Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages
因此,百科全書提供單一資源:對每個多語言國家和每個大陸當前語言政策情況的專家分析,對來自世界各地的鮮為人知的語言的詳細描述,以及按區域劃分的所有語言的明確字母條目目前認為世界上的語言有滅絕的危險。 “世界瀕危語言百科全書”將成為所有學術語言學系列的必要補充,並將成為對發展研究,文化遺產和國際事務感興趣的一系列讀者的有用資源。
The concern for the fast-disappearing language stocks of the world has arisen particularly in the past decade, as a result of the impact of globalization. This book appears as an answer to a felt need: to catalogue and describe those languages, making up the vast majority of the world's six thousand or more distinct tongues, which are in danger of disappearing within the next few decades. Endangerment is a complex issue, and the reasons why so many of the world's smaller, less empowered languages are not being passed on to future generations today are discussed in the book's introduction.
The introduction is followed by regional sections, each authored by a notable specialist, combining to provide a comprehensive listing of every language which, by the criteria of endangerment set out in the introduction, is likely to disappear within the next few decades. These languages make up ninety per cent of the world's remaining language stocks. Each regional section comprises an introduction that deals with problems of language preservation peculiar to the area, surveys of known extinct languages, and problems of classification.
Akos B. Apatoczky (Autor)
ISBN: 978-0700711970
原價 £ 175 台幣價 NT$9625