Twelve Characters : A Transmission of Wang Fengyi's Teachings
王鳳儀的啟發部分在於他能夠通過五個階段的視角清楚地看到人際關係和人類情感的複雜性,以比以前在中醫學方面更完整和詳細的方式。利用這種理解,他開發了一種方法來了解疾病的深層根源,以及它們如何與心靈直接相關。這本書提供了他在治療情緒創傷和治療精神疾病,精神疾病和軀體疾病方面獲得的見解的總結;協調人際關係;並通過表達我們每一個天性,最終在服務於宇宙更大利益的生活中找到真正的意義。 Heiner Fruehauf博士要求我將劉力宏博士的建議翻譯為對王鳳儀教導的理想介紹和總結,並補充了“讓陽光四射”的劉師傅的個人簡歷王鳳儀的教誨在他的生活中的運用。
Twelve Characters is the second book I have translated on Wang Fengyi's teachings, after "Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth." It is a more systematic and comprehensive account of his teachings, containing the Chinese text side-by-side with my English translation. This beautiful book offers the reader a survey of the whole system of "Five Element emotional healing" from the ground up in a clear, easy-to-follow presentation that is concise and seemingly simple, yet so deep and powerful.
Wang Fengyi's enlightenment was in part his ability to see clearly the complexity of human relationships and human emotions through the lens of the Five Phases, in a much more complete and detailed way than had previously been done in Chinese medicine. Using this understanding, he developed a way to understand the deep roots of disease and how they are directly linked to the Heart‐mind. This book offers a summary of the insights he gained into healing emotional trauma and thereby treating mental, spiritual, and physical disease; harmonizing human relationships; and ultimately finding true meaning in a life of service to the greater good of the universe through an expression of each of our Heavenly Nature. Dr. Heiner Fruehauf requested that I translate it, at the suggestion of Dr. Liu Lihong, as the ideal introduction to and summary of Wang Fengyi's teachings, and a complement to "Let the Radiant Yang Shine Forth," the biographical account of Master Liu's application of Wang Fengyi's teachings in his life.
Fengyi Wang (Autor)
Publisher: Happy Goat Productions
ISBN: 978-0991342921
原價 US 35 台幣價 NT$:1268