Stop and Frisk: The Use and Abuse of a Controversial Policing Tactic
Stop and Frisk講述瞭如何以及為什麼發生這種情況的故事,並提供了警察部門可以更好地為其公民服務的方式。他們還提供了一個令人信服的論據,即阻止和快速行動對紐約犯罪率的下降沒有太大貢獻。
While much of the book focuses on the NYPD’s use of stop and frisk, examples are also shown from police departments around the country, including Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Newark and Detroit. White and Fradella argue that not only does stop and frisk have a legal place in 21st-century policing but also that it can be judiciously used to help deter crime in a way that respects the rights and needs of citizens. They also offer insight into the history of racial injustice that has all too often been a feature of American policing’s history and propose concrete strategies that every police department can follow to improve the way they police. A hard-hitting yet nuanced analysis, Stop and Frisk shows how the tactic can be a just act of policing and, in turn, shows how to police in the best interest of citizens.
Michael D. White(Autor)
Publisher: NYU Press
ISBN: 978-1479835881
原價 US: 30