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One Man Show Poetics and Presence in the Iliad and Odyssey (Hellenic Studies Series).png

One Man Show : Poetics and Presence in the <Iliad> and <Odyssey>






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Andromache, Hecuba, Trojan Women.png

Andromache, Hecuba, Trojan Women


Diane Arnson Svarlien(Euripides)的《Andromache》,《 Hecuba》和《Trojan Women》的譯本具有相同的學術和詩意標準,贏得了讚譽。露絲·斯考德爾(Ruth Scodel)的《導言》考察了Euripides寫作所處的文化和政治背景,並提供對所包含戲劇的主題、結構和特徵的分析。她的筆記為初次接觸這些作品的讀者提供了專家指導。

Diane Arnson Svarlien's translation of Euripides' Andromache, Hecuba, and Trojan Women exhibits the same scholarly and poetic standards that have won praise for her Alcestis, Medea, Hippolytus. Ruth Scodel's Introduction examines the cultural and political context in which Euripides wrote, and provides analysis of the themes, structure, and characters of the plays included. Her notes offer expert guidance to readers encountering these works for the first time.



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The Iliad


《伊利亞特》是西方文學史上最偉大的史詩之一,講述了特洛伊戰爭的故事。這首永恆的詩仍然生動地傳達了人類和神靈在毀滅和破壞中戰鬥的恐怖和英雄主義,因為它走向了悲劇性的結局。伯納德·諾克斯(Bernard Knox)在引言中指出,儘管伊利亞特(Iliad)的暴力行徑嚴酷無情,但它與文明生活的圖像和對和平的強烈渴望並存。

One of the greatest epics in Western literature, THE ILIAD recounts the story of the Trojan wars. This timeless poem still vividly conveys the horror and heroism of men and gods battling amidst devastation and destruction, as it moves to its tragic conclusion. In his introduction, Bernard Knox observes that although the violence of the Iliad is grim and relentless, it co-exists with both images of civilized life and a poignant yearning for peace.

Homer (Auther) 


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The Republic



R. E. Allen對柏拉圖對話因其忠實和可讀性而受到讚揚。多年以來他翻譯《共和國》。這位傑出的古典主義者所做的努力,使柏拉圖的作品以提供可讀和準確的翻譯形式。這是柏拉圖最偉大的對話的全新、清晰的翻譯,這是自F. M. Cornford's和G. M. A. Grube的演繹出版以來的第一代主要英語翻譯。可能會成為未來幾年的標準翻譯。



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Tragédies, tome 1 : Les Trachiniennes - Antigone




« On ne peut savoir, pour aucun mortel, avant q'il soit mort, si sa vie fut bonne ou mauvaise », tel est l’adage qui ouvre les « Trachiniennes » et qui traverse l’œuvre de Sophocle. Or pour le poète, les Anciens n’eurent guère de mal à trancher, si bien que Sophocle était presque devenu une figure emblématique de l’homme heureux : mort à plus de 90 ans, il avait accumulé les succès tant poétiques que politiques et mourut en 406, juste avant les crises puis l’effondrement de la démocratie. Le paradoxe veut que cet homme, dont le sort semble si fortuné, soit l’auteur essentiellement de tragédies. Victorieux plus de 72 fois aux Dionysies, il aurait écrit plus de 120 pièces, la plupart dans la seconde moitié de sa vie, voire dans son extrême vieillesse.


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Winckelmann's "Philosophy of Art": A Prelude to German Classicism



John Harry North試圖找出他對待古典美的主要特徵,特別是在他對大型古典雕塑的著名描述中。提供了五個案例研究來展示構成其藝術哲學核心的學術古典主義。



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Confessions, Volume II Books 9–13 (Loeb Classical Library).png

Confessions, Volume II: Books 9–13 (Loeb Classical Library)


Aurelius Augustine(公元354 - 430年)是西方基督教和哲學發展史上最重要的人物之一,他是異教徒帕特里修斯和他的基督徒妻子蒙尼卡的兒子。在學習成為修辭學者的同時,他陷入了一場哲學和心理疑惑的混亂之中,導致他成為摩尼教徒。在383年,他搬到了羅馬,然後搬到米蘭教授修辭。儘管他探索了古典哲學體系,特別是懷疑主義和新柏拉圖主義,但他與他的朋友Alypius一起研究保羅的信件,以及傳安布羅斯主教,導致他從混合信仰到基督教的重大轉變。他很快回到了塔加斯特並建立了一個宗教社區,並於395年或396年成為河馬主教。


Aurelius Augustine (354-430 CE), one of the most important figures in the development of western Christianity and philosophy, was the son of a pagan, Patricius of Tagaste, and his Christian wife, Monnica. While studying to become a rhetorician, he plunged into a turmoil of philosophical and psychological doubts, leading him to Manichaeism. In 383 he moved to Rome and then Milan to teach rhetoric. Despite exploring classical philosophical systems, especially skepticism and neoplatonism, his studies of Paul's letters with his friend Alypius, and the preaching of Bishop Ambrose, led in 386 to his momentous conversion from mixed beliefs to Christianity. He soon returned to Tagaste and founded a religious community, and in 395 or 396 became Bishop of Hippo.


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Confessions, Volume I Books 1–8 (Loeb Classical Library).png

Confessions, Volume I: Books 1–8 (Loeb Classical Library)


Aurelius Augustine(公元354 - 430年)是西方基督教和哲學發展史上最重要的人物之一,他是異教徒帕特里修斯和他的基督徒妻子蒙尼卡的兒子。在學習成為修辭學者的同時,他陷入了一場哲學和心理疑惑的混亂之中,導致他成為摩尼教徒。在383年,他搬到了羅馬,然後搬到米蘭教授修辭。儘管他探索了古典哲學體系,特別是懷疑主義和新柏拉圖主義,但他與他的朋友Alypius一起研究保羅的信件,以及傳安布羅斯主教,導致他從混合信仰到基督教的重大轉變。他很快回到了塔加斯特並建立了一個宗教社區,並於395年或396年成為河馬主教。


Aurelius Augustine (354-430 CE), one of the most important figures in the development of western Christianity and philosophy, was the son of a pagan, Patricius of Tagaste, and his Christian wife, Monnica. While studying to become a rhetorician, he plunged into a turmoil of philosophical and psychological doubts, leading him to Manichaeism. In 383 he moved to Rome and then Milan to teach rhetoric. Despite exploring classical philosophical systems, especially skepticism and neoplatonism, his studies of Paul's letters with his friend Alypius, and the preaching of Bishop Ambrose, led in 386 to his momentous conversion from mixed beliefs to Christianity. He soon returned to Tagaste and founded a religious community, and in 395 or 396 became Bishop of Hippo.


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