Practice Tests for the Cambridge Business English Certificate Level 1
BEC 1的劍橋實踐測試包含了UCLES商務英語證書第一級的四個完整實踐測試。由經驗豐富的BEC知識考試作者撰寫。這個水平的商務英語學生也可以使用這些測試進行評估和語言/技能練習。除了考試之外,本書還包含: - 完整的關鍵和技巧 - 針對學生和老師的考試指導 - 對不同論文的清晰標記標準,使其適合於自學和教室使用。隨附的CD包含聽力論文以及講話的示例,以使學生熟悉其目標。
Cambridge Practice Tests for BEC 1 contains four complete practice tests for level one of the UCLES Business English Certificate. Written by experienced test authors with extensive knowledge of BEC, they provide a valuable opportunity for pre-exam practice of this increasingly important exam. The tests can also be used by Business English students at this level for assessment and language/skills practice. In addition to the tests, the book also contains: - complete key and tapescripts - guidance on the exam for students and for the teacher - clear marking criteria for the different papers making it suitable for both self-study and classroom use. The accompanying cassette contains the recorded material for the Listening papers, plus an example of the Speaking Paper, to familiarise students with its aims and objectives.
Patricia Aspinall (Autor)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521595674
原價 £8.3 特價 NT:390 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌
Cambridge BEC 3 : Examination Papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
劍橋BEC 3提供四個完整的實踐測試,這些測試是劍橋大學本地考試聯合會的過往文章。因此,它們是權威性和確定性的。他們為學習者提供了自己或與其他在上課的學生進行高水平考試的機會。該書附有一張錄音帶,為學生準備聽力和口語文件。
Cambridge BEC 3 provides four complete practice tests that are past papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. As such, they are authoritative and definitive. They provide learners with the opportunity to prepare thoroughly for this high level exam either on their own or with other students in class. The book is accompanied by a cassette which prepares students for the Listening and Speaking papers. In addition to the four sets of tests, there is guidance on the exam plus the complete key and audio tapescripts.
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate(Autor)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521000048
原價 £8.3 NT:420 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌
Cambridge BEC Higher 1 : Practice Tests from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
Four complete Practice Tests from UCLES plus answer key, audio transcripts and introduction to the exam. Providing the most authentic exam preparation available, these past papers allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. Books are numbered to indicate how many are available. Numbers do not refer to levels.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521752893
原價 £21.50 特價 NT:470 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌
Cambridge BEC Higher 2 Self Study Pack: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Level 2 (BEC Practice Tests)
Four complete Practice Tests from UCLES plus answer key, audio transcripts and introduction to the exam. Providing the most authentic exam preparation available, these past papers allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. Books are numbered to indicate how many are available. Numbers do not refer to levels.
Cambridge ESOL(Autor)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521544597
原價 US:30 特價NT : 790 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌
Cambridge BEC Higher 3 Self Study Pack (BEC Practice Tests)
Four complete Practice Tests from UCLES plus answer key, audio transcripts and introduction to the exam. Providing the most authentic exam preparation available, these past papers allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. Books are numbered to indicate how many are available. Numbers do not refer to levels.
Cambridge ESOL(Autor)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521672047
原價 US:30 特價 NT : 880 ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌