Plato and Europe (Cultural Memory in the Present)
與胡塞爾和海德格爾一起學習的捷克哲學家簡·帕託卡(Jan Patocka,1907-1977年)被廣泛認為是戰後東歐最具影響力的思想家。二戰後拒絕加入共產黨,除了1968年布拉格春季自由化之後的短暫時間外,他一輩子都被禁止出版學術出版物。加入瓦茨拉夫·哈維爾和吉日·哈傑克擔任發言人圖77人權宣言1977年,Patocka被當局騷擾,被捕,最後在長時間的審訊中死於心髒病。
The Czech philosopher Jan Patocka (1907-1977), who studied with Husserl and Heidegger, is widely recognized as the most influential thinker to come from postwar Eastern Europe. Refusing to join the Communist party after World War II, he was banned from academia and publication for the rest of his life, except for a brief time following the liberalizations of the Prague spring of 1968. Joining Vaclav Havel and Jiri Hajek as a spokesman for the Chart 77 human-rights declaration of 1977, Patocka was harassed by authorities, arrested, and finally died of a heart attack during prolonged interrogation. Plato and Europe, arguably Patocka's most important book, consists of a series of lectures delivered in the homes of friends after his last banishment from the academy just three years before his death. Here, he presents his most mature ideas about the history of Western philosophy, arguing that the idea of the care of the soul is fundamental to the philosophical tradition beginning with the Greeks. Explaining how the care of the soul is elaborated as the problem of how human beings may make their world one of truth and justice, Patocka develops this thesis through a treatment of Plato, Democritus, and Aristotle, showing how considerations about the soul are of central importance in their writings. He demonstrates in vivid fashion how this idea forms the spiritual heritage of Europe.
Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 978-0804738002
原價 US:53.95 NT$:1972 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌