Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory.png

Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory : Feminism and Retelling the Tale


在1970年代,Jean Baker Miller和Nancy Chodorow等女權主義的精神分析理論家正在挑戰那些以男性心理為人類發展和心理情緒健康准則的早期模型,Anne Sexton,Olga Broumass和Angela Carter等作家著手進行自己的修正項目,以傳統性別角色為基礎,為童話和古典神話注入新的活力。同樣,在1990年代,第二波女權主義臨床醫生繼續了Chodorow和Miller開始的工作,而奇幻作家包括Terry Windling,Tanith Lee,Terry Pratchett和Catherynne M. Valente都從1970年代的修正主義作家那裡汲取了靈感。正如沙諾斯所言,這二十年對於藝術家和精神分析理論家來說都是特別富有成果的時代,他們關注與婦女的自我意識發展有關的問題。撇開這兩種女權主義精神分析理論的局限性,它們的影響是不可否認的。


At the same time that 1970s feminist psychoanalytic theorists like Jean Baker Miller and Nancy Chodorow were challenging earlier models that assumed the masculine psyche as the norm for human development and mental/emotional health, writers such as Anne Sexton, Olga Broumass, and Angela Carter were embarked on their own revisionist project to breathe new life into fairy tales and classical myths based on traditional gender roles. Similarly, in the 1990s, second-wave feminist clinicians continued the work begun by Chodorow and Miller, while writers of fantasy that include Terry Windling, Tanith Lee, Terry Pratchett, and Catherynne M. Valente took their inspiration from revisionist authors of the 1970s. As Schanoes shows, these two decades were both particularly fruitful eras for artists and psychoanalytic theorists concerned with issues related to the development of women's sense of self. Putting aside the limitations of both strains of feminist psychoanalytic theory, their influence is undeniable. Schanoes's book posits a new model for understanding both feminist psychoanalytic theory and feminist retellings, one that emphasizes the interdependence of theory and art and challenges the notion that literary revision involves a masculinist struggle with the writer's artistic forbearers.

Veronica L. Schanoes  (Author) 


ISBN:   978-1138248076 


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