Lowering the Bar: Lawyer Jokes and Legal Culture
律師笑話。降低律師分析從馬克·吐溫經典的數百笑話到丹奎爾,約翰尼·科克倫和肯尼思·斯塔爾當代軼事。 Galanter根據法律和律師在大眾傳媒,政治話語和輿論調查中的表現,發現日益依賴法律與社會“合法化”的焦慮共存並不安全。這本書內容翔實,總是有趣,探討了美國人對法律的深層信念與對律師的矛盾心理之間的緊張關係。
What do you call 600 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? Marc Galanter calls it an opportunity to investigate the meanings of a rich and time-honored genre of American humor: lawyer jokes. Lowering the Bar analyzes hundreds of jokes from Mark Twain classics to contemporary anecdotes about Dan Quayle, Johnnie Cochran, and Kenneth Starr. Drawing on representations of law and lawyers in the mass media, political discourse, and public opinion surveys, Galanter finds that the increasing reliance on law has coexisted uneasily with anxiety about the “legalization” of society. Informative and always entertaining, his book explores the tensions between Americans’ deep-seated belief in the law and their ambivalence about lawyers.
Marc Galanter(Autor)
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press
ISBN: 978-0299213541
原價 US:26.95 NT$:940 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌