Wittgenstein : To Follow a Rule
In this essay we shall take up certain questions raised by revolve around the notion of objectivity. As the contributions to this volume testify,thereis certainly a good deal of disgreement about how to capture the fundamental purposes and conclusions of the central sections of the text,139-242. Nevertheless,there does seem to be something approaching a majority view: a view which holds that 139-242 are best conceived as addressing questions of objectivity,and in a predominantly negative fashion.
If sound, according to this view, these arguments, in which Wittgenstein addresses the concepts of rules and understanding and their relation, would entail that certain very influential philosophical conceptions of and in some cases claims to objectivity lose much of their appeal.
one concerns the relationship between 139-242 and the sections that immediately follow them (the private language argument) this toic is central to the first two sets of essays and replies. The second topic concerns the bearing of 139-242 on problems about specifically moral objectivity, and it is the focus of the second pair of essays and replies.Our intention is not to express a position common to all the contributors.in outlining our own particular view, we hope only to provide a unified argumentative context for the papers which follow.
S HOLTZMAN (Editor) (Autor)
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 978-0415382823
原價 £90 台幣價 NT$:4500