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Fuzzy-Set Social Science


在這種創新的社會科學實踐方法中,Charles Ragin探討了使用模糊集來彌合定量和定性方法之間的鴻溝。矛盾的是,模糊集合是一個強大的工具,因為它用一個精確的(一個明確定義的集合中的隸屬度)替換了一個笨拙的“模糊”工具(變量只建立了案例相對於彼此的位置) 。Ragin認為,模糊集允許社會研究中的想法和證據之間的對話比以前更加豐富。



In this innovative approach to the practice of social science, Charles Ragin explores the use of fuzzy sets to bridge the divide between quantitative and qualitative methods. Paradoxically, the fuzzy set is a powerful tool because it replaces an unwieldy, "fuzzy" instrument (the variable, which establishes only the positions of cases relative to each other) with a precise one (degree of membership in a well-defined set). Ragin argues that fuzzy sets allow a far richer dialogue between ideas and evidence in social research than previously possible.

They let quantitative researchers abandon "homogenizing assumptions" about cases and causes, they extend diversity-oriented research strategies, and they provide a powerful connection between theory and data analysis. Most important, fuzzy sets can be carefully tailored to fit evolving theoretical concepts, sharpening quantitative tools with in-depth knowledge gained through qualitative, case-oriented inquiry. This book should revolutionize research methods not only in sociology, political science and anthropology but in any field of inquiry dealing with complex patterns of causation.

 Charles C. Ragin (Autor)

Publisher:University of Chicago Press 

ISBN:    978-0226702773 

原價   US 20 台幣價 NT$780 

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