Writer To Writer The Republic of Elsewhere.png

Writer to Writer : The Republic of Elsewhere


這是一個跨類型的訪談和論文集,詳細敘述了與世界上許多最重要作家的親密接觸。由編輯和資深記者西亞蘭·卡蒂(Ciaran Carty)提供的照片和充滿魅力的評論穿插其中,揭示出這些原本不同的人物之間令人驚訝的,常常是意想不到的相互聯繫。這些作品單獨提供了一些世界上最具創造力難得一見的思想;他們共同探討諸如歷史、政治、性和階級等話題,同時也反映了愛爾蘭主要評論家和廣播公司之一傑出而廣泛的職業生涯。這本書充斥著軼事,個人供詞和熱情的宣言,是文學愛好者和有抱負的作家的權威收藏。

Margaret Atwood, Derek Walcott, Seamus Heaney and Salman Rushdie feature in this collection of over forty interviews with award-winning authors. This is a genre-crossing collection of interviews and essays that recounts in intimate detail encounters with many of the world’s foremost writers. Interspersed are photos as well as a charismatic commentary, provided by editor and veteran journalist Ciaran Carty, revealing a surprising, often unexpected interconnectedness between these otherwise distinct figures. Individually, these pieces provide a rare glimpse inside some of the world’s most creative minds; collectively, they address topics such as history, politics, sexuality, and class, while also reflecting the distinguished and wide-ranging career of one of Ireland’s leading critics and broadcasters. Filled with laugh-out-loud anecdotes, personal confessions, and passionate declarations, this book is the definitive collection for literature enthusiasts and aspiring writers alike.

Ciaran Carty (Auther) 

Publisher:The Lilliput Press; Illustrated. 


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