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Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man A Study in Terror and Healing.png

Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man : A Study in Terror and Healing




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Fuzzy-Set Social Science


在這種創新的社會科學實踐方法中,Charles Ragin探討了使用模糊集來彌合定量和定性方法之間的鴻溝。矛盾的是,模糊集合是一個強大的工具,因為它用一個精確的(一個明確定義的集合中的隸屬度)替換了一個笨拙的“模糊”工具(變量只建立了案例相對於彼此的位置) 。Ragin認為,模糊集允許社會研究中的想法和證據之間的對話比以前更加豐富。




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What Color Is the Sacred.png

What Color is the Sacred?


在過去的三十年中,有遠見的人類學家邁克爾·陶西格(Michael Taussig)創造了一個非常獨特的工作體系。俏皮、迷人,他的寫作在思想,思想家和事物之間建立了巧妙的聯繫。對顏色的奧秘和他們引起的迷戀進行了長時間的冥想:“神聖的顏色是什麼?”是Taussig卓越的智力道路上的下一步。

本書使用顏色探索Taussig稱之為“身體無意識”的更多維度。一個全球變暖的時代。借鑒經典民族志以及Benjamin,Burroughs和Proust的作品,他認為色彩吸引觀眾進入圖像和世界。然而,正如Taussig明確指出的那樣,色彩有一段歷史 - 一種明顯的殖民歷史,根源於西方對色彩的不適,尤其是鮮豔的色彩,以及它與所謂的原始色彩的聯繫。

他首先記錄了Goethe 的觀點,即歐洲人對生動的色彩不滿意,而不開化的陶醉,這促使陶西格重新考慮殖民主義,認為它是色微生物和髮色生物之間的張力。他以煤炭的奇怪故事告終,他認為,通過生成合成色素,有機化學和第三帝國背後的巨型化學公司IG Farben來取代殖民色彩。尼采曾經寫道,“到目前為止,所有給生存賦予色彩的東西仍然缺乏歷史”。


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Rights of Inclusion Law and Identity in the Life Stories of Americans with Disabilities (Chicago Series in Law and Society).png

Rights of Inclusion : Law and Identity in the Life Stories of Americans with Disabilities


Munger主張對權利有一個全新的理解 - 重點關注他們在日常生活中的角色,而不是正式的法律訴求。雖然所有60名受訪者都遭受過歧視,但沒有人提出正式抗議或訴訟。儘管如此,公民權利在他們的生活中起了至關重要的作用,權利改善了他們的自我形象,增強了他們的職業抱負,並改變了員工和同事的看法和假設 - 實際上產生了更加包容的體制安排。關注這些長期的生活史,Engel和Munger精闢地展示了權利和身份如何相互影響,以及這種相互作用如何最終決定ADA等法律的成功。對於任何關心權利,殘疾和法律的人來說,“包容權”應該是一項具有里程碑意義的工作。

"Rights of Inclusion" provides an innovative, accessible perspective on how civil rights legislation affects the lives of ordinary Americans. Based on eye-opening and deeply moving interviews with intended beneficiaries of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), David M. Engel and Frank W.

Munger argue for a radically new understanding of rights - one that focuses on their role in everyday lives rather than in formal legal claims. Although all 60 interviewees had experienced discrimination, none had filed a formal protest or lawsuit. Nevertheless, civil rights played a crucial role in their lives.


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The Other Women%5Cs Movement Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America (Politics and Society in Modern America).png

The Other Women's Movement : Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America


美國女性主義一直不僅僅是爭取個人權利和與男子平等對待的鬥爭。婦女改革還有一個至關重要和持續的傳統,它追求社會和個人權利,並主張廢除男性標準。 Dorothy Sue Cobble找回了前幾代職業女性被遺忘的女性主義,闡明了啟發她們的想法以及他們從雇主和國家獲得的改革。




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Governance Networks in Public Administration and Public Policy






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State of the World (State of the World (Paperback)).png

State of the World 2010 : Transforming Cultures - From Consumerism to Sustainability




For society to thrive long into the future, we must move beyond our unsustainable consumer culture to one that respects environmental realities. In State of the World 2010, the Worldwatch Institute's award-winning research team reveals not only how human societies can make this shift but also how people around the world have already started to nurture a new culture of sustainability. Chapters present innovative solutions to global environmental problems, focusing on institutions that are the principal engineers of culture, such as governments, the media, and religious organizations.


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An Appeal to the Toiling, Oppressed and Exhausted Peoples of Europe (Penguin Great Ideas).png

An Appeal to the Toiling, Oppressed and Exhausted Peoples of Europe


無論是要求結束資本主義制度,解決俄國革命後的人潮,還是在流亡多年的時候攻擊史達琳,托洛茨基的演講都對一個人的言行給出了非凡的見解,他的言行決定了數百萬人的命運。縱觀歷史,一些書改變了世界。他們改變了我們看待自己的方式 - 彼此。

他們激發了辯論、異議、戰爭和革命。他們開悟,憤怒,挑釁和安慰;他們豐富了生命 - 並摧毀了他們。



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Blackstone%5Cs Guide to the 2005 Transfer of Undertakings Legislation (Blackstone%5Cs Guides).png

Blackstone's Guide to the New Transfer of Undertakings Legislation



英國的承諾立法轉移歷史上一直是英國就業法制度中最複雜,最難預測和具有商業意義的方面之一。它對於私營和公共部門在外包,合同招標和資產處置等領域的轉型具有深遠的財務、人力資源和現實意義。 TUPE 2005對英國1981年的企業轉讓立法進行重申,並將介紹以下哪些就業法從業者,合同管理人和管理人員需要掌握的內容; *新的被收購權利指令*服務提供變更的新概念*對因轉移而被解僱的員工提供更廣泛的保護*三種新的解僱類別本指南將涵蓋所有這些新規定及其對相關立法的影響,同時也將新就以前的情況而言,本指南的評註結構清晰合理,可以使讀者快速探詢他們所需的信息。本指南包括立法的全文,並將有一段有用的先例。

The Blackstone's Guide Series delivers concise and accessible books covering the latest legislative changes and amendments. Published within weeks of the Act, they offer expert commentary by leading names on the effects, extent and scope of the legislation, plus a full copy of the Act itself. They offer a cost-effective solution to key information needs and are the perfect companion for any practitioner needing to get up to speed with the latest changes.

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Classical Social Theory An Introduction to the Thought of Marx, Weber, Durkheim and Simmel.png

Classical Social Theory






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Low-Wage Work in Germany (Russell Sage Foundation Case Studies of Job Quality in Advan).png

Low-wage Work in Germany






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Distinction A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste.png

Distinction : A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste



Bourdicu的調查基於他的研究,該調查考慮了眾多社會因素,這些因素參與了法國人選擇服裝、家具、休閒活動,為客人準備的晚餐菜單以及許多其他口味。從他的分析中得出的結論是,社會勢力在資產階級世界無處不在。人們做出的不同美學選擇是所有的區別 - 也就是選擇與其他階級做出的相反選擇。



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Nine Black Women Anthology of Nineteenth-century Writers from the United States, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean.png

Nine Black Women : An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Writers from the United States, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean




Nine Black Women, Moira Ferguson's fascinating and informative documentation of the literary and political activities of nineteenth-entury African American, Canadian, Bermudian, and Caribbean women, is a splendid addition to the library of works now recoginizing the lives and voices of women of the African diaspora. A combination of biography, personal testimony, and social history, the breadth of this study opens up new perspectives on how we understand that whether they knew, or knew of each other in pawerful dialogue across time and space. Nine Black Women will find great significance and usefulness in a wide array of classrooms as well as in continuing efforts to excavate a complex past that rejects our marginalization and forgetfulness.


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Researching the Visual (Introducing Qualitative Methods series).png

Researching the Visual




This second edition provides an excellent overview of the field by covering the traditional themes and current trends in image centred photographic visual inquiry but extends this by demonstrating the rich possibilities available through the analysis of everyday objects, places and interactions. The book includes chapters on researching 2D and 3D visual data, along with lived and living visual data, and also features a brand new chapter on researching the virtual world of the internet. Drawing on theoretical traditions as diverse as semiotics, ethnomethodology, symbolic interactionism and material culture studies, the second edition provides an invaluable guide for researchers interested in conducting innovative visual inquiry.


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The Great Woman Singer Gender and Voice in Puerto Rican Music (Refiguring American Music).png

The Great Woman Singer : Gender and Voice in Puerto Rican Music


Licia Fiol-Matta追踪了四位標誌性的波多黎各歌手--M Myrta Silva,Ruth Fernandez,Ernestina Reyes和Lucecita Benitez的職業生涯,探索他們的聲音和表演風格如何轉變理解女歌手形象的可能性。 Fiol-Matta展示了這些音樂家儘管表現出性別規範看似棘手的要求,還將女性流行音色的概念化為自發和直觀的概念,詢問“偉大女性歌手”的概念以部署她“思考聲音”的概念 - 重寫主導音樂,聲音和聆聽的事件敘述。


Licia Fiol-Matta traces the careers of four iconic Puerto Rican singers-Myrta Silva, Ruth Fernandez, Ernestina Reyes, and Lucecita Benitez-to explore how their voices and performance style transform the possibilities for comprehending the figure of the woman singer. Fiol-Matta shows how these musicians, despite seemingly intractable demands to represent gender norms, exercised their artistic and political agency by challenging expectations of how they should look, sound, and act. Fiol-Matta also breaks with conceptualizations of the female pop voice as spontaneous and intuitive, interrogating the notion of "the great woman singer" to deploy her concept of the "thinking voice"-an event of music, voice, and listening that rewrites dominant narratives.


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Fractivism Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds (Experimental Futures).png

Fractivism : Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds


從易燃的自來水和患病牲畜到最近在俄克拉荷馬州發生數百次地震的美國,影響是深遠而深刻的。在激進主義中Sara Ann Wylie追踪了歷史以及科學家和常人聚集在一起追究責任的行業,這個行業設法規避了監管。從她在科羅拉多州的故事開始,Wylie展示了非營利組織,土地所有者和社區組織者如何創建新穎的數字平台和數據庫,以跟踪非常規油氣井開發和記錄壓裂環境和人體健康影響。


From flammable tap water and sick livestock to the recent onset of hundreds of earthquakes in Oklahoma, the impact of fracking in the United States is far-reaching and deeply felt. In Fractivism Sara Ann Wylie traces the history of fracking and the ways scientists and everyday people are coming together to hold accountable an industry that has managed to evade regulation. Beginning her story in Colorado, Wylie shows how nonprofits, landowners, and community organizers are creating novel digital platforms and databases to track unconventional oil and gas well development and document fracking's environmental and human health impacts.


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Readings from Emile Durkheim


Emile Durkheim被視為社會學的創始人之一,在所有基礎社會學課程中這方便的教科書提供了來自塗爾幹主要作品的關鍵段落的優秀收藏,及他的社會學關懷。

通過這個無形的文本,肯尼斯湯普森有效地填補了塗爾幹早期文獻中存在的一個空白,通過提供一系列現代和可靠的翻譯,如De la division du travail social(1893),Les formes elementaires de la vie ......為了達到塗爾幹的作品,本書為深入報導和有用的參考文獻提供了不可或缺的幫助。



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Max Weber The Lawyer as Social Thinker (Key Sociologists).png

Max Weber : The Lawyer as Social Thinker



The book concentrates on four main elements of Weber's work: is approach to sociological method. ethical neutrality and historical expaination; his influential work on religion and capitalism; his theory of authority and political power; and his contribution to the analysis of class, status and party.

     Frank Parkin  (Editor)  (Autor)


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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Volume 91 (Routledge Classics).png

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism




Max Weber's best-known and most controversial work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1904, remains to this day a powerful and fascinating read. Weber's highly accessible style is just one of many reasons for his continuing popularity. The book contends that the Protestant ethic made possible and encouraged the development of capitalism in the West.


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Marx and Marxism (Key Sociologists).png

Marx and Marxism




Karl Marx probably had more influence on the political course of the last century than any other social thinker. There are many different kinds of Marxism, and the Twentieth Century saw two huge Marxist states in total opposition to one another. In the West, Marxism has never presented a revolutionary threat to the established order, though it has taken root as the major theoretical critique of capitalist society in intellectual circles, and new interpretations of Marx's thought appear each year.


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