Confessions, Volume II Books 9–13 (Loeb Classical Library).png

Confessions, Volume II: Books 9–13 (Loeb Classical Library)


Aurelius Augustine(公元354 - 430年)是西方基督教和哲學發展史上最重要的人物之一,他是異教徒帕特里修斯和他的基督徒妻子蒙尼卡的兒子。在學習成為修辭學者的同時,他陷入了一場哲學和心理疑惑的混亂之中,導致他成為摩尼教徒。在383年,他搬到了羅馬,然後搬到米蘭教授修辭。儘管他探索了古典哲學體系,特別是懷疑主義和新柏拉圖主義,但他與他的朋友Alypius一起研究保羅的信件,以及傳安布羅斯主教,導致他從混合信仰到基督教的重大轉變。他很快回到了塔加斯特並建立了一個宗教社區,並於395年或396年成為河馬主教。


Aurelius Augustine (354-430 CE), one of the most important figures in the development of western Christianity and philosophy, was the son of a pagan, Patricius of Tagaste, and his Christian wife, Monnica. While studying to become a rhetorician, he plunged into a turmoil of philosophical and psychological doubts, leading him to Manichaeism. In 383 he moved to Rome and then Milan to teach rhetoric. Despite exploring classical philosophical systems, especially skepticism and neoplatonism, his studies of Paul's letters with his friend Alypius, and the preaching of Bishop Ambrose, led in 386 to his momentous conversion from mixed beliefs to Christianity. He soon returned to Tagaste and founded a religious community, and in 395 or 396 became Bishop of Hippo.

Confessions, composed ca. 397, is a spiritual autobiography of Augustine's early life, family, personal and intellectual associations, and explorations of alternative religious and theological viewpoints as he moved toward his conversion. Cast as a prayer addressed to God, though always conscious of its readers, Confessions offers a gripping personal story and a philosophical exploration destined to have broad and lasting impact, all delivered with Augustine's characteristic brilliance as a stylist.

  Augustine  (Autor)

Publisher: Harvard University Press 

ISBN:    978-0674996939 

原價      US:26 : 台幣價 NT$:870 

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