Western Civilization : A Brief History, International Edition
通過簡短,最暢銷的WESTERN CIVILIZATION 8E國際版了解過去,將當今世界置於現實中,該在課程中已幫助成千上萬的學生。傑克•斯皮爾沃格爾(Jack Spielvogel)引人入勝的寫作風格將歷史的政治、經濟、社會、宗教、知識,文化和軍事方面編織成一個令人難忘的故事,具有啟發性。您還將接觸到主要的源文檔-實際的歷史文檔,它們是您在本章中閱讀的歷史分析的基礎。
Put the world today into context by learning about the past through the brief, best-selling WESTERN CIVILIZATION, 8E, International Edition that has helped thousands of students succeed in the course. Jack Spielvogel's engaging style of writing weaves the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural, and military aspects of history into a gripping story that is as memorable as it is instructive. You will also be exposed to primary source documents-actual historical documents that are the foundation for the historical analysis you read in the chapter.
These documents include letters, poems, and songs through history-documents that enliven the past. Throughout the book there are also helpful tools to help you digest the reading, including outlines, focus questions, chronologies, numerous maps, and boldface key terms with definitions.
Jackson J. Spielvogel (Editor)
Publisher:Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-1133607991
原價NT$2850 優惠價 NT1260
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