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Teaching Astronomy in Schools



Originally published in 1962, as a second edition of a 1956 original, this book was designed as a classroom guide to teach school students the fundamental principals of astronomy. The book came into fruition through the noticeable imbalance, prevalent at the time, of teaching astronomy at university level and not, or barely at all, at school level. Chapters are readily understandable with clear subject headings such as 'In the open air', 'The school telescope' and 'Teaching aids'. Diagrams, a bibliography and an index are included for reference. This book will be of great value to scholars of the history of education.

   Ernest Agar Beet(Autor)


Publisher: Cambridge University Press 

ISBN:  978-1316509791  

原價: US26.99       特價:940  ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌


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