The Chemical Cosmos: A Guided Tour (Astronomers' Universe)
您曾經想過我們如何從“大爆炸”宇宙的真實中脫穎而出,讓生物開始形成,並演變成像你,你的朋友和你的家人等等......。史蒂夫·米勒(Steve Miller)向我們介紹了宇宙的化學演化,從形成第一個分子到生命所需的化學物質。使用一個簡單的氫分子 - 被稱為H-three-plus,他帶我們參與從第一顆星誕生開始的旅程,在死亡中,他們如何將自己的心投入到豐富宇宙。
一路上,我們遇到了形成對宇宙化學的認識的關鍵人物,如劍橋物理學家J.J。湯姆森和芝加哥化學家Takeshi Oka。天文學家如何利用望遠鏡和地球軌道衛星將我們現代化的化學宇宙觀看成一體。
If you have ever wondered how we get from the awesome impersonality of the Big Bang universe to the point where living creatures can start to form, and evolve into beings like you, your friends and your family, wonder no more. Steve Miller provides us with a tour through the chemical evolution of the universe, from the formation of the first molecules all the way to the chemicals required for life to evolve. Using a simple Hydrogen molecule – known as H-three-plus - as a guide, he takes us on a journey that starts with the birth of the first stars, and how, in dying, they pour their hearts out into enriching the universe in which we live.
Our molecular guide makes its first appearance at the source of the Chemical Cosmos, at a time when only three elements and a total of 11 molecules existed. From those simple beginnings, H-three-plus guides us down river on the violent currents of exploding stars, through the streams of the Interstellar Medium, and into the delta where new stars and planets form. We are finally left on the shores of the sea of life. Along the way, we meet the key characters who have shaped our understanding of the chemistry of the universe, such as Cambridge physicist J.J. Thomson and the Chicago chemist Takeshi Oka. And we are given an insider’s view of just how astronomers, making use of telescopes and Earth-orbiting satellites, have put together our modern view of the Chemical Cosmos.
Steve Miller(Autor)
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 978-1441984432
原價 € 32.05 NT:1460 特價 NT:1300 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌