Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory
Paul Blackledge批判性地探索了恩格斯對整個現代社會和政治理論特別是對馬克思主義的貢獻。透過仔細研究恩格斯在1840年代鍛造馬克思主義中的作用,以及他對下一個半世紀這種世界觀的進一步深化和擴展所作的貢獻,布萊克利奇對他的思想進行了密切的爭論和平衡。這本書挑戰了馬克思主義學者長期以來將恩格斯詆毀馬克思最大錯誤的嘗試,並得出結論認為恩格斯是一位深刻的思想家,其思想一直延續至今。
In this comprehensive overview of Friedrich Engels's writings, Paul Blackledge critically explores Engels's contributions to modern social and political theory generally and Marxism specifically. Through a careful examination both of Engels's role in the forging of Marxism in the 1840s, and his contributions to the further deepening and expansion of this worldview over the next half century, Blackledge offers a closely argued and balanced assessment of his thought. This book challenges the long-standing attempt among academic Marxologists to denigrate Engels as Marx's greatest mistake, and concludes that Engels was a profound thinker whose ideas continue to resonate to this day.
Paul Blackledge (Author)
Publisher:SUNY Press
ISBN: 978-1438476872