A Student%5Cs Guide to Dimensional Analysis.png

A Student's Guide to Dimensional Analysis





This introduction to dimensional analysis covers the methods, history and formalisation of the field, and provides physics and engineering applications. Covering topics from mechanics, hydro- and electrodynamics to thermal and quantum physics, it illustrates the possibilities and limitations of dimensional analysis. Introducing basic physics and fluid engineering topics through the mathematical methods of dimensional analysis, this book is perfect for students in physics, engineering and mathematics. Explaining potentially unfamiliar concepts such as viscosity and diffusivity, the text includes worked examples and end-of-chapter problems with answers provided in an accompanying appendix, which help make it ideal for self-study. Long-standing methodological problems arising in popular presentations of dimensional analysis are also identified and solved, making the book a useful text for advanced students and professionals.

  Don S. Lemons(Autor)


Publisher: Cambridge University Press 

ISBN:  978-1316613818 

原價 US:24.99        優惠價 US:21.99 NT:750   ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌

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