Epistrophies : Jazz and the Literary Imagination
Brent Hayes Edwards寫道,媒體聆聽是獨特的非裔美國人藝術創作和表演創新的源泉。他通過爵士樂文獻中的案例研究來探索這個肥沃的界面,這兩個樂曲都是通過音樂,以及爵士音樂家自己寫的驚人的大量作品。
Hearing across media is the source of innovation in a uniquely African American sphere of art-making and performance, Brent Hayes Edwards writes. He explores this fertile interface through case studies in jazz literature both writings informed by music and the surprisingly large body of writing by jazz musicians themselves.
Brent Hayes Edwards (Autor)
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 978-0674055438
原價 US:35 : 台幣價 NT$:1170