Magical Marxism: Subversive Politics and the Imagination (Marxism and Culture)
神奇的馬克思主義 - 更有趣和更自由的東西。它要求我們設想一個超越階級辯論,國家作用和無產階級專政的馬克思主義。梅里菲爾脫離了正統的馬克思主義批判的形式主義束縛,主張重新考慮馬克思主義及其潛力,運用以前未曾探索過的馬克思主義思想方法,揭示重要的新的政治激進主義和辯論模式。
Magical Marxism demands something more of traditional Marxism - something more interesting and liberating. It asks that we imagine a Marxism that moves beyond debates about class, the role of the state and the dictatorship of the proletariat. In escaping the formalist straitjacket of orthodox Marxist critique, Merrifield argues for a reconsideration of Marxism and its potential, applying previously unexplored approaches to Marxist thinking that will reveal vital new modes of political activism and debate.
This book will provoke and inspire in equal measure. It gives us a Marxism for the 21st century, which offers dramatic new possibilities for political engagement.
Andy Merrifield (Autor)
Publisher: Pluto Press
ISBN: 978-0745330594
原價 £17.99 NT$:930 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌