The Dative : Theoretical and Contrastive Studies v.2
第二部分的目的是更詳細地討論Dative的幾個方面。它包含八篇論文,涉及“道德”的理論考慮以及對比,類型學和歷時問題。與第一卷一樣,語言材料主要源於日耳曼語和羅曼語。當代英語是大衛的理論主張的基礎; Pasicki研究古英語中的dative。荷蘭人特別出現在Geeraerts的語義分析中,但也出現在Draye,Lamiroy&Delbecque和Van Langendonck的論文中。 Draye,Lamiroy&Delbecque和Melis也考慮到德國人。拉丁語由Melis和Van Langendonck處理。現代浪漫語言,尤其是法語,為Melis和Lamiroy&Delbecque提供了更多數據。最後,紐曼引用了各種語言進行類型學分析。
This book is the second part of a two-volume reader on the ‘Dative’. In the first part, which appeared in 1996, eleven papers were presented providing a syntactic and semantic description of the category ‘Dative’ in eleven languages. The aim of this second part is to discuss several aspects of the Dative in greater detail. It contains eight papers dealing with theoretical considerations on ‘dativity’ as well as with contrastive, typological and diachronic issues. A major concern is the relation between form (case, grammatical relation) and meaning (semantic roles or other kinds of meaning).
Willy Van Langendonck (Autor)
Publisher:John Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN: 978-9027228130
原價 € 154.99 台幣價 NT$5425