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Subjectivity: Ancient and Modern


十六位主要學者研究了現代哲學中的主題,並顧慮到其在古代和中世紀思想中的歷史前因。然而,過去半個世紀的一些重要思想家 - 包括Leo Strauss,Eric Voegelin,John Finnis和Bernard Lonergan都認為這是一個主觀的起點,並聲稱在古代和中世紀的思想中找到一個相似的地位。


由R. J. Snell和Steven F. McGuire編輯的這一合集,對於史學家,政治哲學家,神學家和哲學家來說是特別有意義的。

This is a timely question. The common good of our polity encounters a situation in which many believe that there is no objective reality to which human minds and wills ought to conform, a conclusion that suggests we can define and construct reality. In light of this, the notion of a natural or objective reality to which human beings ought to conform becomes particularly vital. Should we, then, adopt the modern turn to subjectivity and argue for objective truth and moral order on its basis, or reject the subjective turn as part of the problem and return to an earlier approach that grounds these things in nature or some other external reality? Critics of modern subjectivity argue that the modern turn to subjectivity must be abandoned because it is the very source of the nominalism that threatens to undermine liberal democracy. Others argue, however, that subjectivity itself logically leads to the recognition of an objective reality beyond the mind of the individual. Edited by R. J. Snell and Steven F. McGuire, this collection will be of particular interest to intellectual historians, political philosophers, theologians, and philosophers.

  R. J. Snell(Autor)


Publisher: Lexington Books 

ISBN:  978-1498513180 

原價   US:95       NT:3022   ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌

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