Galactic Dynamics : Second Edition
Galactic Dynamics已經成為應用最廣泛的高級星系結構和動力學教科書,也是天體物理學中被引用次數最多的參考書之一。現在,在這本廣泛修訂和更新的版本中,James Binney和Scott Tremaine描述了這一主題最近取得的巨大進展,使Galactic Dynamics成為高級本科生,研究生和研究人員可用的銀河系天體物理最權威的介紹。本書的每一部分都經過徹底翻修,許多部分已經完全重寫。
這個經典文本的新版本是該領域的權威性介紹。 *完整修訂和更新天體物理學中引用最多的參考文獻*全面描述星系和其他恆星系統的動力學結構和演變*作為研究生教科書和研究人員資源*包括20個彩色插圖, 205個數字和超過200個問題*涵蓋引力N體問題,分層星系形成,星系合併,暗物質,螺旋結構,數值模擬,軌道和混沌,恆星系統的平衡和穩定性,雙星和星體的演化星團和更多*與Galactic Astronomy相關的量,這是關於星系和星團現象學的權威性書籍
Since it was first published in 1987, Galactic Dynamics has become the most widely used advanced textbook on the structure and dynamics of galaxies and one of the most cited references in astrophysics. Now, in this extensively revised and updated edition, James Binney and Scott Tremaine describe the dramatic recent advances in this subject, making Galactic Dynamics the most authoritative introduction to galactic astrophysics available to advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers. Every part of the book has been thoroughly overhauled, and many sections have been completely rewritten.
Many new topics are covered, including N-body simulation methods, black holes in stellar systems, linear stability and response theory, and galaxy formation in the cosmological context. Binney and Tremaine, two of the world's leading astrophysicists, use the tools of theoretical physics to describe how galaxies and other stellar systems work, succinctly and lucidly explaining theoretical principles and their applications to observational phenomena. They provide readers with an understanding of stellar dynamics at the level needed to reach the frontiers of the subject.
This new edition of the classic text is the definitive introduction to the field. * A complete revision and update of one of the most cited references in astrophysics * Provides a comprehensive description of the dynamical structure and evolution of galaxies and other stellar systems * Serves as both a graduate textbook and a resource for researchers * Includes 20 color illustrations, 205 figures, and more than 200 problems * Covers the gravitational N-body problem, hierarchical galaxy formation, galaxy mergers, dark matter, spiral structure, numerical simulations, orbits and chaos, equilibrium and stability of stellar systems, evolution of binary stars and star clusters, and much more * Companion volume to Galactic Astronomy, the definitive book on the phenomenology of galaxies and star clusters
James Binney (Editor) (Autor)
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 978-0691130279
原價 US 105 台幣價 NT$:3360 優惠價:1500