The Heroic and Creative Meaning of Socialism: Selected Essays of Jose Carlos Mariategui (Revolutionary Studies Series)
何塞·卡洛斯·馬里亞泰伊(Jose Carlos Mariategui)被廣泛認為是拉美最偉大的馬克思主義理論家和活動家之一,在英語世界中幾乎不為人知。散文集是為了介紹馬里亞特的廣度和深度
Jose Carlos Mariategui is widely considered one of Latin America's greatest Marxist theoreticians and activists and remains nearly unknown in the English-speaking world. This collection of essays is an attempt to introduce the breadth and depth of Mariate
Jose Carlos Mariategui(Autor)
Publisher: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 978-0391039483
原價 US:49.99 台幣價 NT$:1750 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌