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The Republic



R. E. Allen對柏拉圖對話因其忠實和可讀性而受到讚揚。多年以來他翻譯《共和國》。這位傑出的古典主義者所做的努力,使柏拉圖的作品以提供可讀和準確的翻譯形式。這是柏拉圖最偉大的對話的全新、清晰的翻譯,這是自F. M. Cornford's和G. M. A. Grube的演繹出版以來的第一代主要英語翻譯。可能會成為未來幾年的標準翻譯。


A major new translation of one of the central works of Western Civilization

R. E. Allen's highly regarded translations of the dialogues of Plato have been praised for their faithfulness and readability. Many years in the making, his translation of The Republic has been eagerly awaited. It comes now to crown a distinguished classicist's efforts to make Plato's works available in readable and accurate translations. This new, lucid translation of Plato's greatest dialogue is the first major translation in English since the publication of F. M. Cornford's and G. M. A. Grube's renditions more than a generation ago. It is likely to be the standard translation for years to come.

This edition, intended for the student and general reader, is accompanied by Allen's notes and introduction. The Republic is, of course, many things: metaphysics and epistemology, moral psychology and ethics, educational theory and aesthetics, and poetry and eschatology. In his introduction, Allen takes up its threshold question-the political-and argues that its particular formulation by Plato had a direct and profound influence on the Founding Fathers and the development of American constitutional law.

Plato (Auther) 

Publisher:Yale University Press 

ISBN: 9780300136371


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