The Power of Position: Beijing University, Intellectuals, and Chinese Political Culture, 1898-1929 (Berkeley Series in Interdisciplinary Studies of China)
整個二十世紀,北大(北大)一直處於中國最大的政治和文化動亂的中心 - 從1919年的五四運動到六十年代的文化大革命,到1989年的天安門廣場的悲慘事件。北大的歷史重要性如何超越單純的高等學府 - 是本書的核心問題。在過去的幾十年裡,知識分子和政治文化的研究,“立場的力量”是關注中國歷史最悠久,最著名的國立大學---北大。
基於安德魯J.霍夫曼受到皮尤全球氣候變化研究蒂莫西·B·韋斯頓(Timothy B. Weston)把大學描繪成知識分子用來增加社會影響力的關鍵所在。韋斯頓分析了知識分子的政治和文化承諾與其具體生活方式之間的聯繫。
Throughout the twentieth century, Beijing University (or Beida) has been at the center of China's greatest political and cultural upheavals--from the May Fourth Movement of 1919 to the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s to the tragic events in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Why this should be--how Beida's historical importance has come to transcend that of a mere institution of higher learning--is a question at the heart of this book. A study of intellectuals and political culture during the past century's tumultuous early decades, The Power of Position is the first to focus on Beida, China's oldest and best-known national university.
Timothy B. Weston portrays the university as a key locus used by intellectuals to increase their influence in society. Weston analyzes the links between intellectuals' political and cultural commitments and their specific manner of living.
He also compares Beijing's intellectual culture with that of the rising metropolis of Shanghai. What emerges is a remarkably nuanced and complex picture of life at China's leading university, especially in the decades leading up to the May Fourth Movement.
Timothy B. Weston (Autor)
Publisher: University of California Press
ISBN: 978-0520237674
原價 US:60 : 台幣價 NT$:2100