Continental Philosophy A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy).png

Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)


它介紹了傳統的起源和發展,追溯到康德到今天。 Andrew Cutrofello以明確的主題方式介紹和評估了大陸哲學與倫理學,人文主義,現象學,政治學和形而上學等哲學基本問題的關係,圍繞以下問題進行了集中:
安德魯Cutrofello的風格是活潑和吸引力。他還介紹了大陸傳統的主要以及鮮為人知的思想家:從康德,密爾,尼采,胡塞爾到海德格爾,梅洛 - 龐蒂,薩維·列維納斯,巴塔耶和克里斯蒂娃。
Continental Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is ideal for students coming to the topic for the first time. It introduces the origins and development of the tradition, tracing it from Kant to the present day. Taking a clear thematic approach, Andrew Cutrofello introduces and assesses continental philosophy’s relation to fundamental questions in philosophy, such as ethics, humanism, phenomenology, politics and metaphysics, centring the book around the following questions:
What is knowledge?
What is moral obligation?
For what should we hope?
What is ‘man’?
What is critique?
Andrew Cutrofello’s style is lively and engaging. He also introduces the major as well as the lesser-known thinkers of the continental tradition: from Kant, Mill and Nietzsche and Husserl to Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre Levinas, Bataille and Kristeva.

  Andrew Cutrofello(Autor)



ISBN:  978-0415242097 

原價   £ :18.99  NT$:1100  ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌


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