasdair MacIntyre, immanent critique begins with the recognition that ways of life are inherently normative because they assert their own goodness and rightness. They also have a consistent purpose: to solve basic social problems and advance social goods, most of which are common across cultures. Jaeggi argues that we can judge the validity of a society’s moral claims by evaluating how well the society adapts to crisis―whether it is able to overcome contradictions that arise from within and continue to fulfill its purpose.
Jaeggi enlivens her ideas through concrete, contemporary examples. Against both relativistic and absolutist accounts, she shows that rational social critique is possible.
Rahel Jaeggi(Autor)
Publisher:Belknap Press
ISBN: 978-0674737754
原價 US245 台幣 NT$1465 特價 NT:1390